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  1. Models are changed in the emulator options. Boot a game, press F1 key, "core options" and choose the model, then you have to save the chosen option for each game or game folder. I can run the dsk files without problem.... I can't help you about multiple discs because I don't use them. Best regards. Un saludo.
  2. My favorite requests would be the translation of the notes into other languages (using for example the screenscraper translations) and a greater integration with retroarch, giving you to choose for example the proportions of the screen or the different shaders for each platform. Thank you for your great work. Happy new year.
  3. This is my favorite request. The possibility of translating the notes into other languages. Screenscraper has great translations into Spanish, French, Italian, etc. It would be awesome to be able to access them when you scrape in Launchbox.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    130 bezels of Spectrum games. Same format as Bezel project. If you need a specific game ask me. Here are only those of my collection, perhaps focused on Spanish games, although not only these.
  5. Version 3.0


    I share the bezels I have made for my personal use of Amstrad games, since there are no theme bezels for this system in The Bezel Project. 180 Bezels
  6. Screenscraper tiene descripciones de los juegos en español, italiano o francés. Sólo por eso merece la integración. Los no usamos ingles en nuesta vida diaria lo agradeceríamos. Screenscraper has descriptions of the games in Spanish, Italian or French. That is why it deserves integration. We do not use English in our daily life, we would appreciate it
  7. Yes, I have no problem with the controls, @Retrofrogg. My cap32 options file is as follows: cap32_advanced_green_phosphor = "15" cap32_autorun = "enabled" cap32_combokey = "disabled" cap32_lang_layout = "spanish" cap32_model = "6128" cap32_ram = "128" cap32_retrojoy0 = "joystick" cap32_retrojoy1 = "joystick" cap32_scr_intensity = "8" cap32_scr_tube = "color" The configuration of the controls is the one that is by default. It is important to remove the hotkeys to be able to use the necessary keys to start or configure the games during the game. If you have a problem we keep talking here. I hope this will help you.
  8. Thank you
  9. Could the text "Resumir Juego" be changed to "Reanudar juego", please? It is more correct in Spanish. "Resumir" is different than "Resume". "Resumir" mean in spanish abbreviate, summarize, extract, recapitulate, reduce, synthesize, condense and simplify. Thank you.
  10. for me it would be the best feature I can ask for
  11. I will try, thank you
  12. Increible, thank you
  13. Yesterday I was browsing the consoles and computers emulated in FINAL BURN NEO and I really liked the list of MSX software. A single list with cartridges and cassettes, automatically starting cassettes. Now comes my question: Does anyone know how to import these lists into Launchbox? Roms are formatted as MAME but the list is different. Thank you very much.
  14. Caprice32 run perfectly in retroarch. If you use .dsk files in options you must choose 6128 model. Don´t restart retroarch. You need close the program and start. If you use .cpr files (GX4000 conversions) you must choose 6128+ model. it is not convenient to have a romset with the two formats because each one needs a different option. I personally those with .cpr format I add them to GX4000.
  15. Thanks!!!!!! Increible
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