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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. I've found some scripts that do that by modifying the registry but iexplorer.exe needs to be restarted as well. Not sure that's a great solution but I can message you the script if you want to take a look. My issue with killing and restarting MameHooker as needed is MameHooker seems to take some time to start up and that's less than optimal then I want for my cabinet.
  2. Just haven't had time to add rumble to my Gun4IRs, but did some testing and finding the same issue as you. Although both MameHooker and MameOutputTester (from LEDBlinky) can run concurrently and both will see the MAME outputs, once you "consume" the event with one or the other it seems doesn't work. To test I used LEDs and the rumble feature of my XBOX 360 controllers. Even if I try to consume different outputs on each, it seems only one can consume events at a time. I'm really going to have to think about the best option moving forward. Short of LEDBlinky adding serial support to outputs or MAMEHooker seeing my Ultimarc Ultimate, there doesn't seem to be an easy or elegant solution.
  3. MAME shows both player controls because in cocktail mode the controls would be physically different. Just spit balling here, but maybe using cocktail mode and some custom layouts might be able to get the results you are looking for.
  4. I'll just be adding the rumble to my Gun4IRs later this week, so can't do that specific action, but when I said MAMEHooker was speaking, I didn't mean just that it found outputs and was speaking them. It was a custom action for a specific MAME output that I added to speak my chosen phrase, so sending a COM port command shouldn't be any different.
  5. I just tested and with both apps running LEDBlinky handled LEDs and I had MameHooker speaking. So it should be possible to have LEDBlinky handle the LEDs and MameHooker send COM outputs to control rumble in the Gun4IRs.
  6. Good to know. I haven't got around to setting up the outputs for my Gun4IRs yet. MameHooker doesn't recognize my iPac4 Ultimate, so I was just using LEDBLinky for now as it worked just fine for LEDs. Is it not possible to run both apps and have them just react to the outputs they need to command different functions? I haven't look at it deeply yet but I thought MAME outputs used a broadcast system and that might work.
  7. Headrush69

    Snes graphics

    Without a screenshot we can't give you any real answers, but that you say it happens with different SNES cores and no other Retroarch cores, suggests maybe you have a directory override with some changed setting.
  8. There's several games that need some "massaging" to get working. Information on them here: MAME wiki
  9. There is no per game option to turn it off, you could use a pre launch command in LB to turn off LEDBLinky.exe. You also know that LEDBlinky has built in support to respond to MAME Outputs as well? Some simple ones like flashing start buttons blinking when coins are inserted are enabled by default, but you can add more complex ones as well. I have my LEDs flashing between red and blue for police lights in Chase HQ without using MAME Hooker.
  10. The mednafen_psx_hw_libretro.dll core is for Sony Playstation, not Sega Saturn. For Sega Saturn you want an associated platform line for Saturn like this:
  11. I've never had any issues with those games needing a specific version. The best place to get the latest is either join the supermodel3 forum and grab the current version there. There is also valuable information for any Sega Model 3 questions you have, as they've probably all be asked before. You can also get the latest versions in their Discord channel if you prefer that.
  12. Windows dual screen setup does create issue for emulation set ups, that's for sure. When possible try to run TP games at the same resolution as your desktop. You may need to get some patches for some games. You may also need a 3rd party tool like Display Fusion or Dual Monitor Tools to help keep specific apps to specific windows and positions.
  13. For completeness it should also be mentioned the changes in the Games.xml that work with these changes as well. Since Lost World cabinets came in 2 different light gun models, you can set which type in Games.xml under the applicable rom section. or Both will work with either device (once calibrated in game), but the analog_gun version shows crosshairs while the gun version doesn't. (The gun version originally only worked with CRT based displays and position couldn't be tracked except when the trigger was pulled using a brief screen flash.)
  14. As long as they appear as joysticks, using the custom controller file to set the joystick order should work.
  15. That makes much more sense now, thanks. Are you arcade joysticks seen as joysticks or do they use a encoder like an iPac and are mapped to keyboard inputs?
