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Everything posted by wallmachine

  1. Is it possible to use the image randomiser to cycle a "set" of images simultaneously for the following views: options, platform, game, pause, startup, shutdown? In the example below I had to change the path manually in the xaml files. example
  2. which one LaunchBox or BigBox? Unfortunately its the same for me.
  3. no and no
  4. so thats whats working from home like
  5. @Johnny T Check this thread out might provide some guidance or stress
  6. Thanks for checking. Hopefully in the future it can be fixed as all other theme features remember their settings and this is the only one that doesn't.
  7. @faeran if you have time can you confirm if this happens for you as well?
  8. I'm using the new feature RotationAmount="" however it doesn't remember the wheel placement after accessing Options. You can see it drags from top to position, my value is RotationAmount="-30" and if set to 0 no forgetting issue but that defeats the purpose. example.mp4.046699e219ecccd761aa086b800eea73.mp4
  9. Game loader all rh has no viruses or malware, just dl it from the correct source.
  10. mostly likely because you have "Lumines" game in another platform?
  11. when capturing videos will we be able to select video/audio settings? I think its a great feature but a lot goes into recording. If you want to keep the same standards as EmuMovies:
  12. yeah its using eatkinola plugin. If you want it to be the same just copy and paste from the OptionsPage.xaml & OptionsView.xaml I did something similar with the plugin but in landscape
  13. Just use notepad VS doesn't provide you any benefit other than it takes a big spot on your hdd/ssd as all the stuff you need are in \LaunchBox\Themes\Documentation.pdf However if you are going to learn C# to make plugins then its a must.
  14. as far as I know only work around if you want all the text to show up is shrink the text considerably, even if you do that it will still be cut off and hard to see what the actual option is and even if you redesign it from that pic it seems you have no room to place the menus and option. A scrollable feature would be a great addition to sort out your issue but youll need a plugin which includes learning C#.
  15. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/50884-launchbox-2019-new-feature-poll/
  16. Yes, you'll need to re-open BigBox. Happens for me still on all themes.
  17. What about the frontend buttons are you setting for BigBox?
  18. You have a various options. 1. You already have LEDBlinky, see this post 2. RocketLauncher 3. Batch files for 4way and 8way 4. See this thread for various options 5. LEDBlinky documentation
  19. Has anyone got there own binded keys working in BigBox? and care to share how?
  20. new views sounds like a good idea instead of reinventing the 'wheel' and causing other views to stop working? Do you have any idea about the issue here?
  21. I asked this in a pm early in 2019 see response below.
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