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Everything posted by wallmachine

  1. At the moment no you can't see the version, how often? not sure I assume every month? to see if the database is updated check the modified date of the MAME.xml file in the following location \LaunchBox\Metadata\MAME.xml has changed and that should give you a rough idea of the version they are using. The below threads might interest you I suggested a tool for users to be able to import the latest database based on the mame.exe.
  2. Just opened LaunchBox and updated to the latest beta and mine still displays that date of above, maybe to avoid being a tedious process for the LaunchBox team to manually update and have a thread like the beta be hijacked to get the database updated put this back on the user with the suggestion tool above? Did you do anything different other than updating to the latest LaunchBox version? A few threads appearing now about when/what version is the MAME database at, so maybe a revisit to this?
  3. As this is a personal preference and to avoid @Jason Carr having to manually update the database, an in built tool be created for users to decide if they want to import a new database? as the MAME.xml file in my Metadata folder says the last modified date is ‎Saturday, ‎22 ‎June ‎2019, ‏‎7:51:04 AM (I deleted it to see if LaunchBox will give me a newer version upon launch). Maybe the inbuilt feature can be something like select the latest mame.exe to update the MAME.xml to the latest version, as the XML seems to be already customised for LaunchBox I assume you have a tool already? This could leave the LaunchBox team to update the database on every major release of LaunchBox and then allow users to make the choice when to update in between?
  4. mame.mp4
  5. From what I understand if the game isn't in the database it doesn't work for MAME type imports. I tried your way without the game in the database couldn't get it to show in the import process. Tried by adding the game manually to the MAME.xml and the game appeared as you are wanting after I imported how you mentioned.
  6. can you show me a video or picture steps of how you are doing it, because you have a multitude of ways
  7. Don't think thats how the MAME import works, yes if you do it via individual ROMs
  8. I think the reason that game is missing is because the MAME database the LB team have uploaded excludes that game. uccopsaru was released in MAME 0.220 on apr-06 2020 so maybe they haven't updated the database yet. I can't answer when they update the database as the last modified date it shows for me is ‎Saturday, ‎22 ‎June ‎2019, ‏‎7:51:04 AM. \LaunchBox\Metadata\Mame.xml <MameFile> <FileName>uccops</FileName> <Name>Undercover Cops</Name> <Status>good</Status> <Developer /> <Publisher>Irem</Publisher> <Year>1992</Year> <IsMechanical>false</IsMechanical> <Version>(World)</Version> <Region>World</Region> <IsBootleg>false</IsBootleg> <IsPrototype>false</IsPrototype> <IsHack>false</IsHack> <IsMature>false</IsMature> <IsQuiz>false</IsQuiz> <IsFruit>false</IsFruit> <IsCasino>false</IsCasino> <IsRhythm>false</IsRhythm> <IsTableTop>false</IsTableTop> <IsPlayChoice>false</IsPlayChoice> <IsMahjong>false</IsMahjong> <IsNonArcade>false</IsNonArcade> <Genre>Fighter / 2.5D</Genre> <PlayMode>3P sim</PlayMode> <Language>English</Language> <Source>m92.cpp</Source> </MameFile> <MameFile> <FileName>uccopsar</FileName> <Name>Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version</Name> <CloneOf>uccops</CloneOf> <Status>good</Status> <Developer /> <Publisher>Irem</Publisher> <Year>1992</Year> <IsMechanical>false</IsMechanical> <IsBootleg>false</IsBootleg> <IsPrototype>false</IsPrototype> <IsHack>false</IsHack> <IsMature>false</IsMature> <IsQuiz>false</IsQuiz> <IsFruit>false</IsFruit> <IsCasino>false</IsCasino> <IsRhythm>false</IsRhythm> <IsTableTop>false</IsTableTop> <IsPlayChoice>false</IsPlayChoice> <IsMahjong>false</IsMahjong> <IsNonArcade>false</IsNonArcade> <Genre>Fighter / 2.5D</Genre> <PlayMode>3P sim</PlayMode> <Language>English</Language> <Source>m92.cpp</Source> </MameFile> <MameFile> <FileName>uccopsj</FileName> <Name>Undercover Cops</Name> <CloneOf>uccops</CloneOf> <Status>good</Status> <Developer /> <Publisher>Irem</Publisher> <Year>1992</Year> <IsMechanical>false</IsMechanical> <Version>(Japan)</Version> <Region>Japan</Region> <IsBootleg>false</IsBootleg> <IsPrototype>false</IsPrototype> <IsHack>false</IsHack> <IsMature>false</IsMature> <IsQuiz>false</IsQuiz> <IsFruit>false</IsFruit> <IsCasino>false</IsCasino> <IsRhythm>false</IsRhythm> <IsTableTop>false</IsTableTop> <IsPlayChoice>false</IsPlayChoice> <IsMahjong>false</IsMahjong> <IsNonArcade>false</IsNonArcade> <Genre>Fighter / 2.5D</Genre> <PlayMode>3P sim</PlayMode> <Language>Japanese</Language> <Source>m92.cpp</Source> </MameFile> <MameFile> <FileName>uccopsu</FileName> <Name>Undercover