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Posts posted by flatuswalrus

  1. 9 hours ago, dragon57 said:

    Sorry, I should have linked to this:

    You should be sorry, I am never going to forgive you. Mine is all working just fine and dandy now, thank you very much dear sir.

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Vampireslug said:

    I get the same thing but if I wait a minute or two, it eventually loads the game.

    Does yours go from the aqua screen to the home screen THEN the game? Or from the aqua screen to the game? Mine loads into the aqua screen then after a bit to the home screen, the no further. I tried Hotel Mario as you said yours worked but unfortunately no go here.

  3. On 4/29/2018 at 3:25 PM, dragon57 said:

    Have you tried launching one of the chds from Mame itself? To make sure the chd runs, or not?

    Sorry for the late reply. I moved on from this and have just come back. I couldn't figure out how to do that (check from MAME itself). Instead of launching to the official home screen now like it did before it launches to this screen regardless if it is from a .bin, .cue or .chd:

    image.thumb.png.4cf1e64cc81a1f306f4c2475ae43a3cd.pngJust a blank aqua screen.

  4. On 5/10/2018 at 4:58 PM, DrMaxwell said:

    RetroArch MAME core gp32 driver. Thought I would answer it instead of dropping unhelpful images.

    Hi, I have tried playing this in MAME directly. I have the gp32 driver but the games are extremely lagging/jumpy. Regardless whether you have had this issue or not have you found more success using the MAME core through Retroarch than MAME directly? I tried playing it through Retroarch but Retroarch opens for a split second before closing. My files are zipped .smc and I have Retroarch selected to unzip zipped ROMs. My command line in Retroarch is -L "cores\mame_libretro.dll". The gp32 driver was in my MAME ROM folder, I also tried it in Retroarch's system folder zipped and unzipped just in case that was it but unfortunately no difference.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Dan said:

    I asked this elsewhere but given the chat, here seems to be a good place to ask - where can you find lists of the number of released games per system? So far I have looked at Wikipedia and Hyperlist as well as a few other sites. Thanks. 

    PS I’m working on a spreadsheet too which includes a little info and a picture for each system. It’s been a few solid days work so far and am probably 75% through it. 

    I like good ol' Wikipedia because you can sort by region and get an idea of exclusives, sometimes. Other than that I just look on forums like NintendoAgeSegaAge and Guardiana etc.

  6. 1 minute ago, Romfrosk said:

    I will probably jump at this after getting more systems to run :)
    For now, i need to verify that they work, and then start "compressing" the list even more.

    thanks for the tip.

    Yeah like everything, one step at a time is good. It really does neaten everything up in the end and is the only time I can stand to have duplicates on my setup when importing different file types for the old computer systems. Though I do not do it for all of them. Thus far, I have only done it for the C64 and Jupiter Ace.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Romfrosk said:
    • My new Amiga collection is here, and i'm currently importing each type of ROM.

    Only out of curiosity. Are you going to give each file type its' own command via the .xml so you can amalgamate them all under the same platform (for each platform) like I recently did with the help of @DOS76?

  8. 9 hours ago, DOS76 said:

     I found your error if you look it filled in both <CommandLine> tag and the <ConfigurationCommandLine> but the end tag for the <ConfigurationCommandLine> is just </CommandLine and it should be </ConfigurationCommandLine> If you look at your error message it was telling what the issue was.
    Try it now

    Commodore Plus 4 (PRG).xml

    That definitely was / is the case. Thank you very much for your help with this, it is greatly appreciated and will be applied to quite a few old computer systems in my setup thus assisting me well. It is frustrating when you figure something out or someone else does for you then it seems so obvious. Though I guess you could say that about anything.

  9. 9 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    Atari 5200.xml

    there is my Atari 5200.xml which I did this to to test I see you are putting in the LB system name sorry about missing the but you only need the system name that MAME is looking so plus4 -quik would be what you would need not the whole thing. Don't know why it isn't working for you as you see I have it setup using that syntax with no issues no errors and everything launching fine.

