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Everything posted by faeran

  1. Version 1.0


    1Up was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel. 1Up Inspired by the Marvel Super Heroes Arcade1Up cab, this Big Box Theme is designed for Square aspect ratios (4:3, 5:4, etc). Watch this theme being built: Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecdgHKPqLf8 Instructions to convert theme to work with Widescreen aspect ratios (16:9, 16:10, etc). Look inside LaunchBox\Themes\1Up\Views Open the files: HorizontalWheel1Games.View.xaml and PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml In both files, search for: Width="6" In both files, change it to: Width="8" Files 1Up - Theme Files.zip - Drop into your \\LaunchBox\Themes folder to load into Big Box 1Up - COMMUNITY Theme Creator Files.zip - Drop into your \\COMMUNITY Theme Creator\My Themes Projects folder to load into the COMMUNITY Theme Creator. Credits COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/ Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
  2. You can also remove, or change, animations for any Transition Presenter items by going into Big Box Options > Transitions. For you, find Game Image/Video Transition, and change that to something to your liking, or set it to None.
  3. faeran


    Thanks @Kylus12. This is a design choice. It wouldn't be easily changeable without editing the theme files. It allows for the most vertical space on any size screen. This is not possible. Like you noticed, some "Arrange by" options sort the games (like title), and in those circumstances, they don't have those separators because they are not needed. However, most are groupings, and if you remove the grouping title, you wouldn't know when one grouping ends and the other begins. Without that context, the grouping wouldn't actually make much sense. This is a good idea, I'll add it to the next update.
  4. By default, should be in the root of your internal storage.
  5. You can always manually place the License.xml file into the LaunchBox folder, then restart the app.
  6. This is just a guess, but go into Tools > Manage > Emulators, choose your RetroArch emulator entry, and uncheck "Extract ROM archives before running"
  7. The first 12.5 beta is out now:
  8. Hi everyone, The first 12.5 beta has been released. Here are the release notes for beta 1: New Feature: LaunchBox will now track the time you play a game. Time starts when you launch the game and stops when the game is closed. While in the Pause Screen this timer is paused as well. Improvement: LedBlinky GameSelect event is now fired when game details are loaded instead of as the game is being entered. This should help with performance issues while scrolling quickly through a view. Improvement: Badges can now be viewed inside of the LaunchBox list view. Improvement: Big Box's Change View binding now brings up a selection menu (similar to the Change Theme binding). Improvement: In Big Box's Option Menu, items with multiple options will now bring up a selection menu. Also, Left will now move to the previous item, and Right to the next. Improvement: Most EmuMovies search processes can now be cancelled to allow you to progress in the tool the search was being used for. Improvement: The Download Platform Videos window has been converted. This allows for the use of the dialog theme colors and will help the window be more responsive. Improvement: The Controller Support section of the LaunchBox realtime filter will now parent items (similar to how the Genre realtime filter works). Fixed: Rare error that would sometimes appear when opening a new themed window Fixed: Error when trying to raise a Windows Notification. If this process fails LaunchBox will now open a prompt (similar to version 12.0 and earlier). All testing on the above is much appreciated.
  9. The cores are downloaded from libretro's buildbot stable release section. They unfortunately only offer one archive with all the cores inside. However, that archive is only 167MB large.
  10. Hi @bran479. Is it possible that you have Version enabled, under View > Show / Hide > Versions ? When this option is enabled it adds whatever is in your Versions field into the title.
  11. @Retro808 is correct. At some point the image binding must have changed, as the SelectedGame.MarqueeImagePath binding has never worked on a platform view before. By default, it should be: SelectedPlatform.BannerImagePath But really, you can punch in any platform specific image binding there, and it will show, as long as you have an image for it.
  12. That's an interesting issue I've never seen before. You can look into the WallGamesView.xaml code for VisibleCount="22" and raise this up to something larger. See if that helps. Also, around the same place, you'll see a Columns and Rows property that you can play around with. Then, you'll need to probably adjust the position of the camera once you settle on a number, which can be done in this part of the code: <OrthographicCamera Position="-0.25,0,5" Basically, your x,y,z coordinates.
  13. Just to clarify in this thread: We are aware of the slowdowns with EmuMovies. We have confirmed that it's not version related or a LaunchBox bug. Wanted to make that clear so users don't waste time downgrading LB only to still see the same issue. EmuMovies has confirmed that they are working on upgrading their servers. However, we will do all we can to help and we are implementing a few changes that can mitigate long load-time annoyances in the future.
  14. Just to clarify in this thread: We are aware of the slowdowns with EmuMovies. We have confirmed that it's not version related or a LaunchBox bug. Wanted to make that clear so users don't waste time downgrading LB only to still see the same issue. EmuMovies has confirmed that they are working on upgrading their servers. However, we will do all we can to help and we are implementing a few changes that can mitigate long load-time annoyances in the future.
  15. We have confirmed that it's not version related or a LaunchBox bug. Wanted to make that clear so users don't waste time downgrading LB only to still see the same issue. EmuMovies has confirmed that they are working on upgrading their servers. However, we will do all we can to help and we are implementing a few changes that can mitigate long load-time annoyances in the future. For now, like @Retro808 mentioned. For now, removing the your EmuMovies credentials will remove the load times to their server.
  16. LaunchBox doesn't actually have a way to make RetroArch download, or update, without requiring some kind of action. Either through agreeing to it during an import, or manually selecting the Update RetroArch option in the menu.
  17. If I had to make an educated guess, this would definitely be related to your Windows text scaling options. I haven't checked, but the new version of Neon Deluxe Arcade was created in the COMMUNITY Theme Creator which has plugins to make sure things are positioned properly and text sizes are adaptive. Are you using an older version of this theme maybe?
  18. This appears in its own tab at the bottom of the game details, when available.
  19. In Big Box Options, go to either Keyboard Mappings or Controller Mappings and set a Switch View button. Then navigate to a game view and press that button to cycle through all available views.
  20. For the fastest loading time, make sure you don't have too many elements in your views, and it's always best not to use any GIF images, they really slow down loading times. You can also try some tricks, like putting a black rectangle over everything and getting it to animate away using the immediate trigger, after a second.
  21. Hard to say what's going on there. You able to provide your creator files, or post a pic of all your elements? Btw, if your screen is 5:4, I'd recommend you set the aspect ratio to Stretch in the end. That way it will fill up your screen properly. Although it does make it harder when building the theme if you are not building it on your 5:4 monitor.
  22. After doing some tests, I was not able to recreate what you are seeing here. I recreated your scenario, but am seeing it pick Yuzu when I try to add a manual game while on the Nintendo Switch platform.
  23. When you are adding a game manually, do you mean that you choose the "Manually Add Game" option?
  24. While nothing has changed with this tool in a while, there is some configuration steps involved to make it work. If you edit a platform, and go to the Folders tab, you'll need to make sure to point the Game folder to the path where you ROMs exist.
  25. You always have the option to run an update manually overtop your current install, although you should not do this while LaunchBox is open. I'm wondering, if you can restart LaunchBox, are you still seeing issues?
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