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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
  On 12/9/2019 at 1:01 PM, wallmachine said:

@slagfart the following will only work for zipped games if you have a mix of zipped and non-zipped games it won't work for the non-zipped unless you set custom parameters for each game manually or you will have to wait for @Jason Carr to implement a better way of launching.



This is very nice. I will have to remember this when I fully convert from RL+LB to just LB.


@slagfart The latest RL RPCS3 module can be found here: RocketLauncher RPCS3 Module

@wallmachine I have been keeping the module you contributed to up to date.


It currently works with 3 setup methods (archived games, non-archived games using shortcuts to the eboot.bin file, and non-archived games using dummy text files). It has options to archive the additional game data that the emulator creates (for space saving and to expedite the PPU compiling process). More features to come later as I think them up or get suggestions. Trying to make the module as versatile as possible. Latest update utilizes the PARAM.SFO file to find the game serial similar to how this bulk importer works.


Edit: Forgot to mention that you can use a combination of the 3 setup methods as well.

Edited by Slashin8r
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

@jayjay Would you be able to modify this plugin and re-purpose it for the Wii U platform, which has the same folder structure as PS3 (folder in folder and executable file is not named after the game). I am sure a lot of people would appreciate this.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/3/2020 at 6:20 PM, JamesBond@ge said:

Mate, I sat there importing Wii U titles one by one. All 525 of my collection. It took me about three weeks altogether.


lol oh mine were all done manually as well.   though 525, is that like, international and e-shop?

Theres only ~165 physical  ntsc releases depending on your source/proclivity for editions.  Fortunately i stuck to that :P lol.

Space is finite these days!


Edited by klepp0906
Posted (edited)

These were all the retail titles and eShop titles. All mostly Indie games. I think it was just the European set.

I followed a guide from BSOD Gaming on YouTube. He had a tutorial showing how to use a program called WiiU-USBHelper to download titles directly from eShop. The video has gone now.

PS. Glad to see my old scripting mate @jayjay still active and around. How are you?  @jayjay


  On 3/2/2020 at 8:59 PM, silverchair said:

@jayjay Would you be able to modify this plugin and re-purpose it for the Wii U platform, which has the same folder structure as PS3 (folder in folder and executable file is not named after the game). I am sure a lot of people would appreciate this.


I don't think the Wii U titles use catalogue numbers in the same way as Sony titles. Might be a stretch.

Edited by JamesBond@ge
Posted (edited)
  On 3/3/2020 at 6:24 PM, klepp0906 said:

Theres only ~165 physical  ntsc releases depending on your source/proclivity for editions.  Fortunately i stuck to that :P lol.


164 USA (NTSC) releases, unless you are counting Japan as NTSC?

197 (Europe, Japan, USA) retail discs.

I'm interested in your list :)

Edited by wallmachine
  On 3/4/2020 at 11:33 AM, klepp0906 said:

maybe not counting axiom verge which was eventually released retail?  Or the newest just dance?

Its been a long time since i curated that list.


found the difference 'New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U (USA)' is just a bundle containing both games and can be purchased as individual games too. 'New Super Luigi U (USA)', 'New Super Mario Bros. U (USA)' and 'New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U (USA)' are uploaded as separate entries. All just personal preference.

I'll send you my list


yea i think what i tended to do is avoid games that come as "bundles" but if its multiple games on one disc, and it was actually released that way - i count it.  Similar to alot of the DS releases, they're 4 in 1 packs but they were all on one cartridge and sold that way so theyre in.

i go back n forth a lot but probably not worth the trouble for me to change my mind on one, as then i have to do it for all.  Ive put my time in with renaming and gathering matching art for everything (done before i was a LB user, spent aloooot of time on that awfulness)

so if i changed my mind id have to cull all "combo games" and their artwork from all platforms, and their shortcuts/playlists too.  booo.  Im done,  contrary to what it seems, id actually like to PLAY my games at some point.

Almost there. 2 more platforms to curate/sort and im done.  

just in time for my first born to start school.  i get a bit excited just thinking about it!

  On 3/3/2020 at 6:32 PM, JamesBond@ge said:

PS. Glad to see my old scripting mate @jayjay still active and around. How are you?  @jayjay


Not to bad mate. Been moving up in the world, have been learning a bit of c#. How you doing?


  On 3/2/2020 at 8:59 PM, silverchair said:

@jayjay Would you be able to modify this plugin and re-purpose it for the Wii U platform, which has the same folder structure as PS3 (folder in folder and executable file is not named after the game). I am sure a lot of people would appreciate this.


With the ps3 importer it gets the title from a sfo file, with wiiu I can get the title from meta.xml file. A few of my games dont have the "Meta" folder which holds the xml file. If the game doesnt have the Meta folder, it wont be imported and will have to be added manually.

Another thing is... im not sure where eshop games are stored in cemu. If they are stored in the "mlc01" directory I dont think I will be able to import them. The mlc01 folder holds game updates so I think I will block importing from this folder otherwise all the updates will be imported as games. 

Anyway I'll have a go when I get some time this weekend.

  • Like 2

I'm good mate. Been spending so much time fiddling around with my 31000 games, I never get a chance to get on here much.

RE: Cemu. The eShop titles are titles are stored externally, and structured just like normal Wii U games.

  • 4 weeks later...

watching for that wii u importer ^

fortunately for me, all my games are kept in loadline/externally and im pretty sure cemu pulls the update/dlc data on its own so isnt necessary to import anything from mlc01

(unless of course you're talking eshop stuff)  fortunately for me as well, i avoided downloadables.  It just becomes too much at that point.   So many platforms with downloadable titles, some doubles from older platforms, cross platform even.   Where does it end.

keeping it physical retail only is substantially easier (for me).   

if an exclusive download only game i wanted existed - i just fetched it independently.   Pretty rare for AAA titles in my experience.   

Trails in the Sky SC for psp was one of them :P

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

@jayjay Appreciate your work on adding Wii U bulk importer - very cool! I have a small "feature" request for the PS3 import plugin if you get the chance. Most PSN titles (the downloadable content) have "Trial" or "Demo" in the meta where you take the title from. Therefore, the games are added with Trial/Demo in the name and the Launchbox scrapper cannot find art for them. It is questionable whether it is not the Launchbox scrapper at fault here, as it could certainly be smarter and find those games. But until/if that is handled from LB, can you pre-process the titles and strip Trial/Demo from the title?

Thank you once again and keep healthy!


Edited by silverchair
Posted (edited)

Hey @silverchair Iv looked through my 68 psn games and added the following to the importer:

	    string str = title;

	    if (str.EndsWith(" - Trial Version"))
                str = str.Substring(0, str.LastIndexOf(" - Trial Version"));

            if (str.EndsWith(" Trial Version"))
                str = str.Substring(0, str.LastIndexOf(" Trial Version"));

            if (str.EndsWith(" - Trial"))
                str = str.Substring(0, str.LastIndexOf(" - Trial"));

            if (str.EndsWith(" Trial"))
                str = str.Substring(0, str.LastIndexOf(" Trial"));

            if (str.EndsWith(" Demo"))
                str = str.Substring(0, str.LastIndexOf(" Demo"));

If the title ends with any of the examples above, it'll remove it from the end of the title. 

PS3GameImporter.zipFetching info...

Just replace the dll.


Edit: Obviously if the game title actually ends with one of these words as part of its proper title, Trial maybe being the only one, it will be removed.

Edited by jayjay
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