3 files
Klopjero's ScummVM 3D Box REDUX
By Klopjero
this set is based on the ScummVM set made available by @eXocontains boxes for the following games:
ScummVM Unified Game Themes (16:9)
I decided to start a 'unified' set of themes for ScummVM. However, my collection only consists of 17 games, so the "complete" collection from me is going to be far from it. That said, I have also attached my After Effects project file in this post. It contains all of the assets used to complete this first video and the project file should be plug and play for any other AE users out there that might want to add to whatever I don't get up here myself. I will try and add other things too, but I have lots of other projects I'm working on, as well, so we will have to see on that. Anyway I hope people enjoy these for their own setups.
The AE project contains everything to easily add new game footage, clear logos, background wallpaper for behind the game footage and music (or mute and use the game's audio) without needing to make too many adjustments aside from some minor tweaks here and there. There are many pre-comps in the project primarily to try and keep things tidy and easy to dig through. Should be pretty quick to crank additional videos out with this... I hope.
I should be able to get all of these up before the weekend, but the full set of what I have from my collection will be:
1. The 7th Guest
2. Beneath A Steel Sky
3. Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
4. Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror
5. The Dig
6. Full Throttle
7. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
8. Maniac Mansion
9. Day of the Tentacle
10. The Secret of Monkey Island
11. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
12. The Curse of Monkey Island
13. Return to Zork
14. Sam & Max Hit the Road
15. Simon the Sorcerer
16. Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe
17. Zack McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
ScummVM Backup Discs Pack
By Kondorito
This is a ScummVM discs pack that goes along very nicely with Klopjero's 3D boxes REDUX set.
Bear in mind that even though they have LaunchBox nomenclature for their naming, a lot of these files could not match the ones in your set, as ScummVM has different naming conventions.
I am adding in here a clear disc (named #Base.png) for anybody to add any clear logos they want.
In action: