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Everything posted by faeran

  1. From my understanding, this option requires a premium membership from EmuMovies. This option isn't for downloading manuals, but to find manuals you already have in your games folder and associate them to your imported games.
  2. Hi @chankee, what controllers are you trying to run? I would first check Windows to make sure that both your controllers are being registered. Windows has a Game Controller window that will list all available controllers. You can check each controller and test out whether Windows is seeing inputs from both of them. If things look good there, then you are in good shape for dolphin. I'd also recommend posting this issue over on the Dolphin forums, if you haven't already.
  3. Hi @wantwon, can you check your Data folder for a file called ImageQueue.xml. If it's there, try to remove it and see if that solves your issue.
  4. Curious as to what you are typing in for your Steam Custom URL, as you should only be typing in your name and not the entire URL. like this:
  5. One thing I did notice in your screenshots is that you have Extract ROM files checked off. While it may not be your only issue, you'll want to make sure you uncheck that when running any kind of MAME files.
  6. Hi @Lukeyboy67. I would recommend posting your feedback over on this post:
  7. The LaunchBox installer usually takes care of the dependencies for you. If you try to run the installer, do the dependencies not install for you? Also, here's a link to the correct .NET Core installer. You'll need to choose .NET Desktop Runtime 3.1.21, the x64 version (more than likely, although it may be worth finding out whether you have x86 or x64 version of Windows). https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/3.1
  8. This may hint at a windows permission issue. Probably worth checking that the entire LaunchBox folder has the correct user permissions.
  9. Just curious, but if you right click one of the games, and go to the Emulation section, is it showing the correct emulator entry?
  10. Hi @Daliant, If you run the Audit tool, there's a column for LaunchBox Games Database ID. This will allow you to see which games have not been linked with a game in the database.
  11. Hi @bbweiners. Thanks for posting this, as it uncovered a caching issue which will be fixed in the next beta, which will solve the issue with the black bars. However, you may want to add SelectOffsetProperty to your wheel so that the selected item will always appear on top. <coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.Row="3" Grid.RowSpan="1" NavigationRows="0" Rows="1" ItemSpacing="-0.175,0" Endless="True" SelectedScale="1,1" SelectedOffsetProperty="0,0,1">
  12. Hi @Solis92. Does it go away if you uncheck "Parse/Add Android Games on Startup" and restart LaunchBox?
  13. Not a big deal, either way. More of an interesting observation.
  14. The oddities of Windows sometimes. Glad it worked out!
  15. This most likely started happening due to a forum update, although shouldn't cause any issues with the contents. I've also not be able to get it to happen in my testing today, are you still seeing it?
  16. Thanks @Johnny T. At least I can say that on my main computer, I do use 3 screens, and they can cycle between them without issue. Long shot, but maybe play around with the positioning of the screens in Windows and see if that makes any difference. You can also unplug one of your other monitors temporarily just to test if Big Box is able to display anything on that screen.
  17. Just curious, when you are cycling through the Big Box screen options, does it never land on the portrait monitor?
  18. I've updated the project files to the most recent version. Let me know if you run into any issues with loading it into the COMMUNITY Theme Creator.
  19. I do have a build on my main computer, along with one attached to my TV and another on a CRT.
  20. Cool thought, although I don't believe this is possible, as they are technically 2 separate views that load independent of each other. Unsure if it's a technical possibility, but will definitely keep it in mind.
  21. If you are looking for a way to start Big Box as you log into Windows, this is possible through a few different means. You could add a Big Box shortcut to your startup folder (as per this video) or you could create a task within the task scheduler to start Big Box as Windows logs in.
  22. Yeah, this version is getting old, so will probably require an older version of the COMMUNITY Theme Creator to work properly. I'll see what I can do about updating the project files.
  23. Beta 6 is out with the following: Improvement: All Wall Views in Default Theme now have an alphanumeric index accessible through the new Open Index input binding Improvement: All Wall Views will now remember last game for each platform if the option is enabled Improvement: Wall View 4 has received a visual update and no longer looks like Wall View 1 (default theme only) Fixed: Duplicated string in Add/Edit Game's Image Type context menu (introduced 12.2 beta 5) Fixed: Add/Edit Game's image type context menu wasn't changing the image type (introduced 12.2 beta 5) Fixed: Wrong context menu would show up after editing a game with a paged arrange by (introduced 12.2 beta 4) Fixed: Badge menu premium notification was showing up too many times when a parent was clicked (introduced in 12.2 beta 4)
  24. I tested this out, but couldn't get this to happen. I'm assuming your Epic games are installed and playable. If you are changing a game's metadata but it doesn't save, you may have an issue with file permissions, or file locking, inside of your Data folder. A few common issues on this could be: LaunchBox is located in a file sync location on your hdd (like dropbox) and that program is locking your files You may have unwanted files within your LaunchBox\Data\Platforms folder. There should only be 1 file per platform Your Windows user doesn't have the right permissions to make changes to the folder (don't run LaunchBox as admin)
  25. This would depend on how you imported the DOS games. I'm assuming you used one of the DOS import wizards to do so. Based on that assumption, I would start by focusing on one game that isn't working. Go into the game's Edit Game window and see how things are set up. Make sure the Application Path (under Launching) is pointing to a file that exists and is accessible by your computer. Under DOSBox, make sure it's enabled to use DOSBox to play the game, and make sure you have any Mounts to the correct media (if applicable). You could also check Root Folder to make sure that it's pointing to the correct game folder. This will, at least, give you an idea of what could be happening.
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