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Posts posted by flatuswalrus

  1. 1 minute ago, Romfrosk said:

    Same here.
    But i didn't use a TOSEC pack for the CPC i guess. i might download it now, to get a cleaner system :)

    I only use TOSEC as a last resort because there is usually so much crap in them. Though they are not always bad and sometimes are the best option for a particular system. I downloaded a 9GB C64 TOSEC pack and it was full of poop. I have just found a C64 pack that is a spastic 90GB! So I am downloading that as my curiosity just HAS to see what is in it.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Romfrosk said:

    It was magazines, music and applications mostly :) 

    If I download a TOSEC pack I immediately delete everything that is not in a game folder as I know I will never want to use it.

    Roughly 4000 "ROMs" removed already :) the Amstrad CPC taking the biggest hit

    I think I remember that system having the most crap in the pack like demos, betas and the likes which I deleted too.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Romfrosk said:

    As requested, i've added a column of ROMs
    I also deleted Future Pinball for now, and will get into the Pinball section later :)

    I hate your spreadsheet. It had made me add way more to my setup. So the slow decent into madness begins.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Dan said:

    I have a full MAME ROMs pack (with an apple2GS.zip file in it), but it is in a separate MAME ROMs folder, separate to the Apple IIGS folder. Do I need to copy something across?

    No you leave it in with your MAME ROMs. Because with the Apple IIGS you will be selecting MAME as the emulator, when you put the command line in:

    image.thumb.png.381c47b2d8bdf9e3efa7eeb7e90c2b61.png...it will point it to that BIOS file in your MAME ROM pack/set. I do not know if it is necessary or not but for any systems that I point to MAME in that fashion I have created a separate emulator and just called it "MESS (Via Arcade) and it just points to MAMEUI64.exe which is what version I am using. I guess if it is not necessary it just makes it simple, for me, to organize and keep tidy. I hope that helps, if not let me know.

    P.S. feel free to PM as I think we are hijacking @Romfrosk's thread here, haha.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Dan said:

    They are .2mg. My MAME is mame64.exe - should that be OK?

    .2mg file extension allows -flop3 and -flop4. Mine are .2mg also and am using -flop3. You do have the "apple2gs" parent file? If so the only other thing I could think of is try another name like "apple2gsr0p2", "apple2gsr0p", "apple2gsr0" or "apple2gsr1" which all refer to the "apple2gs" parent. I am no expert but that is all I have I am afraid.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Dan said:

    So you just imported the Apple IIGS ROMS with MAME set as emulator and with "apple2gs -flop3 " set in the "default command line parameters" under the Apple IIGS "associated platorm" for the emulator? I tried that, but when I try and open a game in LB, the pointer just changes to a sand timer for a few seconds and then back again; MAME/the game doesn't load.

    What file extension are your Apple IIGS roms? I use the same command line and my Apple IIGS games open perfectly in MAME. Check your file type then see what command you will need here then here.

  7. I have the X-Arcade Tankstick and 2 x PS4 controllers. I never wanted to play with anything other than an arcade stick but after setting up the PS4 controllers I haven't looked back. They are amazing! Though, I can't imagine they are the cheapest option out there.

  8. 3 hours ago, dragon57 said:

    If memory serves, you need to use chd files under CD-I emulation with MAME. Why don't you convert one of your bin/cue files to chd and see if that works. This command should work (edit the cd.cue and cd.chd filenames to match your files): chdman -createcd cd.cue cd.chd

    Grab chdman from your MAME directory.

    Unfortunately it did not work. Still the same result, they launch to the system home screen but no further.

  9. I have been playing with this for over an hour with no success. I followed the YouTube tutorial and Higan v105 Super Game Boy BIOS tutorial to the letter and nothing. I wanted to clarify some things though. Firstly, my obtained BIOS is 256k in size which I know is right but was named sgb_bios.bin. I renamed it to the sgb.boot.rom as recommended. When you place it in the Launchbox system folder do you have to create a folder in the system folder called BIOS? I am using the higan_accuracy core but in regards to there being a core option to point to the appropriate file as stated in the Higan v105 Super Game Boy BIOS tutorial in Retroarch it says that there is no core options. I have gone back and forth a few times on what seems like it should be straight forward my head is spinning a bit. Has there been updates to the cores in relation to the dates these tutorials where made that may change anything?