  16. My guess is when importing individual ROMs the full path to the rom is sent to MAME. When using the full MAME set importer it's relying on the rom path being set in the mame.ini correctly and only passing the rom name. Just a hunch as I don't use the full MAME set importer and have a curated list on roms I import.
  17. Yes some of them are preset, but at one point during TP versions some of them changed and had to be updated. Editting them in the RL GUI should update the ini. Yup. Has to match the game name LB passes to RL. Great. 👍
  18. You can set up specific stable ID controller files and pass this file to mame on startup to change the order. MAME stable ID documentation A couple of things you still have to worry about: Making sure button order between your different controllers matches up. If one controller has a A B C D arrangement, but the other has B A D C, you'll have to still individually change games. Since you'll have to set a custom launch command, you'll have to do that for all the games needed. You might be able to use playlist and bulk edit to make it easier. I'm not 100% sure I understand what you mean here. What and/or how are your controllers different for player 1 and player 2 in 4 player games? Need to know more information as using your 6 button controllers as player 1 and player 2 and than the other controllers as player 3 and player 4 is obviously a lot easier and pretty much little work. Just not getting the reasoning. ☺️
  19. What exactly was the issue you are having? Did you set up the per game settings and specifically set up the window TP waits for before switching from the startup screens?
  20. MAME support for the Apple 2 series is fantastic. My guess from the limited information is you downloaded the Software Lists package but your still missing the BIOS/Device roms MAME needs. The software lists are the actual disk images, cartridges, etc that run on a system. MAME still needs some core files to emulate the machine. My guess is you are missing these files still. I don't use Software lists for Apple 2, but trying to run it from a command prompt will tell you exactly which files are missing. Something like
  21. For future reference, that's an important detail to include when asking for help. I'm glad you have a solution you are OK with, but I was curious at this point. I downloaded the gens 2.11 with large ROM support hack and it starts games just fine directly from LB as well. If you're still interested, maybe post some checksums (CRC32) of your rom and gens.exe and we can eliminate any issues there. Just curious, if you start a Windows Powershell or command prompt and start the emulator passing the file path to a ROM, does it work? Something like this in Powershell (from the gens emulator directory):
  22. Well played with this some more and got some interesting results. The second patch is the problem one. No sound for me on that one with Genesis GX core in Retroarch. Neither patched version will even load for me using Gens 2.14. (What version are you using) I added Gens emulator to LB and when loading ROMs they didn't start for me either. Then I remembered I was testing with my current library which are all zipped. (Core supported) I turned on the LB option to extract archives first and now Gens emulator booted directly into the games. So looking back on your posts you said you tried all the options but maybe you didn't get them all right at the same time. Don't remove quotes and extract archives if using archives ARE requirements. Also, from your screenshot, the option to extract ROM archives has a solid square, not a check mark. This leads me to think that you have multiple platforms listed for using the Gens emulator and not all have the same extract ROM archives option enabled or disabled. Are you 100% sure it's not enabled/disabled as need for you ROMs? Bottom line is LB can launch a ROM directly in Gens emulator without command line options. It's just a matter of finding the configuration issue.
  23. Can you provide more information on these issues (like a link) and is it up to date information? I have no way to know what to listen for, and I only know MK by name and look, but I downloaded the hack and ran it with Retroarch and didn't notice audio issues. (Not to say there isn't any, I just don't know what they are.)
  24. I had the same issue and got tired of dealing with Retroarch so switched to the Flycast standalone emulator for 2 player games. When you say hide the cursor, are you talking about the system cursor or the in game crosshairs?
  25. Possibly a design decision. Most people using LB aren't using as a cataloging system for unused games so Platform hiding isn't often requested feature. (Just a guess) To accomplish the same thing, just bulk edit all the games in the platform and set to hide and the platform will hide as well. To see them again, just change view option to show hidden and than bulk edit back.
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