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Everything posted by orphen92

  1. ah oui ? j'ai essayer pas plus tard que avant hier en supprimant tout les media, mais en laissant les description. 1) Ca ne ma pas télécharger que les jeux de la plateforme sélectionnée (je voyais genre 7000 data a télécharger pour la nes) 2) ca na eut aucun impact sur mes description launchbox Tu aurai moyen de me détailler comment faire pour récupérer genre juste les description des jeux nes stp? J'ai peut être zapper quelque chose : /.
  2. skraper ne permet pas de récupérer juste les descriptions. Il remplace tout image, videos, layer etc
  3. Hello i use psx core in retroarch ( Mednafen hardware). when i try to play X-files i have lots of glitch on the interactive area, cursor etc. Do you know why? My plugin videos is Vulkan but i have try Opengl too with the same issue Thanks for you support
  4. Hey it is possible to have the same render of the 5 screen but with game box instead of clear logo?
  5. hello all, i have a issue with bigbox from many months. If i active keymapper in rlauncher (with joytokey or xpadder), when i'm exit a game and go back to bigbox, sometimes i lost the focus and need to click on the windows to get it back. Can you help me please? I thinks this issue exist is i used keymapper in rlauncher but i'm not sure. Can you help me please i have this issue from a long time.
  6. its not what i need :(. This is my solution. I have create a bat file for launch xpadder and load his profil for mouse Emulation. ::Launch Xpadder (Emulation of mouse) @echo off ::Begin Xpadder and Minimize the Window start "" Xpadder.exe "Profiles/MouseP1" "Profiles/MouseP1" /M And i launch this bat file with the game (on game startup) When i close the game i call this bat file ::Kill Xpadder @echo off ::Kill it! start "" Xpadder.exe /C And all works great i Hope this solution help some people
  7. Hello, i'm up my topic because I'm always looking for help for add xpadder on some systems like wow action max and ScumVm please. Anyone can help me please?
  8. ANyone know if its possible to launch a profile directly when xpadder is close?
  9. i have exactly the same issue
  10. Hello i have a xpadder profil or emulate mouse with my pad. I have a probleme when i load a profile. Xpadder need 2 load for accepting the profile. If i click manualy on the profile file xpadder is open, i need to click again on the profile for load it. Can you help me please? Thank you for your help
  11. Ok i found a first solution but it's not what i realy want to do. Directly in the advanced property of FS-uae emulators i have set this Xinput_Controller_Button_9 = action_quit So when i press the right analog pad of my controller, the emulator closes. I realy want that when i hold select and press start the emulator closes :(. I think there is a solution directly in launchbos to do that
  12. Hello, I play the cd32 game with fs-uae emulators and i have a troubleshoting for exit the emulator. In launchbox i have enabled the automation for exit emulator with hold select + start. Its not working on FS-uae (it just opens the menu of the emulator). I think a AHk script exists to close the emulator with my automation configuration, but i can't find it. Can you help me please?
  13. Hi, i have a problem with gx4000 system. I have tried to configure it with mame core on retroarch and many games block to initialization screen. So i have tried Mame emulator version 0.192 (it works great with rlauncher), but it doesn't work with rlauncher. After initialization screen it stops working I dont understand why because the same emulator works great with rlauncher. Can you help me please? Sorry for my bad english
  14. Hi thanks this awesome Post. I have a little problem with FSUAE, for multiplayer game. My pad for player 2 is never recognize. Can you explain to me what is the step for that ? its for cd32 games like battletoads Thanks you for your help
  15. okay so i have testing lots of configuration, and finaly the bug is the configuration of the analogic stick. If i not configure the analog stick all works perfectly...
  16. I'm not understand why I'm use a 360 pad and the version 0.8.1 of the emulator.
  17. Thanks you for your help but i cant see any difference... Its work for you?
  18. I'm not understand i have a good configuration for my pad (360 pad ) but its not working when i play a game Any idea?
  19. Hi all i have my hyperpause activated with rlauncher and i would like to know how can i use my pad for control hyperpause when i used a game in bigbox Thanks for your help
  20. Please how can i change the language format for french, and how can i change the text of the theme (like genre, developper, years etc)?
  21. Pour avoir plus de chance d'obtenir de l'aide le mieux reste de poster en anglais sur le forum précise que tu es français et on t'aidera dans notre langue :). Mais poste ton problème en anglais quitte a passer par google trad.
  22. i'm talking about plateform when i add the games (default plateform). In all tutorial on internet TurboGraphx-16 exist on the default plateform list. But is not exist for me. Look at my screen TurboGraph-cd exist but not TurboGraph-16 Thanks you for your help
  23. Hi i would like add PC-engine/turbografx-16 to my launchbox but NEC TurboGrafx-16 is missing from plateform list when i try to add. Can you explain to me why? Thanks for the help
  24. Hi thanks you for your help. Everything is already good, but not working :(. Any other idea?
  25. Hello boys, I want to launch my neo geo cd with retroarch but when i launch it i have this error: [libretro INFO] Starting game from command line:Z:\Roms\SNK Neo Geo CD\sonicwi2.zip [libretro INFO] ARGUV[0]=Z:\Roms\SNK [libretro WARN] Driver Z:\Roms\SNK not found -1 [libretro WARN] Game not found: sonicwi2 [libretro INFO] RES:-2 In my rom folder i have: -aero fighters 2 (1994)(snk)(jp-us)[!][sonic wings 2].chd -sonicwi2.zip -neocd.zip -neocdz.zip -neogeo.zip I have check my neocd Hash files and all is good. Can you help me please? Thanks you very much
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