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Everything posted by faeran

  1. faeran


    PauseShift View File A simple Pause theme inspired by Nintendo Switch Online. This theme showcases a few things that have yet to be done in a Pause Theme: The textlist is aligned to the right Binding the selected item to an image (As represented in the image in the bottom left) Please learn from the code and create your own Pause Theme. Installation Instructions Extract the folder into your LaunchBox\PauseThemes folder Open LaunchBox or BigBox and change the Pause Theme to PauseShift Submitter faeran Submitted 11/03/2021 Category Pause Themes  
  2. Version 1.0


    A simple Pause theme inspired by Nintendo Switch Online. This theme showcases a few things that have yet to be done in a Pause Theme: The textlist is aligned to the right Binding the selected item to an image (As represented in the image in the bottom left) Please learn from the code and create your own Pause Theme. Installation Instructions Extract the folder into your LaunchBox\PauseThemes folder Open LaunchBox or BigBox and change the Pause Theme to PauseShift
  3. You are on the right track. Depending on what version of LaunchBox you are on, the platform name should be a dropdown where you can select your Sony PlayStation platform, and core should also be a dropdown where you can select the matching core. You don't need to add any extra command-line parameters, what's shown in the video was replaced with the 'core' column (Don't forget the PS1 does require BIOS files to function). M3U will auto create m3u files for your multi-disc systems (like PlayStation) to make it easier to swap Discs.
  4. Beta 5 is out with the following changes: New Feature: An Open Index mapping has been added to Big Box, which will open the alphanumeric index in supported views Improvement: EmuMovies downloads now use the same multi-threaded downloader that LaunchBox Games Database uses which should result in faster download speeds Fixed: Corrected logic in the IBigBoxMainViewModel.ShowGames(FilterType, Name) function (for plugin developers) Fixed: MAME High Score integration should now work with MAME .237 and newer Fixed: Several issues reported when adding RetroArch as a new emulator Fixed: Visual corrections to the Image Grid in LaunchBox when no images are displayed Fixed: Using MAME Metadata during a ROM Import could sometimes yield undesired results @CriticalCid You able to confirm you are no longer seeing the issues with RetroArch? Anyone using Lambda or LB Galaxy may see some visual bugs. If you do, you can download a new copy from the forums or fix it yourself by removing the following from the BoxesContentView.xaml file Height="{Binding ItemHeight}"
  5. Your in animation territory here. You will need to set up animations so that during selection, the wheel is showing, and once you have an item selected, the wheel animates away. Add a text element, then set the metadata to the information you want to see Same as #2 Maybe you can clarify this, what edits or changes are you wanting to see when a game is selected?
  6. You could place another element behind the video. Either a rectangle that you color, or another image.
  7. The black screen, I'm guessing is happening because elements need to load and behind those elements is nothing, which shows up on screen as black. Can you give an example of one of your views? What elements are in play and when the blackness appears.
  8. Hi @Jass_167. Hoping you can be a bit more descriptive here. Is this related to the platform specific background images while on your platform view you are building?
  9. Was not able to replicate this on a few different setups I have. Does this happen each time for you? I'm not able to see this. Do you maybe have duplicate fanart background images downloaded? This sounds more like you need to refresh your image cache. Have you tried to select all your images and press F5, or click on View > Media > Refresh All Images
  10. I think at this point let's try and bring this thread back on track. Performance issues are noted and have been added to the list to work on. And for anyone else, we are reading your posts of any suggestions and will always do our best to accommodate.
  11. I'm not entirely sure how you have things set up. Remember that LaunchBox has Categories, Platforms, and Playlists. The recommended way to set up LaunchBox is to import one Platform, say, Sony PlayStation, with all your games, then create Playlists to split up the platform into multiple sections, in your case, into Regions. So, in this scenario, you would only have 1 Sony PlayStation platform, so you only need to change the ROM path once. If, instead, you create multiple Sony PlayStation "Platforms", then each one would have to have their ROM path changed.
  12. Potential things you can try: Try to change your video engine - Tools > Options > Video Playback Check to see if you have nahimic installed - if you do, uninstall it and disable its service (program is linked to many visual bugs and is not needed) If it's happening with the exact same video, each time, it's possible the video has some errors and may be a good idea to change it for a better one
  13. Depending on how you have everything imported and set up in LaunchBox, you should be able to move everything to the locations you want them to be. Then in LaunchBox you would have to change the locations of both your emulators application paths and change your ROMs folder path. Emulators application path - go into Tools > Manage Emulators - edit each emulator's application path to their new locations ROMs folder path - Within a platform, select all games and go into Tools > (File Management) > Change ROMs Folder Path for Selected Games - do this for all your platforms You also want to check that after you move your emulators to the new location that they all still work outside of LaunchBox. Most move gracefully, while some do not, and may need configuration adjustment.
  14. Stretching videos should be possible. Inside your GameMarqueeView.xaml file add the StretchVideo="True" to the video marquee flow video code, which looks like this: <coverFlow:FlowVideo x:Name="MarqueeVideo" VideoType="Marquee" DataContext="{Binding SelectedGame}" PlayVideo="True" PlayAudio="False" FallbackToDefault="False" StretchVideo="True">
  15. If you delete the forum one and download it from inside Big Box, are you still missing the images?
  16. Hi @scottyboy77. Did you install the theme through Big Box or via the forums?
  17. This is actually the intended way BannerBox works. It will crop images that are too long, instead of bleeding them into the bottom portion of the banner, which contains the clear logo and other information. Nintendo Switch is definitely one of the systems that have long boxes where you will see this happening (other notable ones are 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, Sega CD, and Sony PSP). You could make it so the images stretch to uniform, however, that would end up showing blank spaces on either side of the box. It does require some code changes to make happen though, and it's possible that it may affect other systems that get close to that cutoff point.
  18. Once you add RetroArch back, you'll have to reassociate your games to the new RetroArch emulator. You can do this using the bulk edit wizard.
  19. That's funny. Definitely good for Halloween. The plugin used doesn't have the ability to pause its sounds when a game is launched, which is why the ambience just continues.
  20. Version 1.0