  10. 9 minutes ago, dragon57 said:

    If memory serves, you need to use chd files under CD-I emulation with MAME. Why don't you convert one of your bin/cue files to chd and see if that works. This command should work (edit the cd.cue and cd.chd filenames to match your files): chdman -createcd cd.cue cd.chd

    Grab chdman from your MAME directory.

    I am converting them via the Philips CD-i to .CHD Batch Converter 1.0.0 posted by @harryoke right now as a result of your recommendation. Thank you.

  11. 2 hours ago, Romfrosk said:

    Added a spreadsheet myself to the original post

    I know it certainly is not everyone's cup of tea to have that much, but holy snappin' duck shit color me impressed. I thought I had a lot but mine is pretty small in comparison. I enjoyed looking through your spreadsheet.

  12. Just wondering if someone might know what is going on with my setup. I just added the Philips CD-i to Launchbox. I am running it through MAME. I have the cdimono1 BIOS in my MAME ROMs folder and am using the command line: cdimono1 -cdrm. I have the .bin and .cue file format for each game and have the .cue files added to Launchbox. I know in the tutorial it was mentioned that the .cue files might make it crash but they do not on mine. Each game launches without crashing but never makes it past the following screen:

    1.thumb.png.006ce9d5ae28af51b76f53cb736e503b.pngHas anyone else run into this before? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  13. 54 minutes ago, Romfrosk said:

    i Loved your list :) mine is mostly the same actually :)
    I see you have split it into languages, i might do that too when i get the systems running :)

    Thanks, I thought yours might be of a relatively similar nature. Yes I enjoy setting up some of my systems into regions etc. I normally have a full U.S. set then put the exclusives for Europe and Japan separate into their own platform. Then I make their own clear platform logos and Viking's Nostalgia style videos for each. It is incredibly time consuming but good fun.

  14. 3 hours ago, Romfrosk said:

    I have been looking at Colpipe, and will try to get more and more systems running.

    These last few days have been more "cleaning" and getting down all known "No-Intro" or "TOSEC" packs out there.
    After reimporting some systems with strange errors, i will start getting more systems up and running.

    I see that both MAME and RetroArch can get most up and running. but i need to find specifics for the rest.
    I'm filling out a spreadsheet as i go, and will upload that to the main post soon

    That is exactly what I do to keep track of mine. I have attached it so you can see how I layout mine. There is more information I could put on it but have kept it pretty simple for now. I will look forward to seeing your progress.

    My Systems.xlsx

  15. 2 hours ago, Dan said:

    However I'm trying to focus on the media aspect of things too, making sure all the games have box art, manuals etc.

    Yes I am also trying to fill gaps. It’s a painful endeavour but will be well worth the effort in the end.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Zombeaver said:

    I really don't recommend using TOSEC for C64 as there is a metric boatload of bad dumps in there. A lot of games will have like 6 or 7 dumps available and there might be one or two good ones among them.

    Gamebase64 is normally a safe bet, with one version each, with the best or at the very least a working version of them.

    Yeah I knew TOSEC are more in the spirit of preservation than quality per say. I had never heard of Gamebase64, their v15 collection is monolithic in size. Just found it, I'm in!

  17. Just wanted to make a suggestion regarding the forums/website here if I may be so bold: DO NOT FREAKIN' CHANGE!

    I collected physical vintage/retro video games for many years. After given it up (without going into the details) I tried my hand at Hyperspin. I enjoyed it very much though I only did the arcade games side of things. It was a bit to get my head around at first but I got there in the end. Without bashing the Hyperspin community here ('cause that wouldn't be cool), they were not bad people but not overly helpful/friendly.

    Years later, fast forward to two and a half months ago and I signed up for, and paid for Launchbox premium and have never looked back. In only ten weeks I have amassed around 150 platforms totaling about 53k games. More so though the community here has been indescribably helpful (even though I just used the word 'indescribably' to describe it).

    So please do not change anything here. For the people I have interacted with thus far including the plethora of already very helpful information floating within has been worth a hundred times more than the premium fee I initially paid. I am not the brightest bulb in the box regarding all this stuff but hopefully one day in the future I can give a little back regarding artwork contributions and the likes. So don't ya'll change now, ya hear?!

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