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Everything posted by epicfail

  1. Ah I smell what your stepping in, I will look into updating this. Thank you for the feed back.
  2. Use emumovies.com. Maybe try dowloading the boxes pack from emumovies manually. Your collection is probably different than mine as well. Very worst case, maybe see if like you have screenshots of the Game Title being scraped then try just copying those into your boxart folder.
  3. ESC is usually a button needed to navigate the game properly. This is one of the exceptions for me, exiting is done via the menu. Maybe try mapping a button to like Ctrl+F5 this should open the menu. From here you can choose Load, Save, Quit, etc... My system sits in my server closet and is played over steam link, so I'll need to to pull it out and hook it up to a monitor to investigate my settings. I believe that Ctrl+q is quit.
  4. I wanted to try out RA, I added RA feature to my launcher, if you want to check it out. The retroarch instructions are in the update notes for 2.0.1
  5. I will get to it this week, sorry for the delay. Edit: Sorry no video yet, but added retroarch feature.
  6. I run steam big picture mode as my shell and launch bigbox from it. I use a xbox one controllers when locally running. I have xbox 360 controllers on my steam link. I ended up turning most of the steam overlay stuff off, per my preferences, that's done from steam settings hosting your bigbox. That may help some of the issues. I don't have any focus stealing issues, but my setup may be hiding it. My family plays it, so I try to make it full proof. I have experienced this, not very often. I can confirm this happens with out steam link. Its like Bigbox is in a deadlock condition, like its waiting on a thread to end or something. For me it sucks because I don't have anything but those controllers hooked up in both rooms so I end up being lazy and killing the power.
  7. Version 4.0.0-plugin


    Version 4.0.0 Now works with the ThirdParty folder. Also added a way to convert the BatRunner roms to launch straight from Launchbox instead of running through the batrunner and bat files. This feature is new. Version 3.4.0 Big changes in this one. Some may like it, some may hate it. I now rewrite your ini file to help you out and maintain portability. New game menu item to Configure ScummVM. ScummVM will open with that game selected. No need to scroll through a big list to find/guess the specific game to configure. When using my menu items to configure scummvm, I will automatically rewrite absolute paths as relative paths to your ini file. I also gave you the Configure ScummVM from the Tools drop down. During generation of the *.bat launchers I will check that you have the emulator set up, if not I will fix it for you. Can't change ScummVM path or launcher path now. Just go with it, life will be better. Simple and Advanced modes. Advanced mode is what your used to. Simple mode is one click setup, creates full list of launchers, and emulator creation. It will ask if you want to filter the non english languages. It should be easy if it works the way I intend. click on the Tools->ScummVM Import Tool (simple) click on the Tools->Import->Rom Files to import the bat files as ScummVM games. Now scummvm can be portable easily in 3.3.1-plugin, you can rewriting the ini file. One click will read every single setting out of the ini file and find all absolute paths, check if the path is valid, than convert then to be relative to the launchbox directory. I owe you guys some new instructions. Updated with relative path for better travel! ONLY the DLL is updated... See the update note below lots of new stuff. uses launchbox built in ScummVM by default uses a local scummvm.ini by default, import existing to a local or create new fresh local scummvm.ini, all built in find and remove existing epicfail files. better rom names for smoother mass import BatRunner.exe installed from gui, must stay in your launchbox folder, point to it as your scummvm emulator. (BatRunner.exe is just the ScummVMimport.dll renamed and move to the launchbox main directory. Will prompt you when you create your launcher bat files. So its automatic you won't have do any thing to create it) Just point to it as the application for you scummvm emulator if your using the bat files. Updated filtering with priority duplicate control. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Older Version 2.0.5 from the videos ScummVMLauncher.exe NEW AND IMPROVED - NOW WITH RETROARCH FEATURE This is the scummvm launching system I use with launchbox. Most importantly this allows you to get art and videos for BB. It works for me, so I'm sharing it. SETUP LAUNCHERS: Put these ScummVMLauncher.exe files in your scummvm directory same directory as your scummvm.exe. I'm using currently. If you already setup my old launcher you can just delete the files and the launchers folder. This is how I use it. 1st is to open your ScummVM and do a "Mass Add" if you don't know what that is hold the shift button down and the add button on scummvm will change. You could skip this if you already have your games loaded in scummvm, but I recommend starting fresh. After that close the scummvm program and assuming you have the microsoft .net framework installed run the ScummVMLauncher.exe. From the window, select Tools->load scummvm.ini this will attempt to automatically find your file in %appdata%ScummVM/, if its not there just navigate to the directory that you keep it and select your scummvm.ini file, then select open. This will grab the scummvm.ini file selected and parse it. You should see the gui populate and look similar to the screenshot. The gui should be intuitive. Filter the games the way you want to. Select Tools->Generate Launchers SETUP IN LAUNCHBOX: Setup the emulator for ScummVM and pick the ScummVMLauncher.exe file as the executable. import roms - pick the launchers folder to import. Enjoy in BB, with art and videos!
  8. EpicFail ScummVM Launcher NEW View File Version 4.0.0 Now works with the ThirdParty folder. Also added a way to convert the BatRunner roms to launch straight from Launchbox instead of running through the batrunner and bat files. This feature is new. Version 3.4.0 Big changes in this one. Some may like it, some may hate it. I now rewrite your ini file to help you out and maintain portability. New game menu item to Configure ScummVM. ScummVM will open with that game selected. No need to scroll through a big list to find/guess the specific game to configure. When using my menu items to configure scummvm, I will automatically rewrite absolute paths as relative paths to your ini file. I also gave you the Configure ScummVM from the Tools drop down. During generation of the *.bat launchers I will check that you have the emulator set up, if not I will fix it for you. Can't change ScummVM path or launcher path now. Just go with it, life will be better. Simple and Advanced modes. Advanced mode is what your used to. Simple mode is one click setup, creates full list of launchers, and emulator creation. It will ask if you want to filter the non english languages. It should be easy if it works the way I intend. click on the Tools->ScummVM Import Tool (simple) click on the Tools->Import->Rom Files to import the bat files as ScummVM games. Now scummvm can be portable easily in 3.3.1-plugin, you can rewriting the ini file. One click will read every single setting out of the ini file and find all absolute paths, check if the path is valid, than convert then to be relative to the launchbox directory. I owe you guys some new instructions. Updated with relative path for better travel! ONLY the DLL is updated... See the update note below lots of new stuff. uses launchbox built in ScummVM by default uses a local scummvm.ini by default, import existing to a local or create new fresh local scummvm.ini, all built in find and remove existing epicfail files. better rom names for smoother mass import BatRunner.exe installed from gui, must stay in your launchbox folder, point to it as your scummvm emulator. (BatRunner.exe is just the ScummVMimport.dll renamed and move to the launchbox main directory. Will prompt you when you create your launcher bat files. So its automatic you won't have do any thing to create it) Just point to it as the application for you scummvm emulator if your using the bat files. Updated filtering with priority duplicate control. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Older Version 2.0.5 from the videos ScummVMLauncher.exe NEW AND IMPROVED - NOW WITH RETROARCH FEATURE This is the scummvm launching system I use with launchbox. Most importantly this allows you to get art and videos for BB. It works for me, so I'm sharing it. SETUP LAUNCHERS: Put these ScummVMLauncher.exe files in your scummvm directory same directory as your scummvm.exe. I'm using currently. If you already setup my old launcher you can just delete the files and the launchers folder. This is how I use it. 1st is to open your ScummVM and do a "Mass Add" if you don't know what that is hold the shift button down and the add button on scummvm will change. You could skip this if you already have your games loaded in scummvm, but I recommend starting fresh. After that close the scummvm program and assuming you have the microsoft .net framework installed run the ScummVMLauncher.exe. From the window, select Tools->load scummvm.ini this will attempt to automatically find your file in %appdata%ScummVM/, if its not there just navigate to the directory that you keep it and select your scummvm.ini file, then select open. This will grab the scummvm.ini file selected and parse it. You should see the gui populate and look similar to the screenshot. The gui should be intuitive. Filter the games the way you want to. Select Tools->Generate Launchers SETUP IN LAUNCHBOX: Setup the emulator for ScummVM and pick the ScummVMLauncher.exe file as the executable. import roms - pick the launchers folder to import. Enjoy in BB, with art and videos! Submitter epicfail Submitted 02/17/2017 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins
  9. epicfail