    Dark and Gloomy was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel. Dark and Gloomy A Halloween inspired theme with background ambience, theme-specific menu sounds, animated fog, and jump scares. Perfect for Halloween night. Watch this theme being built: Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeo8-08AVFU Files Dark and Gloomy - Theme - Theme Files.zip - Drop into your \\LaunchBox\Themes folder to load into Big Box Dark and Gloomy - Project Files for COMMUNITY Theme Creator.zip - Drop into your \\COMMUNITY Theme Creator\My Themes Projects folder to load into the COMMUNITY Theme Creator Credits COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/ Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA
  21. Dark and Gloomy - [Theme Workshop] - A Halloween Theme View File Dark and Gloomy was built during a Theme Workshop live stream. If you are interested in creating themes, subscribe to the Unbroken Software YouTube channel. Dark and Gloomy A Halloween inspired theme with background ambience, theme-specific menu sounds, animated fog, and jump scares. Perfect for Halloween night. Watch this theme being built: Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeo8-08AVFU Files Dark and Gloomy - Theme - Theme Files.zip - Drop into your \\LaunchBox\Themes folder to load into Big Box Dark and Gloomy - Project Files for COMMUNITY Theme Creator.zip - Drop into your \\COMMUNITY Theme Creator\My Themes Projects folder to load into the COMMUNITY Theme Creator Credits COMMUNITY Theme Creator by @y2guru. Find it here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/ Subscribe to catch future live stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA Submitter faeran Submitted 10/29/2021 Category Big Box Custom Themes  
  22. Hey @Bedwyr. If you use RetroArch, you could point RetroArch's save folders to a spot on your OneDrive, on both your machines. In RetroArch it's under: Settings > Directory Change Save Files and Save States to a spot on your OneDrive folder. Do this for both your computers and you should be good to go.
  23. Beta 4 has been released with the following: Fixed: RetroArch was sometimes failing to download for some users (thanks to @Hifihedgehog for pointing the way) For anyone that was having download issues, please let us know if you are still experiencing them with this release.
  24. Here's a link to the games database: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/ You can also click on the GAMES DB link at the top of the page.
  25. Hi @WillGr78. Which Neo Geo games are you trying to run?
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