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Everything posted by MetalVinnie

  1. @moff I appreciate your comments. Thank you. I did not select the regions/clones for the rom list. I just checked my Launchbox and didn't even know that 1941u was the main rom selected for 1941. When I right click on '1941', all the clones are listed under the same heading. I think that was due to how Launchbox bundled the roms when I imported them. I do agree that some versions of certain games are better than others, although, I didn't choose which clone should be on those lists. Honestly, that would've been too tedious for me. But, I'm also the kind of guy who likes X-Men to be the 6-player version with 3 screens and would take the time to set up my controller to the character that I like.
  2. I am currently working on more 'game' specific overlays/bezels. I would like them to be in a corresponding forum category. But, currently there is only a 'platform' category for bezels. I've already posted my NES black box games bezels there. Any chance we can have a game specific category for them? And once you have that, can you move my post there? Also, @nadonate has a few game specific bezels that could go there, too.
  3. Just giving you an idea of what I've been working on, lately. So far, I have 28 new NES game bezels made. Still need to add TV frames for the Thin TV and Thick TV sets. Just stopping in to give you guys a heads-up for the work in progress.
  4. It's all good. Maybe you can make some sort of mention of me? If not, it's ok, it's all for fun anyway. Glad you like the bezels. I've got a few more NES game bezels coming. These new ones are taking me longer to make. The black box games had sort of a template to work with.
  5. Just played this on my phone. Can't wait to get home and see this on my 55 inch screen. Thank you for this. I love it.
  6. So, has anyone had any trouble playing the light gun games on Retroarch? They were crashing on me any time I pointed the mouse off screen. I found a solution, but it's a not-so-great one. In order to play those games, you must disconnect (or shut off) your controller before you open Retroarch. I'm using a wireless X Box 360 controller and it was shut off when I discovered this. Now, I can point and click at those ducks without getting an error message. Yay!
  7. OMG! WOW! It's beautiful! I love the neon effect and the music is catchy. Great work so far. This is surely going to exceed my expectations. Thanks!
  8. There are 2 files to download on this page. The xml is the playlist and the png is the clear logo.
  9. Thanks Angelo! @CTRL-ALT-DEFEAT just offered to make a theme video with my clear logo. I'm sure it's going to come out awesome.
  10. Glad I could help and that you are enjoying the bezels.
  11. First, select the game. Then under 'Settings' find 'Onscreen Display' and select that. Then pick 'Overlay Preset' and you can choose the config file for the bezel of your choice. Then under Quick Menu find 'Save Game Overrides' and click. The game should open with the chosen bezel every time. Thanks Nyny77. I admire your work. Great to hear from you.
  12. NES Black Box Games Bezels and Configs for Retroarch View File Here are the NES Black Box bezels I created for Retroarch. There are three sets for 3 different configurations: NoTV, TV, and ThickTV. Download and unzip to your RetroArch\overlays folder. Set them up through Retroarch. You can also download the playlist and playlist clear logo here: Also, @CTRL-ALT-DEFEAT generously made an awesome theme video to go along with the playlist and bezels. Download it here: Submitter MetalVinnie Submitted 06/15/2017 Category Platform Bezels/Overlays
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Here are the NES Black Box bezels I created for Retroarch. There are three sets for 3 different configurations: NoTV, TV, and ThickTV. Download and unzip to your RetroArch\overlays folder. Set them up through Retroarch. You can also download the playlist and playlist clear logo here: Also, @CTRL-ALT-DEFEAT generously made an awesome theme video to go along with the playlist and bezels. Download it here:
  14. NES Black Box Collection Playlist View File Here is a playlist for the 30 original black box games on the NES, plus the 3 silver box games. Download the .xml file and paste it in your Launchbox\Data\Playlists directory. I also included a Clear Logo for the Playlist. Download it and paste it to your LaunchBox\Images\Playlists\NES Black Box\Clear Logo directory. Check out the bezels/overlays I made for them here: Also, @CTRL-ALT-DEFEAT generously made an awesome theme video to go along with the playlist and bezels. Download it here: Submitter MetalVinnie Submitted 06/15/2017 Category Playlists
  15. Version 1.0.1


    Here is a playlist for the 30 original black box games on the NES, plus the 3 silver box games. Download the .xml file and paste it in your Launchbox\Data\Playlists directory. I also included a Clear Logo for the Playlist. Download it and paste it to your LaunchBox\Images\Playlists\NES Black Box\Clear Logo directory. Check out the bezels/overlays I made for them here: Also, @CTRL-ALT-DEFEAT generously made an awesome theme video to go along with the playlist and bezels. Download it here:
  16. I own this game as well. Played it a bit. I do like the cartoony graphics. Got it with a bunch of games in a Humblebundle deal.
  17. I've been playing a translated version of 'Front Mission: Gunhazard' for Super Famicom. It's a rather unique game, I'd say. It's a Role Playing/Run N Gun side-scroller. Much different than the strategy games that the series is known for. It kind of reminds me of 'Cybernator'. @Charco, have you ever tried 'Guacamelee'? I loved Shovel Knight for it's homages, too. Guacamelee has tons of homages, especially in the backgrounds. If I had to describe the kind of game it is, it's a Metroidvania/Beat Em Up. I had a lot of fun with that game.
  18. I own this DS game, complete with box and it even comes with a mini promo disc and a shiny slip cover. The clouds parted and the angels started singing when I picked it up from the shelf. Did you know there was Contra 4 on the DS, too? Gotta get two copies so you can play with a friend.
  19. MetalVinnie


    @Levo_Stone All the games in all the playlists I've posted were hand selected by me, one at a time, through Launchbox. I really don't have any idea how to edit the actual xml files. Sorry, I don't think I have the answer you are looking for.
  20. I watched him for a bit. I was more curious to see what he did to take a break. He had so many extra lives that it almost didn't matter if he lost a few. But he took a break to sip his cup, lost a few lives doing it. And every time he reached 10 million, the score rolls over to 0. So he had to mark that on the video for us and that took a bit of time from him, too. Having no pause button is what really blew me away. I also just learned how to patch roms. It was easy enough to just download an already patched rom, so I never bothered until now. I was curious about Gyruss because Brad announced it on one of his videos. I guess the Gyruss translation is still too new for an already patched rom to download. So I learned how to do it myself. But I also found some patches for other games that I thought needed a translation and spent a day patching roms. It's pretty easy. I was really happy to find a translation for 'Arumana no Kiseki' or 'The Miracle Of Almana'. Haven't gotten far with it, but it's good ol' Konami greatness with a Castlevania/Indiana Jones kind of feel to it. While we're here sharing our learning experiences, I did want to tell you something else I discovered about EBOOT.PCB files in Retroarch. While I was making configurations on Retroarch for one of my eboot files, I noticed that Retoarch will save it to a file as 'EBOOT.cfg'. Unfortunately, any 'EBOOT.PCB' will save to the same config. So...I renamed all my EBOOT.PCB files to 'Name of Game'.PCB. They still work and now I can save each game to it's own config. For some reason I thought they all had to be named 'eboot.pcb' because that's how they will work on my actual PSP.
  21. Yeah, but he's playing on a genuine cabinet.
  22. I think the only difference is that the Famicom Disk version has a text intro and a select screen that was missing in the NA cart. Not sure, but maybe the music sounds a bit different. I have to try it myself. 100 Million? Nuts! I think he's at 59,000,000 at this time of writing. Almost 12 hours in...what if he has to pee?
  23. More games added here. Added a Turbo Grafx playlist here as well.
  24. More games added to these lists. Added a Turbo Grafx list, too.
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