    I just went through this, so I created my own way of doing it. Its not super fancy but its working well for my purpose. BB has art and videos for majority of my games. Maybe it will help. NEW LAUNCHER SYSTEM: Old launcher system (python based)
  10. EpicFail ScummVM Launcher View File This is the scummvm launching system I use with launchbox. Most importantly this allows you to get art and videos for BB. It works for me, so I'm sharing it. SETUP LAUNCHERS: Put these 2 files in your scummvm directory same directory as your scummvm.exe. I'm using currently. This is how I use it. 1st is to open ScummVM and do a "Mass Add" if you don't know what that is hold the shift button down and the add button on scummvm will change. You could skip this if you already have your games loaded in scummvm. After that close scummvm and assuming you have python 2.7 installed run the INSTALL_LAUNCHER.py. This will automatically grab the ini file generated in %appdata% by scummvm and parse it. It finds the english versions, attempts to sort out windows and pc platforms if the info is available. Prioritized in the order of windows, then pc, then unlabeled removing duplicates. Then it attempts to match the emumovies name, if that fails the name is the description of the game. Finally the script creates a "launchers" directory in your scummvm directory with a bat file for each game. SETUP IN LAUNCHBOX: Setup the emulator for ScummVM and pick the SCUMMVM_LAUNCHER.bat file as the executable. import roms - pick the launchers folder to import. Enjoy in BB, with art and videos! Submitter epicfail Submitted 02/03/2017 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins
  11. This is how I worked around all that with this program I found here and some ahk. run, Other\button_on_360_guide.exe,,,spid winwait % "ahk_pid " spid winhide esc:: { Process, Close, button_on_360_guide.exe Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
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