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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. Too bad Nintendo have DMCA'd this and is no longer on their site so now if anyone wants it they have to look around for it. If anyone is looking and can't find it send me a PM and I will help out.
  2. I always have integer scale on but I also have a 1440 monitor so the bars on the top and bottom are very small compared to a 1080 monitor. I turned integer scale on out of habit from previous scanline shaders looking weird so now it's just on all the time. Kurozumi is tough to beat especially at higher resolutions (1400 and up). @1080 though other shaders will (again depending on personal preference) look better.
  3. I am fairly certain you will need to download manually and put the "Analog Shader Pack version 3" folder with all its contents in the "shaders\shaders_cg\" folder. This is what I have done and it works for me. Then you can navigate to \shaders_cg\Analog Shader Pack subfolder and browse for the presets.
  4. Yeah very subjective. I really like Wega RGB but it feels a bit "dark" (feels like the contrast is a tad high) but I am giving a good try though to see if I can get used to it. Kurozumi is still my favourite but maybe I will switch.
  5. Yeah for sure there are some minor problems here and there but after some more extensive testing I am even more amazed at the quality of this emulator for being just the first "experimental" release. 37 games now in my Saturn collection and they all work minus the 2 Cotton games which I know is just my rips being bad and Astal which crashes after about a minute. Almost every game works nearly flawless or with very minor graphical glitches. From my experience this is already better than Yabause by a huge margin and (again from my personal experience) is better than SSF. Hopefully we get a first Retroarch core for it soon but for now I am extremely happy with this and it's only going to get better.
  6. 1) Not when Launchbox is updated. I think I just misunderstood your question. I thought you meant for new downloads of emulators. 2) Retroarch cores are not automatically updated, You use the "Online Updater" within Retroarch to download cores and it will download whatever the latest one is, even if it is the same version as the one you already have. I wish Retroarch had an easier way to tell if there was a new version of a core available but sadly there isn't an easy way. The only way I know of is to just go to the Retroarch homepage and click at the top where it says "Nightlies" and browse through to the platform you are on and operating system version and then "latest". There you will see all the cores and the date they were last updated. Not the best way of doing it I know but is the only way I know of.
  7. How to make a downloaded dump of game with mp3 (and possibly wav files) work in Mednafen. I downloaded a dump of a game and it came with a whole bunch of mp3 audio tracks along with the cue & iso. Naturally Mednafen did not like this setup but SSF did so I set out to see if I could fix this because I could not find a proper dump. The first thing I did was convert the mp3s into wav using the Foobar audio player (then deleted the mp3s). Second I mounted the cue sheet with Daemon Tools Lite. Third I opened ImgBurn and selected "Create Image From Disk" and pointed it at the mounted game. I told it to out put to a bin file and it created the cue + bin. This was now in a usable form for Mednafen. There may be a shorter easier way to do this but this is the way that worked for me :)
  8. Glad it worked for you, though I still cannot get a working version of Cotton 2 or Cotton Boomerang. Using cdmage gets Boomerang to the Sega logo but freezes there. Not sure how much more effort I care to put into it since I have the Mame versions anyways. Cdmage worked on my copy of Clockwork Knight 2 which was an NA region.
  9. 1) That will depend on the emulator and the extent of the update. 2) Generally you can just make a new install of Retroarch and copy over your system and configs folders but like answer #1 that will depend on the extent of the update to Retroarch and the cores. Sometimes they change how certain things are done. Generally when I get a new emulator version I will make a new folder for it and play with it to make sure it is all working properly before telling Launchbox to use it for the platform. After setting up Retroarch or any other emulator a couple of times it doesn't take much time to get a new version up to speed and the settings you like.
  10. Here's a tip I just picked up on thanks to a person over on the reddit thread. Could save you some redownloading. Do a google search for "cdmage 1.2.1 B5", I downloaded the version from emuparadise. Run it and drag the cue sheet for the game that isn't working for you, let it do its thing for a second. Then select File > Save as and generate a new cue / bin. This new version of the game should work most of the time. It repaired all my non working games except for Cotton 2 and Cotton Boomerang. Boomerang will let me get to the Sega logo and freeze but Cotton 2 still doesn't load. Not sure if there is something else I can do yet. I know Panzer Dragoon Saga and Radiant Silvergun work, don't have any of the other games you listed as not working for you.
  11. You can use the FBA core in Retroarch and it's the way I would suggest to do it. FBA stand alone is good for what it is but it can be very cumbersome (or at least in my experience) to set up the controls because you have to do it for every game (at least in my experience, there could be some trick I missed). With the Retroarch core you get all the benefits of Retroarch including shaders and controls already set up for you.
  12. I want to update the command line switches I am using after spending the night playing around with this awesome emulator. These switches will make some pretty decent tweaks. -ss.scanlines 30 -ss.special nn2x -video.driver opengl -video.glvsync 0 -video.blit_timesync 0 -ss.input.port1 3dpad -cd.image_memcache 1 The first 2 switches are personal preference for looks so if you don't care about the scanlines and scaling then ignore them. The next 3 switches will reduce input lag according to the documentation. The ss.input.port1 3dpad sets the controller to use the analog controller. You will need to redo your controller settings if you had them done for a non analog controller before. This is better to use as the default since you will be binding your dpad and analog stick along with other buttons anyways and you can toggle between the 2 using the mode button which you will set in the binding process. The last switch, cd.image_memcache is a setting I found late and it made a nice little performance boost. It preloads the game into memory and got rid of the small micro stutters I noticed on occasion in some games.
