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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. Most people just don't care about it.
  2. What is the file name of the rom ? I just remove the game and media from my LB and re-imported the game and it imported perfectly fine. The file name was Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA).
  3. You download Mame from the actual Mame site, the downloads are labeled. You download roms from a good site that has them all in one big download which is labeled with the version number. If you download roms from a trash website that doesn't have them as a set and labeled than you have no clue what set they are from and are therefor practically useless.
  4. You know you can upload to the servers here if you wanted to right ? No need to use mega unless you want to for some reason. Good looking theme.
  5. Launchbox imports exactly what you tell it to, nothing more, nothing less. I think the issue might be the fact that the import rom feature under the tools menu is not really the best way to import games. The best way to actually import files into LB is the use your file manager and it's file search function to specify specific file types and then select all and drag into LB to start the import process. In this example with Saturn or any other disc based system that uses cue + bin images you would just do what Neil posted above. Now, even though I say the first method is not the best but it is better than certain other frontends where you either tell it to scan a directory and it imports every single file or the frontend imports only very specific file types while not allowing any sort of freedom from that.
  6. You posted some random quote without any context or link to where it occurred.
  7. The full set importer won't work with the rom copy tool because the full set importer doesn't use rom files but rather it uses the mame xml database file to import games.
  8. When it comes to arcade emulation you typically need to match the roms to the emulator version and when you use a mismatched set and emulator you get those kinds of messages. It even says so in the error message where it says it's looking for a specific file with a specific crc 32 (which is like an ID number) but it's not finding it.
  9. That's rom error, you aren't using the correct rom that the emulator expects.
  10. Then you better get an updated rom set for it. You have 2 choices, match the rom set to your emulator or match the emulator to your rom set.
  11. Feel free to make your own list then. not like you can't add or remove a few games to match your taste.
  12. You may have an incorrect check box on or off in the edit emulator window for Mame in LB or you have the platform name not matching in the associated platforms window.
  13. .7z files are fine, I just tested it. If you use the full set importer it shouldn't matter what file extension your files are. The full set importer uses the mame database xml file to import the games, not your actual files. If you don't use the full set importer that shouldn't matter either. You just select all your files and drag them into LB to start the import tool.
  14. You need to have a premium license and then you can set a controller button combo press to exit the emulator. By default the button combo is setup to send the escape key command to the emulator which works perfectly for Retroarch and Mame as well as some other emulators. There are some emulators however that do not use the escape key and with those emulators in LB you will need to setup an extra AHK script in the edit emulator window to close those emulators out. Also, Launchbox and BigBox need you to set the button combo separately.
  15. It'll work but it would hurt performance significantly.
  16. Delete the 11.16 installer from your updates folder.
  17. Losing space on a drive is normal due to formatting and the fact the drive manufacturers round up the number. There is no reason at all to be storing roms on an SSD. The files are relatively tiny and do not gain any benefit from faster load times. SSDs are best utilized for the OS and large open world games with longer load times. Now having said that, there is some benefit to having LB installed on an SSD if you have a massive library imported due to the large xml files and media to go with it but personally I don't think it's worth it either.
  18. Don't use it from the start menu, use it from within file manager after you navigate to your Shenmue folder.
  19. Go to your Shenmue folder in file manager, where you have your 3 sub folders. Once there use the search function and search for *.cdi. This should only show any .gdi files you have in that folder and any sub folders, presumably just your 3 Shenmue gdi files. Select all 3 and drag into LB to start the import process. LB should combine them if you tell it to. If it doesn't then in LB select all 3 Shenmue entries, right click and combine.
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