Cops</Name> <CloneOf>uccops</CloneOf> <Status>good</Status> <Developer /> <Publisher>Irem</Publisher> <Year>1992</Year> <IsMechanical>false</IsMechanical> <Version>(US)</Version> <Region>North America</Region> <IsBootleg>false</IsBootleg> <IsPrototype>false</IsPrototype> <IsHack>false</IsHack> <IsMature>false</IsMature> <IsQuiz>false</IsQuiz> <IsFruit>false</IsFruit> <IsCasino>false</IsCasino> <IsRhythm>false</IsRhythm> <IsTableTop>false</IsTableTop> <IsPlayChoice>false</IsPlayChoice> <IsMahjong>false</IsMahjong> <IsNonArcade>false</IsNonArcade> <Genre>Fighter / 2.5D</Genre> <PlayMode>3P sim</PlayMode> <Language>English</Language> <Source>m92.cpp</Source> </MameFile> <MameListItem> <FileName>uccops</FileName> <GameName>Undercover Cops (World)</GameName> <ListName>Irem Classics</ListName> </MameListItem> <MameListItem> <FileName>uccopsar</FileName> <GameName>Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version</GameName> <ListName>Irem Classics</ListName> </MameListItem> <MameListItem> <FileName>uccopsj</FileName> <GameName>Undercover Cops (Japan)</GameName> <ListName>Irem Classics</ListName> </MameListItem> <MameListItem> <FileName>uccopsu</FileName> <GameName>Undercover Cops (US)</GameName> <ListName>Irem Classics</ListName> </MameListItem>
  9. extracting games folders left behind extracting games folders left behind.mp4
  10. This has been happening for me also for some time I cannot answer from which release it started. I then have to click on another platform then like 5-10 seconds later it goes back to the platform I was editing like nothing ever happened. I've seen two others post this issue before in the beta just can't locate them. Edit: @mcfilmmakers suggest you try the latest beta for me its now a 5 second lag, seems if cancel is pressed it doesn't do its check, but if you make no change and press OK does its check and takes about 5 seconds now and I don't have to click on another platform for it to unfreeze. From the beta notes I don't see anything changed in the betas for this so don't know what changed. With the video below I tried with debugging off first then turned on after, same performance. Edit1: Deleting a platform takes a really long time to update unless you click on another platform. Edit: Happening still example.mp4
  11. @Slashin8r & @slagfart just tested adding extracted games and 7z/zip games and they both work without having to add the parameters in my post above, don't know when the LaunchBox team fixed this.
  12. When LaunchBox extracts zips it removes the files from the Temp location but not the folders that those files were in, is it possible to remove the folders as well? Also is it possible to set your own extracting folder for zipped games?
  13. See if Jason & C-Beats will create a easier way to deal with these types of games so its an easier process. Not sure if the process to fix/make better import process for games needs to go on the poll or not but for PS3 its still a convoluted process as you can't have both zipped and non-zipped games its one or the other with LB.
  14. My batch file is universal works for all the games.
  15. My workaround was to create an "emulator" that is a batch file, you then import a dummy .txt file with the game name so that you still get metadata. You're going to have the same issue with the following Platforms.
  16. Didn't happen beta 5
  17. What I meant to say was. Each time I ran LB for the last three betas I was prompted to update so I did, after it finished installing it loaded up LB and this prompt showed up each time. Regarding BigBox, when you close it and open again after some time lets say about a minute nothing happens, check Task Manager, close BigBox and re-open. Can't send a debug log due to it not being checked, have to wait for next update.
  18. When I select a game to play in BigBox using the TextListView the game title text disappears, see video. If I remove "aoc:MarqueeTextBlock" from <aoc:AutoscrollListBox> I don't get the marquee effect and the text doesn't disappear. I noticed on previous LB versions if I disabled startup screen it would not hide the selected game however this is not the case in newer versions of LB.
  19. Just updated to the last 3 betas and each time after it finishes the install this shows up. Do note before this message BigBox always hanged around opened even after being closed.
  20. This has happened to me on a few occasions as well and one point all platforms missing and no backup resolved it had to start again from scratch. Hope someone can chime in on this as I do get anxiety that maybe it will happen again and have to painstakingly start from scratch.
  21. i don't know either
  22. ...machine
  23. hmm I believe you'll need a plugin which requires programming knowledge in C#. But first try in XAML worth a shot.
  24. only one view? not possible.
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