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Everything posted by Holy2tack

  1. You're a master at your craft. Thank you!
  2. I love it. Thanks!
  3. These look great with the Unified theme, utilizing the spinning disc. I noticed FFVI disc actually had FF7 characters on it, was this intentional?
  4. These are fantastic!, especially with the Unified theme and the spinning disc option. I noticed a missing box. Secret of Mana 2. I saw the Disc but no 3D Box. Would you be able to make one up? Thanks!
  5. That was it. Thanks.
  6. Yeah it emulates your touch as a mouse click.
  7. Anyone have a good video for Harvest Moon, Donkey Kong, or Legend of Heroes?
  8. This is happening to me as well. Ryzen 2200G an a Gigabyte AB350N. First monitor is a TV, LG UH15A, and my second monitor is a tablet remote displayed over spacedesk. Trying to put the marquee on the 2nd screen puts it behind the main display. On my Asus laptop it worked just fine as marquee monitor, regardless of it i was using the laptop screen or my TV via HDMI. It's not the end of the world. The tablets main Purpose is to display the WiiU Gamepad visuals, it was just nice to have it do marquee stuff for systems other than WiiU.
  9. I love the new frosted glass look. I do have a weird issue where instead of box art showing on the games view, it shows the clear logo in it's place. This only happens sometimes, and I can't find any reason. Does anyone know what's going on and how to fix it? Two clear logos on the screen is not as cool looking as one clear logo on the games wheel and then the box art next to it.
  10. Here's a few I threw together with the template.
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