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Everything posted by CadetStimpy

  1. Tango lets you see more of your world. Just hold up your phone, and watch as virtual objects and information appear on top of your surroundings. Looks pretty cool! I believe this technology (and many others) with eventually be "integrated" with us biologically. Hmmm... The Borg? It's just a matter of time. [Insert diabolical laugh here] Hey, at least the Borg get along with each other, like ants or bees. No killing each other!
  2. Good luck, kerszr. You'll eventually be able to reclaim that spare room.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy0bpSyeCuQ
  4. (Click on the artist's rendition)
  5. Sony executive confirms PlayStation 4.5 (code-named 'Neo' (Neo? One of my all-time favs: Subway Showdown scene in The Matrix!)) exists, but won't be at E3. (Click here for more)
  6. SentaiBrad said Check the box to use the folder name. I am curious, since it uses the exe name I wonder if it will use the folder name that those exe's are in instead of Desktop. :P When I drag/drop the game shortcuts into LaunchBox, and it starts going through the DOS Import Wizard, the only Checkbox I see anywhere that has anything to do with directories and/or folders, is this screen: When proceeding from this screen, I get the same thing as Reply #6, but perhaps I misunderstood your instructions altogether (partially ). SentaiBrad said if I recall you can double click the name box and rename them... but I can't remember exactly so I might be making that up. xD A single-click in the Name box and the name can be changed.
  7. lordmonkus said Hells yeah. This is a game the so desperately needs an HD remaster. I wish all classic and/or bad-ass games were remastered. Space Invaders or Pac-Man with 2016 graphics? Granted, the game-play is quite basic, but with 'improved' graphics? It could spawn a resurgence. [Resolution observation: If my cable company's service is choking, and I'm only getting 'Standard Def', I notice it immediately.] When I play NES games on a 'big screen' TV, the resolution isn't the same as on an 'old school' 20" set (of course). Math thing, no doubt. Picture expanded twice = half the resolution (it's probably logrithmic, or something, so my math is probably flawed). But, anyway, 'old school' graphics expanded = lousy picture. Does anyone know of a way to 'upscale' the resolution (if it's even possible, so more clarity could be achieved)?
  8. All ya gotta do is install the Beta Version of GOG Galaxy and then you can claim the Freebie. Log into your account and scroll down a bit until you see this:
  9. Well, I recreated a few BigFish game Shortcuts on my Desktop to try that importing method, but when I do, it gives all the games identical names (see below). I'm gonna have to rename every one of them, aren't I? (I have many more than in this test).
  10. Not really VR, exactly, but the Divers Augmented Vision Display (DAVD) is a high-resolution, see-through head-up display (HUD) embedded directly inside of a diving helmet. The Polo shirt notwithstanding, this reminded me a little of BioShock.
  11. FWIW, I just added a bunch of MS Office Guides (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc.), as well as Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11, and Mac OS X Quick Reference Cards.
  12. Click here for more info on the Division movie and here for Assassin's Creed.
  13. SentaiBrad said Or, if you have a folder full of shortcuts you can drag and drop them in to LB, add them as MS-DOS, then use the Bulk Edit function to remove the need for DOS. Should also work. We have Shortcut importing planned actually so workarounds wont be needed for ever. Haha! That figures. Since BigFish has their own 'game launching program', I recently deleted the vast army of Shortcuts it had created, since I didn't need them anymore. P.S. The Shortcut Importing thing sounds nice. I love it that LB is constantly being improved.
  14. Dude, you found a TRS-80?!?! Perhaps you should contact Antique Roadshow or American Pickers!
  15. It is crazy! But wouldn't you need sophisticated equipment to extract anything out of Fuel Injector Cleaner? If they start 'checking' everything you can kill brain cells with, if you whiff it, it could slow-down the check-out line a bit. A few years ago I got "checked" for the proper age at the Self-Checkout when buying 6-pack of root beer. Turns-out, kids were replacing the brown root beer bottles with brown, plain ol' beer bottles. They'd scan the 6-pack cardboard thing, and Presto!, it's looks as if they're buying root beer.
  16. Just made my early morning store run (love the light traffic!), and while at the Self-Checkout, I had to wait for the clerk to “clear” a purchase I made. I needed to be 18 to purchase Fuel Injector Cleaner (upon seeing me, the clerk didn’t ‘card’ me – apparently I appear to be over 18). What in the Hell are these Meth-head types extracting out of Fuel Injector Cleaner? Maybe they’re just sniffing it…?
  17. Jason, LaunchBox is up to about 100 Floppies now! I recall my last big, diskette install (at place of employment). Microsoft Office v2.0 (may have been starting to come out on CD's, too). A whopping 29 diskettes! At around 2 minutes/diskette, it wasn't a speedy install.
  18. Obviously, LaunchBox is 'the knight in shining armor' when it comes to resolving many gaming hardware compatibility issues, with the Gaming Miracle of Emulation, with a mostly idiot-proof GUI, to the rescue! However, I often decide to struggle with getting somewhat incompatible hardware working together (I don't know why I put myself through the grief. I suppose it's the challange, and more realistic than climbing to the summit of Mt. Everest). Anyway, you may recall me mentioning in a different Thread, when I upgraded my A/V Receiver and TV, my NES and Intellivision no longer worked (I suspect the TV). With the Intellivision, I was getting nothing (wired with the same wiring configuration as with my former stuff (TV was a Panasonic Plasma), but with the NES, I was seeing the games in Black-and-White, with no sound. Really? Black-and-White only? Argh! Anyway, as I finally get to the point, the use of the NES's 'Audio/Video side connectors' resolved the issue (RF connector by-passed)! Woo-Hoo! Still can't get the Intellivision to work, though. It only has the RF-type output connection - no separate A/V, and my new TV isn't goin' for it.
  19. If ya want a free Clipboard that, among other things, holds more than one thing at a time: M8 Free Clipboard (You can even save frequently used things 'permanently')!
  20. I just wanna find the best overall 'Tweaking Suite' and use it exclusively, instead of using different parts of different ones. Most of the time I don't really know if it's doing any good, anyway. Many so-called experts claim, for example, that Registry Cleaners really do very little to improve real-world performance, but I'm not personally inclined to experiment with it that much.
  21. SentaiBrad said The last 4-5 years though I started using ASC, and between that + Malwarebytes Antimalware I get very little issues with my systems or systems I put that software on. Interestingly, several years ago Malwarebytes sued (or was gonna sue) IOBits. Click here for details.
  22. Asus ROG (Republic of Gamers) Avalon [Not many wires!]
  23. It was amusing. Itman turned-out to be harmless, but he may be more skilled, now. I get calls now and then from people with an Indian accent (India/Pakistan) claiming to work for iolo (System Mechanic), and they've remotely detected an issue with my PC and would like to log into it, in order to rectify this potentially damaging situation. [iolo told me they don't do this, just as the IRS won't call you asking for money]. I usually just say unpleasant things regarding camels and what not - do they even have camels in India? ), then hang-up and report them (if I get a phone number). P.S. I'm gonna read that linked article "scamming the scammers", and see if there's any fun things suggested in there.
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