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The Papaw

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Everything posted by The Papaw

  1. @cemfundog I sure hope you don't mind, but I love your theme so much that I started creating clear art for each genre/category in my large setup. I have been working on them for a few days with much more to do, but I would like to share them with anyone that is interested. Thanks to scooter for letting me use his stuff as well. I added the systems to the ALL GAMES, and I am trying to add the actual system controllers to the # of players for a added touch. Here is a couple screen shots of what they look like: This is going to be a huge collection by the time I finish. Let me know if it is cool with you. If anyone knows how to do the video snaps for these using the template That JPGIII shared and has some extra time, your help would be much appreciated... I would like to start uploading them maybe tomorrow. Maybe go system by system.
  2. @JPGIII I want to say thanks to you and everyone else whom contributed to these, they are perfect for the new Retro theme. THANK YOU !!!
  3. @cemfundogI have noticed the when I get to the Categories section of a system, it is playing random videos from all over the place. For example, in my Arcade section, if I hightlight 1st person shooters, it may be playing a video about horseshoes or educational. Or if I go into PC games and hightlight Racing, the video will be dinosaurs or pinball. Is it something that I need to fix or something that needs to be changed in the theme? I am doing TONS of clear logos and that is what brought it to my attention
  4. These are great (after I figured out how to use them haha), can you tell me what font you are using for like the "Action" one?
  5. @Jason Carr Yes sir, (step 2 above); like I said, I can't duplicate it now either....
  6. @cemfundog I didn't create them my friend, please give all credit to @scooter1974 !!!! He did the awesome work. Thank you scotter! I am just trying to figure out where they go....haha
  7. @Jason Carr I was working with PS3 games (using RPCS3 as emulator (don't think emulator matters)). I can't duplicate it again now either. Here is what was happening though. First, it would be a game that had previously scraped using wikipedia, it would have only found a front cover and maybe description. These were the steps I was doing: 1. Edit single game 2. Unticking wikipedia 3. Click OK (like I finished editing the game) 4. Edit it again 5. Click search metadata 4. If it found entry in LB Database, then I would click on Download Images/Media But I would Not click on Uncheck anything to do try to avoid downloading duplicate or new images that may replace current ones I had already edited/resized, but allowed LB to pick the new ones it found, usually clear logos or 3D fronts Like I said, I can't duplicate now either. I have since finished that console, updated to 10.11.1, it may have been something with emuMovies working on something?? Don't know, but sorry and glad it is working again. Thank you sir
  8. @cemfundog @tolatara I have this happening with a few of my games as well. For me, I have noticed it happening most when I am running everything to 2nd monitor (actually big screen TV). I have had it happen with both PC and emulated games. I have had this happen in the past and not sure what causes it or why it stopped, The game launches, but LB remains on the front and the game is left running in the background. I have to do a ALT - TAB to bring the game forward. It has happened to me with other another theme as well, so it may be the theme but something else causing it, such as Launchbox, Windows, gpu driver, VR headset (this has created similar issues for me in the past as well). I have never been able to pin it down
  9. I have spent 100's of hours editing, correcting my game meta data, images, videos, etc. (and still do/am). I think it would be nice to be able to upload all my data direct into the LB DB with a simple click for approval. Like pull the data from my sync, into the DB...or a click in tool to submit it all at once, rather than syncing and seeing all the stuff that needs added one by one. Just a thought/idea to ponder on. If that is to much, how about and option when viewing you collection and it asks to submit, a way to either click on a link to browse to out image from the html page or a clickable link within LB to submit it?
  10. @cemfundog This skin is amazing, Every time I open BB, I say "WOW"! Thank you very much for what you have shared with all of us. I have a question concerning the vertical 4 view in games section, I love the way the Windows platform looks. Is there a simple way I can make all the platforms look that way?
  11. I am adding videos to PS3 games and since I am having to do them one-by-one, I am fixing many of them that pulled data from wiki, trying to see if they are in the LB DB now. If so, I am downloading images/meta again. I have noticed that if a game has a Box Front and Clear Logo already downloaded the checkboxes not ticked (as it should be). But if you hit <ENTER> or click on Download LB is locking up on me, I have to CTL-ALT-DEL to kill it.... I have to either click on cancel or make sure something is ticked...???
  12. Well, I have gotten sidetracked and no time to play with this, but still haven't gotten it working
  13. I had just done that. I think I found the issue. I have shortcuts in the Script_Files directory, gonna have to add .lnk ( DS4W_Off.bat.lnk ) to it and start again. Gotta get grandson ready for school...be back shortly
  14. No, still doesn't execute to the bat file. I removed the space in "Script Files", changed to Script_Files and tried that as well. Giving me "D:\Gaming\Apps\Launchbox\Script_Files\DS4W_Off.bat"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." in both cases.