    Thank you, weird how mine still displays that error message after changing it:
    image.thumb.png.2e37f8c0c3421057254d027e54cc4f59.pngI have attached the .xml files in question:

    Commodore Plus 4 (PRG).xml

  10. 1 hour ago, DOS76 said:

    are you making your changes to the xml with LB closed if it is open the changes won't be saved

    Yes I did have LaunchBox open so I closed it and made the changes. When I opened LaunchBox after it displayed a message saying the .xml was corrupt and could not open LaunchBox.image.thumb.png.515d95808e6ca1c407ed6b46a831263a.pngI changed it from <CommandLine>Commodore Plus 4 plus4 -quik</CommandLine> to just <CommandLine>plus4 -quik</CommandLine> but the result was unfortunately the same. After removing it and just changing it back to </CommandLine> LaunchBox was happy, but of course not doing what I wanted.

  11. 18 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    yeah you definitely want to use the name of the platform and not the generic word platform

    I inserted <CommandLine>Commodore Plus 4 plus4 -quik</CommandLine> for each game into the Commodore Plus 4 (PRG).xml and saved it. Before I amalgamated it with the regular Commodore Plus 4 in LaunchBox I tried opening a game from Commodore Plus 4 (PRG). Then when I went back into the .xml it removed <CommandLine>Commodore Plus 4 plus4 -quik</CommandLine> and replaced it with just <CommandLine />. I reentered the line but each time after launching a games it replaces the line in the .xml.

  12. On 5/7/2018 at 12:10 AM, DOS76 said:

    Beside adding a custom command argument to each individual game no I don't think that there is. Hmm looking at the xml files for a platform you will see a line that says <CommandLine /> if you were to use Notepadd++ and do a find and replace you could probably search for CommandLine /> and then replace it with <CommandLine>platform -mediatype</CommandLine> and apply it to all the games that you wanted it for but you would have to do that 1st before combining them and like anything else I would make a backup of the xml file before editing it.

    Before I do this I just wanted to ask a silly question. When I put <CommandLine>platform plus4 -quik</CommandLine> in the .xml for each game do I actually put it exactly as it is there or substitute the word "platform" for the name of the platform such as "Commodore Plus 4"?

  13. 7 hours ago, alavigne said:

    I had to same problems with tables crashing but it is not the launch method for me it was the video setting in the emulator.  Turning off "Use Texture Compression", setting filtering to Bilinear 24 and unchecking Processor Affinity helped me. STTNG and Iron Man were giving me fits loading crashes or loading with no table art till I changed these settings.  I've attached my settings image just in case there was other settings that I changed and forgot. These work best for me.

    Thanks very much, my settings were already near yours but with a few different. I changed to yours and three out of six tables crashed upon testing. I will continue to fiddle with it and am happy it does generally work, thanks again.

  14. On 2/21/2018 at 4:21 AM, alavigne said:

    If you don't want to add Rocket Launcher I found a very easy way to do this. This forced me to go back to my old DOS days and make a batch file :)

    I just wanted to see if anyone else had a problem with the emulator/games crashing whilst launching with this method. I would say 50% of the games crash when I open them but I am amusing it is the emulator. I will to download it separately as I obtained it in a pack so there might be something wrong with it. Thank you very much for posting this, it certainly works and will save me the headache of RL.

  15. 1 minute ago, DOS76 said:

    Not sure about the second item but the quickest way to remove an emulator is to click a game under that platform and then click ctrl+a to select them all then ctl+e to open the bulk edit wizard from the 1st drop down choose emulator and then leave the second drop down blank and all the games will be set to not use an emulator anymore very easy right from the UI and no need to edit any xml.

    Oh man, I know about the bulk edit wizard as I have used it many times for different things but I did not think you could leave the second drop-down blank to achieve that. Doh! That is great to know.

    As for the 1st question I just ran a little test I went into LB and edited my MAME emulator and removed the command line for Atari 5200 then I exited out of LB. Then I went to my LB folder and went into Data\Platforms and choose my Atari 5200 platform and opened the xml and did the find and replace saved and closed NP++ then I opened LB again and even though I removed the command line from the emulator settings each game has its own custom commandline by adding that and they all launch fine. So yeah you will just add the platform MAME is looking for and the -media type after it and then save it close it. Then your next step would be to open LB back up go to that platform and change the platform using the bulk edit wizard. I can't stress enough to make sure you back up all the xml files that will be getting changed as I've only tested adding the command line not with then merging it to a new platform. I'm actually not sure if it will copy the commandline over to that this is all basically an unproven theory so as long as you make backups you can safely revert if it doesn't work as intended.

