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Everything posted by wallmachine

  1. You go dude! Maybe when you figure this out and get the time an update feature for MAME non-softwarelist as LaunchBox doesn't do this either. Would this software lists import work for 'non-arcade' games in the MAME (non-merged) set too?
  2. It would be good to have a prompt are you sure you want shutdown, restart etc in BB so if you by accidentally press it, most options in lb ask you are you sure or some type of prompt
  3. do you have startup enabled either in LB or BB? Disable in both if yes. I've had something similar and since you using RL you don't need them enabled.
  4. If anyone has time to help me build the following plugin? I would like to change the background image with a key press across multiple views while in that view without having to go in and out of the view to see the changes. I was thinking to have a settings.ini in the Plugins folder and like the search feature in BigBox a window come up and you can select settings from there. In BigBox a window appears and you can set the following:
  5. Anyone else having issues with the new feature RotationAmount not being remembered when accessing Options? @Jason Carr whats the SystemViews list's data model and how can I find out when "Back" is the selected item?
  6. In my instance on 3.9.7 I still need to use the property you suggested above. If you need the code I'm using let me know. Yes, truncate the string and scroll feature. Sounds good, look forward to hearing if it works or not.
  7. Cheers, that property fixed it! Just wondering I updated to Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_7 and if I remove that property it still goes blank, is this correct? Yes, correct an ellipsis (...) on the selected TextBlock that uses the MarqueeTextBlock even though it scrolls, just to keep uniformity in the TextList and also to keep all the text the same size as the scrolling/Marquee text gets slightly enlarged. I assume this is because it has no ellipsis (...) I tried to set a FontSize/TargetFontSize however get the following error below. Also I assume at the moment the Marquee cannot reset its position (with a property?) when another game is selected as at the moment when another game is selected the Marquee location continues from where the previous selection was and not at the beginning, I guess you could say have it reset itself on each selection.
  8. thanks, as you are looking into the aoc:MarqueeTextBlock would it be too far a stretch to have a look at this?
  9. it changes it on the outside but when you go into edit the emulator the pre-fill obviously goes back to Retroarch, call me OCD.
  10. thought editing it might cause some issues, case sensitive? but if not easy.
  11. maybe something in here
  12. chuck as much RAM in the build as you can.
  13. How many platforms/games do you guys have in LaunchBox?
  14. So when I import games even though I select 'Use the files in their current location' I still need to manually update the Platforms Game location after the fact? Why do you need to set the location twice? Shouldn't the import process predefine the location?
  15. Right on the money. I'm using the 'new' feature RotationAmount="-30" and once set to 0 no placement issue, so I assume it needs some rejigging in the back-end code on how it works.
  16. When accessing Manage Platforms why does it create a folder for the Platform under '\LaunchBox\Games\' when the 'Games' location isn't in the LaunchBox directory? Should this be happening? platforms.mp4
  17. Should the Add Games dialog box minimise LaunchBox when closed? I've noticed when importing games and accessing Windows Explorer while the import is processing sometimes the Explorer freezes. Also should the Add Games Window disappear after you import your first set, I understand if not just curious if intended to or not. add game.mp4
  18. BigBox does not remember wheel placement after accessing Options. You can see it drags it from top to position. example.mp4
  19. As this got added to your list sometime ago just wondering did it ever get implemented?
  20. I want to rename the predefined emulator name from Retroarch to RetroArch but it keeps reverting, is this not possible? retroarch.mp4
  21. just a theory not sure if you already do or not. Maybe an option when you start to import, treat platform as separate (so it imports without checks, i don't know what other related things you check) so then you don't need to do checks for games at least. I know you have combine roms with similar name (can't remember the name) but i assume this does the check?
  22. Not sure if correlated. I know one is about importing and one is about displaying and one is LaunchBox and the other is BigBox but LaunchBox importing takes a while to import when heaps of platforms/games. Maybe this performance issue is similar to how BigBox lags is slow if you have heaps of platforms/games?
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