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Everything posted by latin625

  1. I think LordMonkus told me a while back that some games "Must" allow for game HiScore saving. Try the Save state option. Stinks but will definitely work.
  2. Cool. Just keep everything until you make 100% you dont need them again. Super important. As for CHDs, I went and used everything new or matching to the new romset, so I am not 100% sure about using old ones. What you can do before you go crazy with a new romset is maybe you can just download the latest Mame 1.95, and ONE rom and CHD that matches. Make it the one game that is giving you issues now. You can google the CHD and Rom... it will come up Im sure. Then if it works, then maybe you can go for it 100%. If not, you save the aggravation and maybe go to my awful solution of using "Save state" on your current MAME version and romset.
  3. Keep all your old roms and emulator in a different folder. Just in case you dont find any difference. Or you can even use both emulators to refer to different roms just in case. I also used to just do "save state" on mame and it always kept the high scores. Only thing I hated is that the game would load right back to the point I closed it... sometimes in mid play.
  4. I hear ya. Worked for me...Might not be the solution then for you.
  5. Get new romset and the new 1.92 or higher emulators.
  6. Maybe on the next wishlist for Launchbox, we have a "drag and drop" Theme maker for others to use to make themes that dont know or are comfortable with XAML?
  7. Ive been looking at and using ComicBox. Nice substitute!
  8. Ive been looking at and using ComicBox. Nice substitute!
  9. Gave up and unzipped them all and it seems to work. Now, how can I hide the window frame? lol Or is it not possible. Not a deal breaker
  10. Hi, Can anyone tell me if or what is the command line for Handy emulator? It keep saying that is cannot load the cartridge. I have it running in retroarch, but hate the controls setup. Thanks!
  11. How do I populate all the boxes in the platforms? Some platforms have blank sections. Thanks!
  12. Hi, So when I launch a game like 19XX in retroarch via Rocketlauncher, the screen the game is on in the middle is way too small. How can I increase the screen vertical?
  13. Ok. Got the keys set and have added my Winkawaks script below in caseit helps anyone. Remainin issues.. No Auto full screen and when I pause and exit, the emulator does not close. Here is my setup ini for WinKawaks 165. ; Configuration file for WinKawaks 1.65 ; Apr 28 2016:13:52:51 ; ------------------------------------- [VideoSettings] ; If you want to use 640x480 in full screen with Capcom games, make sure to set FullScreenCorrectRatio=1 ; This is the resolution for non rotated Capcom games HorizontalFullScreenWidth=800 HorizontalFullScreenHeight=600 ; This is the resolution for rotated Capcom games VerticalFullScreenWidth=1366 VerticalFullScreenHeight=768 ;VerticalFullScreenWidth=1024 ;VerticalFullScreenHeight=768 ; This is the resolution for NeoGeo games FullScreenWidthNeoGeo=640 FullScreenHeightNeoGeo=480 ; Zoom window ; 100: Zoom 100% (default) ; 150: Zoom 150% ; 200: Zoom 200% ; 250: Zoom 250% ; 300: Zoom 300% ZoomWindow=200 ; Windowed mode ratio correction ; 0: no ratio correction ; 1: correct windowed ratio, smaller display (works good for all blitters) ; 2: correct windowed ratio, bigger display (works good for non scanlined blitters) WindowCorrectRatio=2 ; Full screen mode ratio correction ; 0: no ratio correction ; 1: correct full screen ratio, smaller display (works good for all blitters. Allows 640x480) ; 2: correct full screen ratio, bigger display (works good for non scanlined blitters) ; 3: stretch to full screen FullScreenCorrectRatio=3 ; Window position (no need to edit, this is saved automatically) WindowXposition=227 WindowYposition=146 ; set this to 1 to stop vertical games being rotated (default 0) NoRotate=0 ; setting this to 1 for smooth scrolling (default 0) TripleBuffer=0 ; try setting this to 1 for a potentially big speed boost (default 0) UseVRAM=1 FrameSkip=0 AutoFrameSkip=1 EnableRowscroll=1 EnableBgHi=1 EnableMasking=1 ; set to 1 to have the emu run as fast as it can (bench purposes) or 0 for realtime emulation Turbo=0 ; 0 = Normal (very fast) ; 1 = Scanlines ; 2 = Scanlines 50% ; 3 = Alternate scanlines (very fast) (default) ; 4 = 2xSai ; 5 = Super2xSai ; 6 = SuperEagle ; 7 = Scanlined 2xSai ; 8 = Zoom 2x software (no blur) ; 9 = Monitor dot matrix blitter ; 10 = KScale (very fast edge enhancer) ; 11 = KScale with 25% scanlines (very fast edge enhancer) ; 12 = KScale with 50% scanlines (very fast edge enhancer) ; 13 = KScale with 75% scanlines (very fast edge enhancer) VideoEngine=3 ; Inter-frame blending (motion blur. reduces flickering) ; 0 = None (default) ; 1 = Yes ; 2 = Yes, with MMX (faster) BlendFrames=0 ; Enable sprite transparencies (BLD files in BLEND directory) ; 0 = No (default) ; 1 = Yes EnableTransparencies=0 ; color settings CPS2(prefered values 15..17) GammaRed=16 GammaGreen=16 GammaBlue=16 ; gamme settings (prefered values 0..512, 256=normal) TrueGammaRed=256 TrueGammaGreen=256 TrueGammaBlue=256 ; color for the background (usefull for the gfx rippers out there. values 0..255, -1=no force color) BgRed=-1 BgGreen=-1 BgBlue=-1 ; color for on screen display (values 0..255) OSDRed=147 OSDGreen=207 OSDBlue=228 [NeoGeo] ; Hardware type ; 0 = Console ; 1 = Arcade (default) NeoGeoSystem=1 ; Country ; 0 = Japan ; 1 = USA ; 2 = Europe (default) NeoGeoCountry=1 ; Freeplay ; 0 = Off (default) ; 1 = On NeoGeoFreeplay=1 [Misc] ; Name of the language pack (no .lng extension) LanguagePack=English RunCount=9 ; Auto start game after load AutoStartGame=1 ; Games to enable EnableCPS1=0 EnableCPS2=1 EnableMVS=0 NoClones=0 ; 0 Show all ; 1 Show only available ; 2 Show only missing ShowOnlyAvailable=1 ; Set to 1 to disable emu text on screenshots NoMsgScreenShots=1 ; Set to 0 to disable menu shortcuts (handy for Hotrod players) EnableHotKeys=1 ; Set to 1 if you have joysticks/joypads attached to your PC, but don't want to use them in Kawaks DisableJoystick=1 AutoPause=1 AlwaysOnTop=0 ; Sound frequency. The higher, the better the quality. Values : 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000 SoundFreq=22050 ; Sound segments. if sound gets choppy, try fiddling with those (SoundSegLag < SoundSegs) SoundSegs=6 SoundSegLag=5 ; Interpolate sound. Affects NeoGeo only InterpolateSound=0 LowPassFilter=0 ; CPS1 sound. YM2151=music, OKI=SFX EnableOKI=1 EnableYM2151=1 ; QSound ; Auto start game after load ; 0=Normal, -1=Softer, 1=Louder QSoundAmplification=0 PlayMusic=1 PlaySFX=1 PlaySFA3Announcer=1 ; NeoGeo sound. YM2610=music+speech+sfx, AY-3-8910=noise EnableYM2610=1 EnableAY38910=1 DisplayTrackName=0 ; set to 1 for mono sound MonoSound=0 ; set to 1 to reverse right and left channels ReverseStereo=0 ; Task priority. Valid values are the following : ; HIGH_PRIORITY : 128 Use this for slower machines ; NORMAL_PRIORITY : 32 Fast machines (full frame) use this (default setting) ; IDLE_PRIORITY : 64 Not really useful... ; REALTIME_PRIORITY : 256 Using this one will disable multitasking. CAUTION TaskPriorityLevel=128 ; Try changing this (0/1) if Kawaks is slow : MultiTaskFriendly=1 ; Same, for Netplay : MultiTaskFriendlyNetplay=1 ; Number of frames to display chat text NetChatDuration=300 ; Number of chat text lines to display NetChatSize=5 ; Autoscroll Net chat text NetChatAutoscroll=0 ; Auto switch to full screen when net game starts NetAutoFullscreen=0 [Path] ; path for your zipped roms RomPath1=E:\Arcade\System roms\CPS2 RomPath2=E:\Arcade\System roms\CPS1 RomPath3=E:\Arcade\System roms\Neo Geo RomPath4=.\roms RomPath5=.\roms SavesPath=.\saves EEPROMPath=.\eeprom INIPath=.\ini TracklistPath=.\tracklst CheatPath=.\cheats ScreenShotPath=.\sshots CapturePath=.\capture LanguagePath=.\lang RecordPath=.\recinput BlendPath=.\blend
  14. ok. found this from the great LordMonkus on another thread. WORKED! turning on "Don't use quotes" and "Use file name only" but it will not go into fullscreen mode. And if I put -fullscreen as the command-line parameter it breaks it and doesn't load the game. Anyone now how to FORCE fullscreen. Yes, I can use retroarch, but really like winkawaks. =)
  15. Hi, I wanted to see if someone could sort me out with my current problem. I am using WinKawaks instead of RetroArch for may CPS 1 and CPS 2 games. I can get it to launch outside of LB with WinKawaks. No problem! But, I have it listed in LB and the emulator is Winkawaks 165, when I clcik on the game in LB, I get winKawaks to load and open, but the game does not load. Also it is stuck in a windowed mode, even though I use the parameter -fullscreen in the emulator. Thanks!
  16. HI, I can get my CPS 1 and 2 to work by opening WinKawaks 1.65 but not when clicking on the game in LB. Is there a line parameter I need?
  17. Worked Like a charm through Launchbox. Thanks for the .bats Any way to launch this through Rocketlauncher? Seems like noting happens even when I launch?
  18. But what about the video snaps and stuff. That doesnt work in the current version. You said: optional expansion to the Retrorama theme Is that hard to do? Any tutorials on how to create an expansion pack?
  19. Hey, does anyone here have any skills with the XML needed (i think that is what is used for themes)? I can do some Photoshop work for the theme. No way I am as good, but maybe we can revive this thing? Of course giving credit to Filipe throughout the work. I would use the same phi doodle signatures he has to pay homage.
  20. Damn that looks pretty cheesy. He was selling that?
  21. Yup... As for videos, I never got mine to work. I think someone on the thread said he was going to work on it, but never got around to it.
  22. I did find the old files he made available, so I will embarrass myself by trying to make the missing screens for my cab. Filipe, COME BACK! =)
  23. Yup! I know he didnt do it for money. Agreed, shameful how it ruins it for all. Anyways, I sent him the cash as a thank you. Even if he doesn't respond, it is cool. Just wanted him to know people appreciate his skills. Hope he reads this and comes back. As for the t-shirt, Im a little to out of shape and a little too old to wear those shirts, lol. Cool as hell for sure though!
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