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Everything posted by Tommy1981
Is there an import option that allows us to import games that are not already imported on other systems. For example. Say we start with adding all of the ps1 collection. Then we add the Saturn collection next. When the Saturn collection is being added, is there a way to add only the games not found in the ps1 collection. In addition, if we add the N64 collection, is there a way to only add the N64 games not found in the other 2 collections. thank you.
Can someone tell me how to use the media downloaded in launchbox with Batocera and Vice Versa? I use launchbox/bigbox on the PC and Batocera on the steam deck. Huge thanks to anyone who can help.
Is there a way to scrape images from google for the ones the import wizard misses? There use to be a plug-in for this but I don’t see it anymore. It would be great to be able to scrape “best matched” images from the database too. Maybe match as many words in the title as possible to the images in the databases with the most matched words at the top of the list and the least matched at the bottom of the list. if you could do videos this way too, it would be awesome.
I would like to be able to replace the inside of a ps1 with a small computer and have it boot up with a video that looks just like the ps1 does when it is first turned on. Next, have it go directly into a full screen coverflow of my ps1 game collection. Is this possible with big box or a custom theme right now? Thank you!!!
I agree with you. I used a plugin called image search 2.0 from the download section to fill in all of my missing are work. It's not perfect but it helps out a lot. I had to rename some of the artwork I downloaded to match the name of my roms. Only about 1 in 20 were named wrong.
I would also like to see this done. Maybe even add a feature right into launch box that will compress all of our images that we already have and delete the old bigger images.
I would love to see this feature as well!!
I really like how launch box merges roms with the same name and only one game is displayed. Would love to see a feature that allows us delete roms based on region preferences. For example; if I had mortal kombat (usa), mortal kombat (pal), and mortal kombat (japan), I could set up region preference to keep usa roms but when a usa Rom is not available to keep a pal Rom but when neither the usa or pal Rom is available to keep a Japan Rom. The would be awesome. If this feature is already available please let me know. Thank you!!
I've been using the image search plugin to fill in my missing box art and it has really helped me out. I've got at least one image for every game in my collection with the help of this awesome tool. Is there a way to view what videos are missing in launch box? I noticed in the videoscraper plugin tutorial that he can see the video on the right hand side of the screen when he clicks on a game in launch box. I have autoplay video selected but not video plays. Is this just me or is this happening for everyone. i updated from the latest beta to the current stable version recently. Do you think this has something to do with it? Thank you. Update- did not realize there was more than one page of plugins. Found a great plugin for downloading videos. There are a lot of good ones. I select box art in launch box to view all of the covers but I don't see a way to view the videos. Thanks to anyone who can help with this.
I think my launch box media collection is around 300 to 400 gb with the roms. How big do you think the cache would be? Thanks for the great tutorial on moving the cache. Awesome idea!!
I'm looking at either getting sandisk 960gb sata ssd or 1tb samsung m2 drive. If there is not much difference in the real life load times, I was going to get the sata drive. The coverflow takes a while to load off a 3.0 usb.
Has anyone compared the load times of the cover art between a ssd, regular hard drive, and m2 hard drive? I have a 250gb sata ssd running Windows but i have my launch box collection on a 8tb usb 3.0 hard drive. I have 3 sata 3.5 inch bays and 1 M2 slot in my computer. Should I get a sata hard drive or a M2 hard drive to put my launch box covers and media on? I will leave my roms on my 8tb usb hard drives. Thank you for any suggestions on this.
I've noticed certain games with versions in the names get skipped when downloading media. Dreamcast collection did this alot due to version numbers in the names. Anyone have any tips or lists I can use to rename my roms to ensure my roms will have the best chance at getting media downloaded for them. I mostly use no-intro and redump collections. Also, is there a tool or simi-easy way to rename the roms and media files I already have at the same time? I've manually added in 100's or maybe even 1,000's of the missing box art pictures. Mostly the front 2D & 3D covers. Thank you
Thanks for all of the responses. I have the 0.187 set and just worried about incompatibility. I have not experienced any incompatibility though.
Is there a guide for using multiple screens? I would like to do this too. I've never used more than one. What hardware and software is required? I have a HP Omen with a i7 7700, 16gb ram, and gtx 1070. Only thing i changed in it was I replaced the hard drive with a ssd and added 2 - 8tb regular hard drives for storage.
I came across this guide for filtering roms with clrmamepro and thought I would share it with you guys. I did not write it and I don't remember which site it came off of but here it is. Hope this helps you guys out. This guide will allow you to filter out all of the USA roms plus all of the exclusives from every other region. This guide uses no-intro rom sets Install ClrMamePro. Go to No-Intro's DAT-o-Matic, select the system of your rom set and download the parent-clone DAT file. Determine if your system rom set needs a header file on the global No-Intro datset download page. Lookup your system and see if there is a yellow icon thingy on the right side which provides a header download. Extract the archive after downloading and place the extracted XML header file in the <ClrMamePro installation folder>.\Headers folder. Run ClrMamePro and select "Add DatFile" from the Profiler. Browse to your DAT file and select the default location to save it. Open it under "NEW DATFILES" and select "Default". Go to "Settings" in the main window. Add your ROM path(s). Select "1G1R Mode" beneath "Region / Language Mode". (If this option is greyed out, then your DAT file doesn't contain parent-clone info). Select "Regions" from the upper-left dropdown menu. If your DAT file contains parent-clone info with regions you should see them here. Select the regions which you want included in your 1G1R set and leave out those you don't want. As reference, I chose from top (so highest priority) to down: USA, CAN, AUS, EUR, HOL, ASI, BRA, FRA, GER, ITA, SPA, SWE. I left KOR, CHN, JPN unchecked and will be left out. This saves me a lot of roms which I can't play anyway since I can't read the language anyway . Now close the window. Go to "Scanner" in de main window. In the lower left part of the window you will see a lot of checkboxes. Make sure you have all in the right column (Fix) unselected. Make sure you have all in the left column (Check) selected except for "Unneeded". Select "New Scan..." When the scan finishes it will tell you if you have all of the roms in your set for the 1G1R set. If you do you can continue. If you don't you have two options. Search and download for the missing rom(s) or copy an other region version for each of the missing roms from your set to a temp folder. Now press the "OK" button. BEWARE: the following steps will delete unneeded roms not included in the 1G1R set you are wanting to build. ClrMamePro (with its default settings) makes a backup of the deleted files in the <ClrMamePro installation folder>.\backup\<system-name>\... for you but if you want to be completely safe then create your own backup of the set. Select ALL checkboxes from both columns (Check and Fix) and perform a new scan. When this finishes you will have transformed your rom set to a 1G1R rom set so you only have one rom of each version according to the region priority you set earlier. You can save the Have List by clicking that button if you want. Close the window and also close the main window or continu on to other sets. If you are satisfied you can remove your own backup and/or ClrMamePro's backup if you want.
I have been looking through many websites over the past few days and can not find a list of complete list of all console exclusive game titles. This website has all games on every console but really looking for pal and Japan exclusive titles only. http://www.digitpress.com/video-game-guide/ Thank you for any help with this!!
I just seen where windows 10 has a built in game recording app. Thought I would share this info. Pressing Win+G will bring it up and pressing Win+Alt+R will start the recording. Been adding the missing box art by googling game's images and saving them to the image folders. Now I can start filling in the missing videos. Is there a place to submit missing cover art and videos to the games database or will syncing automatically do this?
I've been downloading box art from Google and making my own box art for the games with missing box art. Does anyone have any suggestions on a program to create game play videos? Also what format and how long should the videos be? What is the best way to add missing media? What methods do you guys use?