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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Buonasera, ho provato ad eseguire ogni passaggio e modifica con notepad++, ma quando provo a fare doppio clic per installare, non succede nulla… siamo sicuri che non bisogna modificare anche i file bat presenti in ogni cartella di gioco? È come se il file install.bat non sappia cosa fare
  2. Scusami ma come posso installare questi badges, ho launchbox ultimo aggiornamento ma non c'è la finestra sopra.
  3. One thing I'd like to implement, is that for each platform, I would like to decide whether to display 3D boxing, cartridges, screenshots, all individually
  4. Ho risolto, non avevo scaricato i video delle piattaforme da launchbox, grazie mille.
  5. Hi, I would have to ask some questions, I followed step by step the guide of the theme, on how to install it on BIGBOX, the theme is enabled, but some things are missing, which in the video I noticed: 1. the APPLE II platform is all black; 2. in the video each platform, when selected, shows in the background, the image of the console and in a small box (console monitor) preview videos of some game, to me instead shows full screen only the preview video of game without other details. How can I solve?
    Hi, I would have to ask some questions, I followed step by step the guide of the theme, on how to install it on BIGBOX, the theme is enabled, but some things are missing, which in the video I noticed: 1. the APPLE II platform is all black; 2. in the video each platform, when selected, shows in the background, the image of the console and in a small box (console monitor) preview videos of some game, to me instead shows full screen only the preview video of game without other details. How can I solve?
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