  15. Still not working, not getting OS error though, just start screen and back to LB. I tried REMing (remark) out all lines but the 1st one, to see if will just kill DS4W and it doesn't. (what is the /c switch and the ",," for?) Things have changed a bit and my DOS skills are pretty old...haha
  16. Just getting time to try this, but isn't working. Maybe you can shed some light on it or catch something I am doing wrong. Here is the batch file I am trying to run: Run, D:\Gaming\Apps\Launchbox\Script Files\DS4W_Off.bat RunWait, "D:\Gaming\Emulators\RPCS3\rpcs3.exe" %1% Run, D:\Gaming\Apps\Launchbox\Script Files\DS4W_On.bat ExitApp LB is going to the theme start screen, then throwning error: "An error occured while trying to launch the game: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform."
  17. Thanks for replying. Not using any IFTTT, most is all done local with Hubitat Hub. I am re-thinking all this before I start it. With all the recent rounds of buggyness with LB/RA and controllers, ya know? Currently I am starting DS4W before launching BB, so it is configured to use DS4W as well are the emulators I use. Maybe I should start over. LB is the root of the tree, so to speak, so I am thinking if I do it the current way, when I kill the DS4W process say to play PS3 games, when I exit a game, LB is going to be messed up. I am beginning to think it isn't going to work doing it system wide? Even if I re-do everything to not use DS4W, then call it say for Wii U, everytime I exit a game, LB will probably mess up. I might be stuck trying to do something on a game-by-game basis. Not sure how I would do that either..lol
  18. I mainly use DS4 controllers most of the time and use DS4Windows with most of them. But there are times when I want to use the DS4 controllers on the PC without using DS4Windows. A few PC games that don't like DS4W and when playing PS3 games using RPCS3 emulator. I do a lot of home automation, and I can get a bit crazy with some of it. For example, I have a 55" 4K TV hanging on my bedroom wall over my gaming PC, If I am on working on the PC and decide I want to play games, I just say, "Alexa, let the games begin" (I actually have it done all local without Alexa or GH, but everyone knows how Alexa works). Through my routines and my HA toys, my lights will adjust, TV will switch to appropriate HDMI source, a couple programs will excecute on the PC to switch the primary display to the 4k, dim the monitor, etc. Start DS4W, and launch Bigbox (which will now be on the 4K) and it's ready to go. All I have to do is grab the controller from the charger on my way back from the coffee pot and it is ready for me to kick back and play. (yes, I know, LAZY) Ok, now to my question. Is there a way I can execute my batch file that closes/kills the DS4Windows process when I play any game in a particular system, say PS3. I know it can be done on a per game basis, but how about a entire system? I mainly need this for Play Station 1,2,3 emulation. Thanks in advance
  19. Here is something I found and do every so often and reduces my images folder to almost half the size. When you add games and artwork is scraped, it's a crap shoot as to what format and size you are going to get. Might be jpg's, might be png's, etc.. And the image sizes??? They can be very tiny to HUGE in file size (both physical size and pixel size) . I use a program called FS-Image Editor (FS=FastStone I think). It's free and still updated regularly. It's suppose to be for photos but works with most all images. It allows you to re-size or convert images real easy. One at a time or batch, batch (whole folder at a time) is the key here. If you have a big collection, it will take a little time to do it the first time. I have almost 8tb of game data, so it took me a bit to figure it all out and do it the first time. Start with one system, say Atari 2600, use FS-Image Editor to navigate to where you have say your "Front" images. Decide on the size & format you would like them to be, The 2600 games came in a taller box, where most of our fronts/poster images come from. (I had tried finding the original sizes of the boxes/cases at one time and calculating the actual dimensions/pixels, but eventually gave up on it.) Anyways, so with the taller posters like the 2600 uses, I went with like 675x1000s and used jpg format. I let FS-Image Editor save them to a new temp folder, that way I could look at them before any changes were made in LB. Usually they look great, Every no and again, someone will upload an odd image and it may look funny stretched but can easily be replaced. After I look at the new ones, I delete what's in the "Front" folder in LB for that system and just cut-n-paste the new ones in. Done, never need to touch again, until new games are added. (FS-Image Editor is fast too, I think it took like 1 minute to resize and convert 24,000 images use in one of my mame folders) Most of the fanart (background) images are 1920x1080. I resize all of them to 960x560 using jpg format. I think I use something like 500x600 for the more square type covers, like PS2 or PS3 games. Depending on all the type of images you scrape in will be how much time it will take you to go through everything. You will be amazed how much you can decrease the size! And wow, does it look so much nicer! Something else I check is the videos that have been downloaded, I browse through them and just double check the file size. You might be amazed how many of them are pretty big. When I find one, I usually just do a simple search for the game with trailer in the search and find a smaller 1-2 minute trailer and replace it. I usually try to download webm video files when I can instead mp4 files as they are usually smaller in size. But in the end, it is always personal preference. On PC games, I usually search for them on Steam and I use IDM to download trailers there in webm format. And as always, make backups before replacing anything. I run LB on most of my at 4k and a couple @1080 and it looks amazing, clean and I think actually make LB/BB a teeny bit faster running. Maybe this will help ya out a bit, others too!
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