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Good morning, finally i configure all the emus, videos, etc... but i want to finish my bartop with the big box at start up of windows.

Is possible to start the pc and only view the big box mode ??

thanks a lot for your help

  On 1/29/2017 at 2:49 PM, NJDave71 said:

I have a separate user for the arcade and I have replaced the explorer.exe with bigbox.exe

I will post a quick tutorial with screen shots  shorty 


Wow this sound just that i want to do.

Thanks a lot for your answer!I  wait your tuto!


Create a New User Account (windows 10)

1.  Press Window Key and the letter S to bring up windows Search
2.  Type User Accounts and select Settings
3.  select manage another account
4.  Add a new user in PC setting
5.  Add someone else to this PC
6.  I don't have this persons sign-in information
7.  Add user without a Microsoft Account
8.  Create the user and leave the password blank if you want to just auto sign in
9.  click and follow the on screen instrunctions

Windows Auto Login to BigBox / Create a New windows account for this 
* Warning we are about to modify the registry and it's only for this user account
1) open regedit (start menu > run, and type in regedit).
2) go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
3) add a new string value (Edit > New > String Value) called shell. and set the value to the path of the new shell
e.g C:\Launchbox\bigbox.exe.
4) log out and log back in

My Computer is a Dedicate Arcade and it works great.  

Thank you to Jason and his team for all the work on this FE and to all that have contributed to LB

Good Luck.   

  • Like 5
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  • 10 months later...

hi, i already have Big Box as shell, is there a way to hide the launch box/big box window form flashing as it change's, boot pic, window flash boot video, window flash big box, it's only the showinf the top part i would just like it gone. 

  • 2 months later...

I've set this up, and it works great with one small exception.

Is there something special you have to do to get a secondary program to run at startup now?  ie, I put a link to a .bat file that runs UCR (Universal control remapper) in the proper startup folder.  That works for my user profile that doesn't boot directly into BigBox, but doesn't work for the profile where the shell has been replaced with bigbox.

Any thoughts?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  On 1/29/2017 at 2:49 PM, NJDave71 said:

I have a separate user for the arcade and I have replaced the explorer.exe with bigbox.exe

I will post a quick tutorial with screen shots  shorty 


Audio Vol + and Volume - work in big box for you without explorer.exe ? 

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/30/2017 at 7:08 PM, Lordmonkus said:

If someone reading this is not comfortable with using REGEDIT use the program called Bsetshell on the page @kmoneylinked above. It will let you change your shell without manually editing the registry and you can set per user with it as well.

2017-01-30 14_08_28-bsetshell.jpg


Nice little app, thanks.
Do you by any chance know/can recommend a way of displaying a specific background image using bsetshell until BB fully launches (currently showing a plain black screen), and something to hide the mouse right from the Windows boot?

  • 2 months later...
  On 7/31/2018 at 2:20 PM, thegreatiandi said:

Hey man,

Have you found anything on this yet????



I ended up still launching explorer. Made a custom desktop bg, made the task bar invisible and removed all the icons and notificactions so nothing is seen besides the wallpaper.

I run a program called autohidemousecursor and set the timer to zero so there is no mouse in screen unless moved. 

And thats it. Not the best approach, but I did not like the black screen while waiting for BB to open (and in my PC takes some time to do so). 

  On 7/31/2018 at 2:40 PM, Kondorito said:


I ended up still launching explorer. Made a custom desktop bg, made the task bar invisible and removed all the icons and notificactions so nothing is seen besides the wallpaper.

I run a program called autohidemousecursor and set the timer to zero so there is no mouse in screen unless moved. 

And thats it. Not the best approach, but I did not like the black screen while waiting for BB to open (and in my PC takes some time to do so). 


That's not a bad idea at all. I am just in the last few days starting to dig into the lunch box programming. I come from the horrible hyperspin forms for my first arcade build, so I have heard so many good things about launchbox I'm here now. Once it's all said and done I would love for me to be able to hit one button to turn the arcade on and have it boot directly into launchbox. If the worst thing that happens is it has to sit on a background wallpaper for a bit before it launches into launchbox, I can deal with that lol.


So the process of the above-mentioned launching directly in from Windows, was that fairly straightforward for you?

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