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I want to use PSX2PSP to convert all my games to .pbp (compressed format, recognized by RetroArc core Beetle PSX HW), but this software need to have only one .bin by games.
When a game have more than one .bin, I need to combine them, and I don't want to do it one by one (I have 3000 games).

I can't find something to batch it... (a friend made me a .bat that do it, but I have no more sound...)

Thank you very much for your help !


Just so you know, the PS1 Hardware core has severe issues, so it'd be best to use the other Beetle / Mednafen core, it will function much much better. Otherwise, I don't know of an easy way to batch convert the PS1 games to PBP. I want to say someone figured it out, but I can't for the life of me find it or remember. I did it by hand, all my games. I would say to focus on a few games that are bugged, that you'd want to play right now or soon. Otherwise, if someone else knows how then please let us know.


To convert .bin/.cue to .pbp there is a Batch Mode to do all the games, fortunately. :D

My biggest issue is the multiple .bin I have to combine for a loooots of games... :( 


Oh, I misread then. You're talking about games that would have their audio separated from their image. And either I missed Batch mode, or ignored it... or something. For the games with the messed up audio, mount their cue sheets with a tool that mounts discs and re-save the image as a new bin/cue. This should combine everything.

After they're all converted too, you can use Advanced Renamer to rename all of the PBP files after the folders they are in. I did this because with them all named eboot.pbp, RetroArch created the save states with that name, and really messed things up.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I wrote a .bat file (for Windows), with this code inside, to rename my .pbp with the parent folder's name :


for /d %%a in (*) do (
    if exist "%%~a\*.pbp" ren "%%~a\*.pbp" "%%~a.pbp"


It woks great!

No, I really need something to deal the multiple .bin files, but not one by one... :( 

Edited by Ariakan
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, SentaiBrad said:

Just so you know, the PS1 Hardware core has severe issues, so it'd be best to use the other Beetle / Mednafen core, it will function much much better. Otherwise, I don't know of an easy way to batch convert the PS1 games to PBP. I want to say someone figured it out, but I can't for the life of me find it or remember. I did it by hand, all my games. I would say to focus on a few games that are bugged, that you'd want to play right now or soon. Otherwise, if someone else knows how then please let us know.

What is wrong with the HW core? Also how do you join a game with lots of bin files into one and still have it work. I tried converting it to an iso with iso buster and the game played but had no music. Nothing else would seem to read the cue file properly to convert them to anything. I ended up just converting the ones with 1 bin file and leaving the rest as bin/cue.

Edited by spectral

@lordmonkus told me about the method, maybe he could elaborate more. Essentially though, you need to mount the cue and re-save it. I think he was mentioning ImgBurn. ISOBuster may not be whats needed here. As for the HW core, it's still very early in development and has lots of issues.


I've seen ways suggesting using daemon tools but the free version of that is an adware infested piece of crap which  doesn't inspire me with confidene in handing my details to them. I think I'm just going to have to live with not compressing games with more than one bin file. The sizes aren't huge anyway so thats not a massive problem. The main issue is converting multidisc games makes disc swapping a non issue.

Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, spectral said:

The sizes aren't huge anyway so thats not a massive problem.

I have 3000 games for 1.4 To

For 100 games I've tested i've been from 43Go to 28Go with .pbp compression! When we have a lot of games, that's not insignificant...


I'm trying something with Isobuster that seems to work but there is something strange.

The script use Isobuster and 7zip :

  1. I have to compress all my games in .7z
  2. The script decompress the .7z in a folder TEMP
  3. It combines .bin files and generate a new .cue file
  4. Sometimes I have to press "no I don't want to buy IsoBuster now" :P 
  5. It compress back the files in a .7z file
  6. I have to decompress the 7z :D 

Well, well, well...... if we can take away the 7zip part, it could be great ! But I don't understand everything in this script... Maybe someone can give it try?

@echo off
cd %~dp0
set mypath=%~dp0
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% **************************************************
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2%                    Starting Job
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% ************************************************** 
>>Log.txt echo.

if [%1]==[] goto :eof

pushd %mypath%

7za.exe l %1>contents.txt

set file=contents.txt
set /a cnt=0
for /f %%a in ('type "%file%"^|find ".bin" /c /i') do set /a cnt=%%a
echo *******************************************************************************
echo File %~n1 has %cnt% .bin files!
echo *******************************************************************************

if %cnt% GTR 1 (goto extraction)

echo *******************************************************************************
echo File %~n1 WILL NOT be repackaged!
echo *******************************************************************************
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %~n1 has only %cnt% .bin file and will NOT be repackaged.
>>Log.txt echo.

GOTO skipped 

echo *******************************************************************************
echo File %~n1 WILL be repackaged!
echo *******************************************************************************
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %~n1 has %cnt% .bin files and WILL be repackaged.

7za.exe e -y %1 -o.\TEMP
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -- Archive extraction to 'TEMP' folder completed.

IF NOT EXIST "%mypath%FIXED" MD "%mypath%FIXED"

isobuster.exe "%mypath%TEMP\%~n1.cue" "/ei:%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.bin" /et:r /ep:oea /ep:owr /c /m /nosplash /nodrives
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -- Consolidated .bin and new .cue file created sucessfully.