  13. Try the command switch: -ss.stretch full If you look in the documentation folder that comes with the Mednafen download there is a bunch of html files, look for the one called ss.html. That one has all the documentation and commands for the Saturn emulation. Yeah this is the first release to the public and I agree it's already in a phenomenal state.
  14. Something just posted over on /r/emulation. "it currently doesn't support pal games, but that'll get added in other releases" Well that explains some of the limitations for now, can't have everything in the initial release now can we.
  15. Shameless copy and paste of my thoughts from my post I just put over on the Retroarch forums. LOL. Ok I just went through most if not all of them and the 2 that really stuck out to me the most was the Wega RGB TV and the Vintage Atari TV ones. The Atari one looked especially cool when loaded up with Atari 2600 games. The Wega one looked like it could be a contender to replace Royale-Kurozumi but I will need to do more playing to see what I really think of it but it has an interesting look. The rest are definitely not my style but I am sure they will appeal to someone which is the beauty of a pack like this. Most shaders in it won't appeal to everyone but there is a very strong chance there will be something in there for most people.
  16. Analog Shader Pack v3 Released. The user solid12345 over on the Retroarch forums has released his big pack of shaders. This adds a big pile of new shader effects for people to try and find that perfect look. Here is the link to the forum post with the download link over there http://libretro.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6577&p=44473&posted=1#post44473 I'm gonna go through them all now and see what I can find that I might use.
  17. Yeah it's so hard to say this early in what is causing some games to not work. Could just be the rip or just as easily just the emulation itself since it is just the first "experimental unstable" release. The fact that so much works so well already though is amazing. I did a redownload of Radient Silvergun and that fixed that game for me, Princess Crown is in the process of redownloading.
  18. Please please please add this one :) I have never asked you for anything Jason but me love you long time if you implement this feature.
  19. Yeah I need to redownload and test some of them. Radient Silvergun, Princess Crown and Sexy Parodius have been confirmed as working by a person over on https://www.reddit.com/r/emulation/
  20. Right now my working vs non working games are: Working: Blazing Dragons Darius II Darius Gaiden DonPachi Dragon Force II Guardian Heroes Magic Knight Rayearth (after getting a new copy) Nights Panzer Dragoon Panzer Dragoon Saga Soukyu Gurentai Otokuyo Not Working: Clockwork Knight 2 Cotton 2 Cotton Boomerang Herc's Adventures Keio Flying Squadron 2 (runtime error) Princess Crown Radient Silvergun Sexy Parodius I don't know if the games that don't work would work with a new image or not. My first Magic Knight Rayearth didn't work but a new copy fixed it. I have tried different downloads of the 2 Cotton games but no luck on either of them. If anyone has any games I listed working please let me know.
  21. Not sure what to tell you. I just downloaded that version of Gens to test and it's working fine for me. Switching back and forth between windowed and fullscreen causes no issues other than the bit of flicker while switching but it's normal. I'm using an Nvidia card and drivers as well though I am not on the latest drivers, just the drivers before though so they aren't really out of date.
  22. With the first release of Mednafen with Sega Saturn implemented I thought I would share my command line switch settings. The emulator will work and load games just fine without any at all but the picture will have a blur and no scanlines. Anyways here are the settings I am using, just put them in the Associated Platforms tab > Default Command-Line Parameters box. -ss.scanlines 30 -ss.special nn2x -video.driver opengl -video.glvsync 0 -video.blit_timesync 0 Scanlines go from 0-100, 0 being off and 100 being crazy overkill. Adjust to your liking, i found 30 to be a good balance without being overly done. The nn2x is the scaling of the picture, there are other settings but I found this one to suit my tastes to sharpen up the image without going too crazy with it. The last 3 settings are all settings to reduce input lag. All the possible command line switch settings are found in the documentation folder that comes with Mednafen if you wish to play around with them, look for the ss.html file. The ones I posted was just my personal settings I think work well and is what is seen in the video I posted in another thread about the Mednafen Saturn emulation.
  23. No not at all. Use either Retroarch FBA core or Mame for Neo Geo. Personally I use Mame but FBA works just as well. Once you get the basics of Launchbox figured it's pretty straight forward for almost all systems outside of some oddball situations like Saturn emulation using SSF and cd mounting.
  24. Alt + Enter to fullscreen it and it will remember that the next time you load any game.
  25. It is command line. Since my thread I started is still awaiting moderation I will just pots the bulk of it in here. It's labeled as unstable and experimental so keep that in mind. Here's how to get it working. First download the latest release from the Mednafen homepage. Extract it into it's own folder called whatever you want it to be, I called mine Mednafen (duh). Copy your Saturn bios into the root folder where the mednafen.exe is located. You will need to rename your north american and japan bios files. mpr-17933.bin for the NA, sega_101.bin for the JP. Add Mednafen to your emulators list in Launchbox and you can now tell your Saturn games to use Mednafen. If you have the correct bios files the games should load. Once a game has started you will need to configure your controls. Press Alt + Shift + 1 to setup controls for player one. You will have on screen prompts to press the corresponding buttons on your controller. Alt + Shift + 2 for player 2 controller. If you want some scanlines and a sharper image add the following command line switches in Launchbox in the Associated Platforms. -ss.scanlines 30 -ss.special nn2x Scanlines go from 1 to 100, 100 being more dark, I like 30 personally. Here is a 5 minute video showing off some Guardian Heroes. https://youtu.be/FG_yukgL9oY
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