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Everything posted by Ptondo

  1. And like I said waaayy back in the post thread it WAS on sale for 829.00 $ last week too at best buy ! I just bought my asus r.o.g. last week and I love the thing ran every thing great so far rise of the tomb raider , mad max, half life , and ps2 wii, gamecube ! Cus I bought mine for 1199.00$ Friday and they went on sale Sunday so went back to the store for my credit and then got the asus monitor !
  2. Ptondo

    LaunchBox Discount

    Yupp sorry it is 20 $ was early in morning when I posted lol
  3. Ptondo

    LaunchBox Discount

    You can get the 25$ one for a year but have to pay 25$ again tho
  4. And also this week they are 829.00$ usually they are 1199.00 $ I just got an asus desktop gaming computer at best buy too ! It's the g11cd Intel core i5, ddr4 16g , nVidia gforce, gtx 1080 6GB , hdd 1 tb , ssd512gb,
  5. The only thing that didn't work for me was trying to get emumovies through launchbox for videos downloading games but at work now so not trying for a while
  6. Yupp my emumovies down too just have to wait it out
  7. Yupp sol is about it ! Well like I said guess it gives me something to do uploading every thing again ! Thanks for the help anyhow !
  8. Thanks Brad and dmjohnox for the quick response well luck enuf I have all my roms on a 4tb hdd but all the emulators and videos from emunation where on the internal not sure why I can't get into the Damm thing I took it out and plugged into usb port on new computer but won't fire up !
  9. Was loving LB/BB till my computer decided to crap out on me so had to get a new one but got an asus g11cd gaming beast . Was wondering how can I get my licence back for BB ? And also how can I next time keep all my stuff had like 25 systems and videos in BB have to redo every thing cuz can't get into the old ssd but I guess gives me something to do lol
  10. Hello fellow " xyz'r !! Name looks familiar ! Brad does have an awsome tutorial on dos games which works pretty awsome like usual . my dos games worked following that !!
  11. To comment on your first post on here about launchbox taking over your life I'll tell you what it sure has to me too I'm forever downloading games and emu's downloading videos from emumovies or just being on here constantly ! I was a moderator on another site for consoles 360 , ps3 , but the dude shut it down in december with no word or anything so I'm glad I found something else to do ! The other site was xyzmods if any one knows a dude named paracrypt from UK need to know if he's still alive ! Lol
  12. Ptondo


    Hahaha little late but ya I did that was like the worst ufc I seen in a while lol
  13. Guess to what part of the world your from too lol I pronounce it arch like Archie
  14. Ya like they say Google is your best friend , and it sure is I just type in "how to add ...... to launchbox and that's all I need ! Thanks to Brad I would be lost lol
  15. Ptondo

    Altirra help?

    Ya Brad made a tutorial on using the atari st
  16. Well at least you finally got it ! It's worth it what you can do ! ☺
  17. Windows 10 should automatically detect 360 controller or you can download the drivers for it on Microsoft. Com I know on mine had to go into where it says controller on the dolphin emu and set it up too ! Also nightlies. Is just a download version of dolphin you can DL the nightlies. Version or the stable version of dolphin
  18. 2 to 3 hours of work ? I'd say you got lucky !! Works fine on my end
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