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Everything posted by wallmachine

  1. don't say that I have it in a box waiting to be setup ?
  2. did you ever work this out? This might be the same losing focus issue I'm experiencing. This worked to not bring the taskbar up however I still have to physically click somewhere in BigBox. I'm using GameLoader ALL RH at the moment. The following option fixed BigBox taskbar pop-up but its not available in newer versions so now BigBox taskbar pops up and also other emulators (I just dealt with but now I'm using others more so its annoying)
  3. so shutdown themes are working with JVS loader now? I might not yet go over to JVS because of the lack of options with it and do not feel like setting everything up again with 200+ games that had to be done manually in Game Loader and then again in JVS.
  4. oh okay different to me then at the moment I'm just using keyboard ESC any other key set with Game Loader ALL RH crashes the game in LB/BB for me you know the usual pop-up make sure no other loader is present etc etc etc. I plan to use Xbox controller and cabinet buttons later though. Just wondering what version of Game Loader ALL RH are you using?
  5. no worries, if you turn on that forceful option both the startup and shutdown will appear at the same time.
  6. For me now no custom startup theme works but if i copy the code into the default startup folder it will work. Edit: Somewhere along from beta 8-9 and rolling back between the two something must of got corrupt its now working on a fresh install of LB. However Game Loader ALL RH does not display the Shutdown theme and it goes to the desktop or the taskbar appears above BB and if the game rotates to vertical BigBox themes get stuffed up.
  7. Having the Games Database scrape option checked in the wizard and Japan checked under Region Priorities and check 'Combine ROMs with matching titles into a single game' it will add them as you say into one Game. However if in BigBox I have turned off the 'Skip Games Details Screen' I can't choose what version of the game to select maybe a pop-up after you select the game to choose a version? I would like to keep the Japanese name and as a separate entry so I won't select scraping in the wizard because if I do it will change the Game Title no matter what. But what If I have already got metadata and would like to update the metadata because some corrections have been made on the Games Database I won't have an option to update that information and only select the first option and lose the naming I have done manually?
  8. Is the "MAME Arcade Full Set..." import updated every release (monthly) and how would be the best way to keep up to date with every release without having to re-import it.
  9. @eatkinola taking the textbox out of the viewbox makes the translate transform not work properly because the resolution is not in 4k which means distance is doubled and since it isn't in the viewbox anymore, the viewbox can't lock it's resolution. if I wrap my whole theme in a viewbox, all the graphics scale properly on any resolution EXCEPT the text and translate transform values. If I lock the resolution to 1080p view the viewbox, in 4k, the theme stretches correctly and everything looks correct except the text gets bigger because the viewbox doesn't seem to lock it's resolution to text. So the text still grows with the higher resolution while everything else stays at 1080p. Can you make this converter (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50805106/xaml-change-resolution-changes-the-views-size) into a plugin so that it can tell the text to not grow with the resolution? This would also work: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2013854/how-do-i-keep-a-constant-fontsize-in-wpf-viewbox
  10. I have other import questions but related I guess.
  11. Cool thanks. Two reports for Game Loader ALL RH.
  12. ahk thanks I don't have it installed anyway and up to date drivers
  13. Is this with Game Loader ALL RH or a different emulator/loader?
  14. Built in settings mean no configuration just standard right? Emulator Platforms Built-In Settings Startup Screen Status Pause Screen Status Game Loader ALL RH Various Arcade No Broken Broken
  15. Emulator: Game Loader ALL RH - First I show how it looks without any Startup themes in LB/BB - Then I show how it looks with Default Startup theme in LB/BB (no Shutdown theme appearing) - Then I show how it looks with the Startup theme I created in LB (loads Startup (even if I increase delay its always that quick) but after I change further settings and go back to the setting that briefly showed it, it doesn't work) - Then I show how it looks with the Startup theme I created in BB (Both Startup and Shutdown do not load) - I then changed a few things in Override before phone cuts off (both Startup and Shutdown do not load) Note it seems to interfere with the game.exe sometimes and it causes the game to crash - With WoW Action Max the log for Daphne gets errors but the game runs fine the Startup.exe seems to interfere with the .bat file (I can provide you a video on how I can produce the error in the Daphne log file if you want its basically just focusing on another window in the taskbar) Video example: https://mega.nz/#!h0ImBISS!j9GvHJEHLuhxieX21IZhAWTS_EjDqP4nwFA0WbaAzhg I pm'd you my Startup theme. Please note it worked in Beta 5 so I rolled back and its now still not working. This is how it use to look in Beta 5
  16. Please add Game Loader ALL RH (Taito Type X/X+/X2/X3/X4/Zero | E-Amusement | Ex-Board] | Arcade PC | Teknoparrot Loader)
  17. where would it best fit to create this thread edit: nevermind so the new thread just above you created?
  18. Could you please provide a video of how you are setting Startup themes and configuring. Do not use the Default theme just create another and reference it if possible. I've watched this video but still not working.
  19. Can you explain your fix and how you achieved it because now startup themes don't work for me at all in BB/LB after upgrading to beta 6 not even on default settings or customised settings.
  20. twice this week ive noticed two of my platforms disappear and create an "Unknown Platform.xml"
  21. The following might be true with BB/LB but can't tell as its not working correctly. With the Startup theme it delays the start of the emulator right? is it possible to actually overlay the emulator like RocketLauncher does so that we can hide some messy starts in certain games?
  22. With the Startup screen also rotating on games that rotate could this be a fix? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8323318/wpf-orientation
  23. If I now set LB and BB StartupTheme to the same theme in LB and BB it doesn't display the Startup theme at all now.
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