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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Glad you like It'll take a few packs to complete though, Mame showed me multiple times that it's always larger than I think lol but I'll get there
  2. Added pack "FGHIJK" (remember: missing boxes will be updated through update packs in the future)
  3. @Colorman3605 You can change it anyway you like, if you want to see only certain images for a particular game you can rename the images or delete images you don't want to see for a game.
  4. That's because multiple images set for one image category get randomized.
  5. Awesome! Keep up the great work!
  6. Update: I don't think I'll manage to finish the pack for Sunday, will be Monday or Tuesday. Another preview of a classic, in 4 variants. (Note: Not color corrected/optimized yet)
  7. I love your work, will these be uploaded to the Launchbox downloads section?
  8. Thanks bro I am collecting all the new and/or modified cover artwork to upload at a later point, it's a whole lot of stuff to add manually once done though I might need some help with this, I am uploading the Missink logo's though and some of the artwork in case where there wasn't any.
  9. Update: Pack "FGHIJK" coming this Sunday if all goes well, including a lot of classics, here's a preview of some games and it's variants, in case you like/need the Japanese, official art or fan art version Including customized and cropped flyers (the last halloween poster put to good use!) and artwork. Ghost's 'n Goblins different versions: Ghouls 'n Ghosts different versions: And a special example, I found this flyer to be boring in mono color so I colored it using reference material of the cabinets, couldn't find the high res cabinet artwork so I just had to do this labor of love. Back to my childhood days, loved every minute of coloring this lol, took some time but I like the result: End result box: And loads more stuff, too much to show here, stay tuned for Sunday
  10. Hey now, I liked Bubsy ? Best wishes to everyone for 2019 btw \m/
  11. Yeah now I finally figured it all out, I chose guide as secondary bindings button to hold and it can do whatever I wanted it's awesome! Now I can finally adjust system volume as well by holding guide + up or down. Thanks again @Chadmando and @Dane this dinput setting might solve problems with other key mapping software in combo with Mame as well, this thread helped me solve it:
  12. I fixed it by changing keyboardprovider from 'auto' to 'dinput' in the mame.ini file: # # OSD INPUT OPTIONS # keyboardprovider dinput mouseprovider auto lightgunprovider auto joystickprovider auto Controller Companion now works with Mame, let the good times roll good sirs \m/
  13. I see a change as well, the games become longer and more complex, amazing games non the less but I cant bring myself anymore to finish these epic journeys of 100s of play hours even though they are amazing works of art it takes a lot of time and therefor I didn't finish a lot of these games in the end, feeling I could have saved some bucks lol. I've grown more to short games now going back in time where you could beat a game in an hour or a weekend, excluding some rpg's ofcourse. Also it seems games are released in fast succession it feels a bit like overkill but it could be i'm just getting older.
  14. Give me a saw and a piece of wood and I can promise you I will make it an ugly mess lol I'd rather buy something like a handheld trackball gamepad, I don't want to risk messing things up, time, cost but also size wise. I agree these forums are great, lots of helpful and friendly people! i'll tinker around with controller companion and auto keys at a later stadium, I need to read about it some more to understand it all I think.
  15. I have tried toggling enable as well but it didn't make any difference, i'll dive into it at a later stadium when I have some more time.
  16. Thanks @Chadmando I'll try this out soon and experiment with it. It would make sense indeed that Mame works differently with controllers as the guide button is mappable (is that the right english term?) in retroarch with the logitech F310 at least so I expect FC to work as well but Mame wouldnt with the F310 before as well. @neil9000 Thank you for offering help bro I hoped being able to map the guide button as a combo key with controller companion (edit: mapping guide button with controller companion for use in Mame), like holding guide and press R2 would save a game etc. For now I can do this with the select button but the guide button would be nice to use instead.
  17. Thanks @Chadmando I really hope I can still do this with Mame and Companion as I don't want to many different software running in the background, I always try to minimalize these thing to make it less complex in case of errors cross software, input lag and system speed. @Dane you seem to have had success with this in Mame, any tips?