    I will definitely try this over the upcoming few days. I will report back to let you know how I went.

    Thank you very much for your time.

  16. 18 hours ago, DOS76 said:

    Beside adding a custom command argument to each individual game no I don't think that there is. Hmm looking at the xml files for a platform you will see a line that says <CommandLine /> if you were to use Notepadd++ and do a find and replace you could probably search for CommandLine /> and then replace it with <CommandLine>platform -mediatype</CommandLine> and apply it to all the games that you wanted it for but you would have to do that 1st before combining them and like anything else I would make a backup of the xml file before editing it.

    I have two questions if I may:

    1) So would I put it like this: <CommandLine>platform plus4 -quik</CommandLine>, I just put "platform" followed by the Command-Line Parameter?

    2) To digress a bit but still in this area. I just added PopCap games to my LaunchBox. Instead of adding the games individually (because there were 71 of them) I added them through the Import ROM Riles 'wizard'. Of course doing that I had to pick an emulator then afterwards go through and uncheck Emulator so they just open like a normal Windows game. Instead though I thought I would try editing the .xml file. I opened it in Notepad++ and found the line <Emulator>11843480-3aee-4077-9e02-8453d00c270c</Emulator>. I replaced them all with just </Emulator> but when I went back there was still an emulator trying to open them. I guess I bring this up just to increase my .xml 'skills' before tackling the issue raised here. Was my train of thought correct in doing this and is there something else that would have been successful do you think?

  17. 11 minutes ago, Fablog said:

    Look very good for a bartop. I usually don't like them and prefer the full size cabinets.

    For the trackball it depends of the games you want to play. Don't think to use it like a mouse in Windows. I have one and never use it outside Mame. Now, if I could change my control panel I'll use a spinner because I like Arkanoid a lot. A trackball is OK with this game but a spinner is better. Moreover you can play to car games with a spinner and an additional wheel.

    I agree, I added two TurboTwist 2 Arcade Spinner Controls to my X-Arcade Tankstick with the 7' wheels and they were SO much fun. They were a little expensive all up but the quality is fantastic and really enhance the arcade experience.

  18. 16 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    Beside adding a custom command argument to each individual game no I don't think that there is. Hmm looking at the xml files for a platform you will see a line that says <CommandLine /> if you were to use Notepadd++ and do a find and replace you could probably search for CommandLine /> and then replace it with <CommandLine>platform -mediatype</CommandLine> and apply it to all the games that you wanted it for but you would have to do that 1st before combining them and like anything else I would make a backup of the xml file before editing it.

    I went to Launchbox > Data > Platforms > Commodore Plus 4 (PRG).xml and there is no <CommandLine /> in the document/file. I searched for "<CommandLine />", "<CommandLine>", "CommandLine" and "Command Line" but nothing. I also searched the "Platforms.xml" file in the Data folder and nothing.

    image.thumb.png.aed348c5494454993f91898f5877b149.pngAm I looking in the wrong place?

  19. 32 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    if you have the command line for each individual rom it shouldn't be an issue if you set the command line up in the associated platform as your image is showing then if you move them to a platform that uses a different command line than no that should break their functionality.

    Darn it, so you ultimately have to have them seperate in LB/BB? Is there no way to do what I want to do at all? Thanks for replying.

  20. Hi, as you can see via the photo below I have the Commodore Plus 4 which also includes the C16 and C116 broken up into three separate platforms due to having three different ROM files which each require their own Command-Line Parameter.

    My question is, if I go to the two platforms that have (PRG) and (TAP) at the end, highlight all the games, go to the bulk edit wizard and change their version value to just Commodore Plus 4 so they are all lumped together will all the games that were originally under (PRG) and (TAP) retain the Command-Line Parameter assigned to them in the Manage Emulators 'tool'?

    image.thumb.png.f474cd8b6ea37e9fc1f9e5dc915febc3.pngIt is my understanding that it does, though I just wanted to make sure before doing so. Thank you all in advance.

  21. 2 minutes ago, DerHof2007 said:


    You should see an xml file for each of your platforms in this folder. Just replace your existing PinballFX xml with it. I'd back up your original first just in case.

    Thanks very much, that did the trick and I'll know for future ones now.

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