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Everything posted by y2guru

  1. @CriticalCid This is now my primary (and only) Theme for my living room pc!! I would love to livestream how it looks (if you're up for that) and possibly have a quick chat regarding XAML?
  2. Here's mine, had to use per game configuration due to graphic glitches caused with my default config Destroy All Humans! 2.7z Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2 (USA).7z SSX (USA).7z SSX 3 (USA).7z SSX Tricky (USA).7z Virtua Fighter 4 (USA).7z
  3. Nevermind.... Im such a pilchard! would have helped if i had typed cores\ instead of core\ arrrgh. Thank you!! if you hadn't replied with a screenshot i wouldn't have revisited the associated platform config so quickly.
  4. yep, did that. in fact thats the 1st place i went as I had deleted demul as an emulator. then added Sega Dreamcast as an associated Retroarch platform once i had downloaded the redream core. like i said, it works just fine once launched via retroarch outside of LB. I had this same issue launching mame roms via retroarch (Mame2014) last night, turned out that the retroarch.cfg file had some erroneous entries, once they were removed it worked. I noticed that my primary retroarch.cfg file does not reference redream at all.
  5. upgraded retroarch and downloaded the redream core, works great (very fast) outside of Launchbox, but i am unable to get it working via LB, has anyone had any luck yet?
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