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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. @Pacman56 may have some insight on this.
  2. Yep as I said bloody young people!!! I was born in 77 so..... Also, not that it matters, but I'm English, not American.
  3. Well yeah bear in mind we have a lot of new users joining us and many of them are those bloody younguns I here so much about, and all though they are emulating snes for example, probably weren't born when snes was a thing. How about the best "insert number here" games that came out before you were born? lol.
  4. How about "the first 5 RPG'S you should play if you have never played a RPG before? Just some thoughts.
  5. This would require more manual work but how about, @proghodet top 20 snes games? Or similar.
  6. Also, just to add that create playlist is quite a powerful tool, experiment with it a bit.
  7. Lol, I'm redundant here then. lol. Personally I have never used the sort by series myself, and would hazard a guess a lot of other users don't either. It may not feel particularly creative for you personally but something like that may be a good start, get the new and inexperienced in early, then elaborate on playlists later. Just my personal thoughts. Glad you are enjoying the new feature though.
  8. Well that's why you can create your own I mean I'm thinking things like all the Zelda games in a playlist, or ps1 games developed by Sony. Etc.
  9. That's great news, always thought it was weird systems like game boy, game boy colour, game boy advance, didn't have descriptions. Especially when systems like ps3 and ps4 do. And they can't really be emulated.
  10. neil9000

    Shared assets

    Yes launchbox is windows only. In regards to between different pc's yes absolutely, the images and videos are simply stored in folders called images, and videos, so you can just copy and paste them to another installation and they "should just work". Hope that helps, any further questions just ask.
  11. neil9000

    Shared assets

    Hi and welcome to the community. Unfortunately lunchbox is windows only, so what you are asking is not possible. If your work pc was windows however...... Or if you could sneak bootcamp on to it..........
  12. You know what they say about assumption! but yeah great work as always Jason adding features and squishing bugs, don't know how you manage to do it all by yourself. Lunchbox just keeps getting better and better. As I said I think a lot of people will be very happy with this release, especially the arcade playlist part. Keep up the great work fella.
  13. Didn't mean to blow a announcement or anything, just opened up lunchbox to add a pc game and there it was. I assume the early morning release "your time" means that bug was squished then. Going to be a lot of happy people with this release I think.
  14. OOOhhh just got a prompt to update to the official release!!
  15. Yeah I already have separate Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse, the rii is mostly for watching kodi in bed cause of its smaller size.
  16. Yeah I'm using this one which has a keyboard on the flipside, so I'm covered for most things. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rii-i25-Controller-Rechargable-Raspberry/dp/B00INITM1E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1490108317&sr=8-1&keywords=rii+i25
  17. Was just looking at that osmc remote and I would guess that the "home" button on it is actually "escape" and the back button is "backspace".
  18. @Reece, if your snes controller is detected as a xinput device I would think it would just work. Unfortunately I don't have one so cant test, but as long as the snes controller physically has the buttons you want to use it shouldn't be a issue. Edit. Also if your osmc remote has the equivalent of a escape button on it you can just use that, that's all the automation is doing its just sending a "escape" command.
  19. Unfortunately PayPal is not I option, they refuse to work with launchbox as they are narrow mildly associating emulation with piracy and refuse to work with us. Jason has looked into other options but it is difficult some are US only so that's a issue. The only thing I could suggest at the moment is find a friend or family member with a credit card, give them the cash and get them to purchase in your name. Sorry I couldn't help you more.
  20. Hi @jeck11, I have just followed your description to the letter and am not seeing the issue you are describing. Saving and loading save states work just fine when I quit either with escape or select start which is also my quit command. I'm running pcsx2 1.5 if that helps at all.
  21. OK, here is how the view looks, and the settings to get it.
  22. Actually now I think of it the critical zone theme is included as well now in launchbox, that will do what you want. You need to go to options/views highlight default and hit enter that should switch you to the other included theme.
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