7za.exe a -t7z "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.7z" "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.bin" "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.cue" -ms -mx7 -mmt
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -- Recompression to 'FIXED' folder completed.

echo *******************************************************************************
echo *******************************************************************************
echo *******************************************************************************
echo Sucessfully repackaged %~n1
echo *******************************************************************************
echo *******************************************************************************
echo *******************************************************************************
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -- Sucessfully repackaged %~n1
>>Log.txt echo.

del /Q "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.bin"
del /Q "%mypath%FIXED\%~n1.cue"
rmdir /Q /S "%mypath%TEMP"
md "%mypath%TEMP"



if not [%1]==[] goto loop

echo *******************************************************************************
echo THE END!!!!
echo *******************************************************************************
>>Log.txt echo(%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% -+::SUCESSFULLY COMPLETED EXECUTION ON ALL FILES::+-
>>Log.txt echo. 
>>Log.txt echo. 

I put the files in the attachment of this post.

You have to install 7zip first. Launch Isobuster.exe, say "not now" for the registration, go to "Options > Images files" and for the option "select when a cue sheet file will be created" select "Never after a CD, DVD or BD image is created". (you will not have to say "ok" pour every game !)

After that, simply drop your .7z files into the "DROP FILES HERE1.bat" file.

I hope someone will understand the .bat script and will remove all the useless 7zip parts!!

WIP - Fix Multi Tracks (Bins PS1).zip

Edited by Ariakan

I tried it and it seems to have the same problem as when I did it myself through isobuster. It puts all the files into a single bin which will then convert. However when I load it up in an emulator the music doesn't play. The game I've been trying do do it with is Street Fighter Alpha. There is meant to be music in the intro. It is then when I load it from the original cue file will all the its bin files. But when I do any type of conversion to a single bin the music is missing.


Oh no, I didn't try to launch a game, I thought it would work. :(

Thank you for your feedback... (oh, you already said that isobuster didn't work for you before,  I didn't see that line !) 

What tool really works then ? (even if it's one by one...) 

Posted (edited)

Thats my problem I've not found a way to successfully convert it and keep the music intact. Thats why I said that I've just ended up keeping mult track games as the cue/bin's for now and compressing the single track games. It takes more space but I'd rather it work properly and be bigger.  The potential issue other than size being that is any muli-disc games are mulri track they cant be converted and its much more convenient having those as pbp for disc switching.


It is possible I somehow did it wrong. If you have SFA could you try it and see?

Edited by spectral

Yeah, that's what I think now... 

I will use .m3u for multi-disc games and I will keep my files as they are. :(

Thank you for your feedbacks ! 

If someone have a great solution, post a comment, we will still waiting for it. :D


You can stlll convert a significant amount. The games that are just a cue and 1 bin file seem to convert and work fine. Its the games that have multiple bin files that are the issue. Luckily most of the multidisc games, at least the popular ones(FF's,Dragon warrior, Chrono Cross,etc) seem to be single bin. Also while not an absolute rule it seems to be earlier PS1 games that have multiple tracks. If I come across any better ways of doing it I'll let you know.


You can certainly find the games without the music files not included. Again, mounting the cue sheet in imgburn or daemon tools, magic iso might even do it, then re-saving it is supposed to be how you do it. CD Mage is a repair tool, but it might have those options as well. Yea, I didn't convert my games with many bin's either, I just converted everything else and still saved a ton of space. Not converting those few games didn't really cost me much space honestly.


yep I am very slowly mounting the multiple bin games with demon tools and converting to pbp all work so far cant batch convert others as it makes a folder with the sus number instead of game title  

Posted (edited)

I am working on an update of the databse of PSX2PSP 1.4.2. Now my version, the batch mode gives me a folder with the game's name ! (and I use my script to rename eboot.pbp)
I can't give it now because I need to compare my database with the database from redump. (to be sure everything is ok) When I will finish this, I'll post it here ! :) 

No music problems with Deamon Tools when you combine the files ?

@spectral : what was your game with the music missing ?

Edited by Ariakan
2 minutes ago, Ariakan said:

I am working on an update of the databse of PSX2PSP 1.4.2. Now my version, the batch mode gives me a folder with the game's name ! (and I use my script to rename eboot.pbp)
I can't give it now because I need to compare my database with the database from redump. (to be sure everything is ok) When I will finish this, I'll post it here ! :) 

No music problems with Deamon Tools when you combine the files ?

Spectral : what was your game with the music missing ?

that would be great


The game with the music missing is Street Fighter Alpha. I've tried creating a new image with daemon tools and when I play that using the cue file the music plays but when I convert to pbp its missing. I also downloaded one already converted to PBP and that had no music either.

12 minutes ago, spectral said:

The game with the music missing is Street Fighter Alpha. I've tried creating a new image with daemon tools and when I play that using the cue file the music plays but when I convert to pbp its missing. I also downloaded one already converted to PBP and that had no music either.

I give it a go

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