  18. I wish they would sell those spinners or trackballs on a handy controller, i'm not a handy person in the DIY department. Thanks @Chadmando for Controller Companion, it looks very promising although I have to figure out a lot still and spend some time on it, I started off testing by changing the guide button to keyboard button "Tab" but it doesn't react in Mame while Tab is set to the bindings within mame to show the mame menu, any idea how to set this up? I did turn off all default bindings except for the guide button so maybe i did something wrong in that process. Basically I'd like to use the guide button in the future to hold and then press other buttons to activate things so it will be the exact same button combo's as in retroarch. Any advice or experiences on this program are welcome
  19. lmao @ the lady When standing those arcade sticks seem to be the best way to go but when collapsing in a chair the pads are most compfy. Yeah I still need a trackball and spinner on a gamepad still as well, I haven't studied this much and probably ain't gonna (afraid of cheap chinese products that might break) but it looks like a hybrid light gun with trackball, not sure if it'll work like a gyro or air mouse, there are a lot of different sellers of the same looking product, anyone tried these yet?: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2016-New-Wireless-2-4G-Air-Mouse-Handheld-Trackball-Mouse-Thumb-Controlled-Handheld-Trackball-Mice-Mouse/32747227298.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.8.85f33a85RS4qoo&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_1_10065_10068_10890_319_10546_317_10548_10696_453_10084_454_10083_10618_10304_10307_10820_538_537_536_10843_10059_10884_10887_100031_321_322_10103-10890,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=1887bd24-8179-444e-8191-c59409962162-4&algo_pvid=1887bd24-8179-444e-8191-c59409962162
  20. Whoa @Chadmando that is very generous of you bro, really cool! I'll send you a pm later today
  21. Thanks for all the tips bro and the recommendation for the FC btw! (Thanks to the lord of monkus as well, if he reads this by any chance) The d-pad seems to be more responsive than the F310 in terms of input speed but could be brain deception (I like the chaos of the brain, chaos is a beautiful thing). I saw an indepth review on youtube explaining the feeling well, some find the dpad a bit stiff at first but they say it will get loose over time, I dont feel it as such though it feels good as it is, it has a slight bowl feel in the middle and going upwards around the edges a bit, giving good grip for the shape of the thumb and you can easily make a good circle because of it while also being able to press the buttons in a very precise cross shape, no accidental diagonals (which does happen with the F310 from time to time) it is so much better than the F310 dpad in terms of shape. It does however have a light rough texture on it, I guess for better grip, it causes to get my thumb too warm at times after moving on it for quite some time, I like smooth finishes better because of the cooling effect. Really feel like a nerd now lol Sweet, well usually Lust don't pay but I might go through the hassle of finding someone with a creditcard closeby if there are no freeware alternatives to the controller companion, wasn't this possible if set to ps4 and map guide button through ds4 software? (I thought about this to try out in the future) The quickshot and the tank seem to be some real treasures from the past century, they do have that "looks don't matter, tude" ain't they? For some reason my reaction speed is slower with arcade sticks, probably because of the length x time, I do want to buy an arcade/fight stick thing sometime though as I'm really curious how it plays compared to pads but the things are expensive though. I almost bought this one (its a nice thing to look at) but I dont think I should just yet before trying it out first, this is an amazing deal though, have to resist impulses https://www.coolblue.nl/en/second-chance-product/618464
  22. I love the feel of the gamepad (symmetrical Fighter Commander 5 version to be clear) the controller is added as the 3th controller in windows (cable is long enough so I dont need an extension usb cable), i'll leave it plugged in so nothing will crap on the setup. The dual button mapping in Mame of the first controller plus the now third controller to the same user succeeded indeed, it was a bit complicated to figure out but that was mostly because of the different symbols on the buttons seeing as the F310 has the A,B,X,Y layout and the FC5 uses playstation symbols, also I complicated things further as I am used to a non-default mapping of mame, for instance I use the right stick button (R3) as cancel so it can't be pressed during gameplay as likely, for this controller I use the select button + R2 (the bottom third button). All details aside it takes some getting used to as I've been using dual shock layouts for a long time looking back, one thing I noticed quickly is the return of the burning spot on the top of my thumb (is this what they call a d-pad thumb?) it was back within 10 minutes of play while not having it experienced for a long time! lol I was very heavy into snes and megadrive play back in the early 90s but I developed that thumb about 26 years ago dude lmao. I love the thing all in all but again it takes getting used to as with any controller, been a long time holding a megadrive-like controller. I also really like the different turbo functions, just tested out with Parodius and didn't expect being able to let it shoot without pressing the button at all as well, friggin luxurious stuff man! In launchbox I switched on "using all controllers" and it works perfectly to control this as well, now all thats left is retroarch but I don't expect many problems as it's being handled as an x-input 360 controller. Only thing I am a bit sad about is not being able to map the guide button as with the F310 as well, must be the xinput limitation and haven't tried figuring this one out yet.
  23. I had this pictured one in the mail today, finally I have the time to test it out, will report back later today, it feels and looks great! I read about some problems hooking it up in Retroarch at first? Needed to set it to ps4 in order to work not pc?
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