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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Not trying to start any sort of flame war, and hands up, im English just so you know. I came across this quite old video on Vimeo, and just totally agreed with everything he said. I know we are a game site hence why its in off topic, but please enjoy.
  2. Also you could install moonlight on the raspberry pi if you have a NVidia gpu in your pc and stream bigbox and steam to the raspberry pi.
  3. Also the raspberry pi is a ARM chip, so even if it did run windows, none of the programs would be compatible with the CPU.
  4. Unfortunately although it has windows in the name, its not really windows as such. Its a hugely stripped down version and I believe is command line only.
  5. Unfortunately that's a no to both questions.
  6. Just a thought, is launchbox not checking the additional apps if there is more than one version of a game? It could be that the versions missing in the playlists are not the default version launched when selecting a game and are therefore reported as missing? Just a thought I know nothing about coding.
  7. Yeah darkstalkers is another one for cps 2 its in my arcade, in fact I have 4 versions of it including the USA one that the cps 2 playlist says I'm missing.
  8. You can of course use a different theme if you want, here is how mine looks.
  9. Well I'm assuming you already have the videos downloaded and ready to go? All themes also have different views in them some support background videos others don't, so you may need to switch to a different view. You can do this by going into keyboard or controller settings and binding the switch view to a key or button, then use that button to switch views on the fly. This is the best you will get with the default theme.
  10. Well first you need a theme and view that supports them, what theme are you using? I ask because some themes require the videos to be turned off in order for them to show, strange I know but there we are. You can turn them on or off in options/videos.
  11. Yep, just seen it, and beat you to the post.
  12. Actually it looks like he did release one based on the original xbox one dashboard, I think the unreleased one must be based on the newer dashboard. http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=167601
  13. It was never actually released. http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=253035
  14. Maybe your MAME isn't exiting correctly for some reason, that would explain why when you try to relaunch the game it doesn't work, already running in the background? Also have you tried turning the game details screen of in the options and trying it like that?
  15. Yeah I suppose it depends on where you live, slot machine, one armed bandit. Fruit machine here in England. Correct, you can also mark games as broken and in bigbox there is a checkbox to hide broken games, so you will never see them again if you don't want to. There should not be game videos in Launchbox/Videos it should go Launchbox/Videos/arcade/ If you don't want the video you can just delete it, by the sounds of your description you are talking about critical cids mame videos which are downloaded from emumovies if you have a premium account there. But again all your arcade videos should be in Launchbox/Videos/Arcade which should have all the normall videos in it as well as another folder called themes where the fancy ones should be. Like this. Also in bigbox is a option to prioritize "theme" videos turning that off should use the default videos not the fancy ones.
  16. 1. mechanical games ie. something that needs a mechanical device of some king to operate, therefore not emulatable. Fruit= Fruit machine. 2. You can hide games if you want, for example a mame game that needs a .chd file you don't have so doesn't work you can hide from view but is still imported. 3. Arcade games often have several versions for different markets or with balance fixes. if you right click some of your arcade games you will probably see multiple versions of the same game. 4. Its very slight and just adds a line around a image in launchbox. 5. In your arcade video folder is also a theme folder that video is probably in there. Hope that answers your questions, if not fire away.
  17. @Charco Just tried myself, and no issues on my end. Behaves as expected.
  18. Oh and I would love to see the Zelda one.
  19. That's excellent news, I look forward to downloading it all. Thanks for all your hard work in putting that all together.
  20. No probs, FYI he was going to start work on nested filters today.
  21. Well that is strange, if the playlist is showing in bigbox then its reading the data from somewhere.
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