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Sega ST-V

5 files

  1. Sega ST-V Arcade| MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc

    ST-V was easy, a lot of titles to work through and almost burnet out.

    In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
    You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
    These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
    Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
    I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
    Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
    NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
    The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
    NVRAM files have been provided.
    Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
    However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
    Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
    Download NVRAM files and place in nvram folder of MAME.
    Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
    Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
    Developer intended cheats are also listed below.

    Astra SuperStars
    astrass Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty, Time, No. of rounds changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Baku Baku Animal
    bakubaku Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty, Time & Story mode on/off changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Batman Forever
    batmanfr Controls:
    -With beat em ups kick will be mapped to Y and B to cover either preference.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty, Time & Story mode on/off changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Choro Q Hyper Racing 5 Not working in mame as of 0.254. Columns '97
    columns97 Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Cotton 2
    cotton2 Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty, Health & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Cotton Boomerang
    cottonbm Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty, Health & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Critter Crusher
    critcrsh Controls:
    -Light gun game kinda. The original game used a hammer, like whack a mole but on a screen with sensors.
    -Sometimes the game registers 'too many objects' if you use the hammer in quick succession.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Dancing Fever Gold (Medal Game) NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. This was a 'medal' game. In other words, electro mechanical gameplay which obviously isn't able to be emulated. Danshi de Hanafuda NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Mahjong game with a million inputs. Way too many to map to a controller. Danshi de Quiz NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. There's only one reason you'd want to play this.... ya little pervert. Decathlete
    decathlt Game Info:
    -As of 0.254 this game is still listed as not working. It does boot and play, but like garbage.
    -It has still been configured for when it does become playable. Future proofing.

    -Everything has been setup for optimum button mashing.
    -LB and RB have also been mapped to both buttons.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty & Lives/Attempts changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Die Hard Arcade
    diehard Controls:
    -With beat em ups kick will be mapped to Y and B to cover either preference.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Violence Mode is ON.
    -Difficulty, Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Ejihon Tantei Jimusho
    ejihon Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Elan-Doree: Legend of Dragoon
    elandore Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Language changed to English.
    -Time & Life changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Fantasy Zone (Medal Game) NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. This was a 'medal' game. In other words, electro mechanical gameplay which obviously isn't able to be emulated. Final Fight Revenge
    ffreveng Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time and various options changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Funky Head Boxers
    fhboxers Controls:
    -Left & Right punch have also been assigned to LT & RT.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time changed to 3mins for a longer play session. 1.5mins is the default.
    -Free Play set Golden Axe: The Duel
    gaxeduel Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time, Life & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Groove On Fight: Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3
    groovef Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time, Life & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Guardian Force
    grdforce Controls:
    -At its core, this game is a twin stick shooter. Normally you'd have to press a button to move the turret left and right.
    -This has been configured so moving the turret is on the right stick.
    -Use Special is turn turret left and right buttons. As this is bound to a joystick, pulling this off is impossible. But, thanks to some clever mapping, special is now on one button, A.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Life & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Hashire Patrol Car
    patocar Game Info:
    -This was a medal game with a super simple and fast gameplay mechanic. Games take literally 10 seconds.
    -Essentially a gambling game so winning is a game of chance. I generally wont include gambling games but this one is interesting enough to include

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time, Life & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Karaoke Quiz Intro Don Don! NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Magical Zunou Power NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Maru-Chan de Goo!
    maruchan Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Payout changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -No Free Play set Mausuke no Ojama the World
    mausuke Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -This game has issues with nvram. As a result nothing other than defaults can be set. Microman Battle Charge
    micrombc Game Info:
    -This was a medal game with a super simple and fast gameplay mechanic. Games take literally 10 seconds.
    -Essentially a gambling game so winning is a game of chance. I generally don't configure gambling games but this one is interesting enough to include.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Payout changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -No Free Play set Name Club - All Versions NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Not working. Not really a game and all in heavy Japanese. Nerea! Super Goal
    supgoal Game Info:
    -This was a medal game with a super simple and fast gameplay mechanic. Games take literally 10 seconds.
    -Essentially a gambling game so winning is a game of chance. I generally don't configure gambling games but this one is interesting enough to include.

    -All you do is control the direction of the ball. Aside from Start, there are no other button inputs.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Payout changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -No Free Play set Pebble Beach: The Great Shot
    pblbeach Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
    -The controls are very simple for a golf game.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Due to graphical issues, I can't see the game test menu to configure anything.
    -Free Play set Princess Clara Daisakusen
    prikura Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Difficulty, & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Print Club - All Versions NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Not working. Not really a game and all in heavy Japanese. Pro Mahjong Kiwame S NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Mahjong game with a million inputs. Way too many to map to a controller. Puyo Puyo Sun
    puyosun Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Puzzle & Action: Sando-R / Puzzle & Action: Treasure Hunt
    thunt Rom Info:
    -This game has an English clone 'thunt'. Both the parent and clone have been configured.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Radiant Silvergun
    rsgun Controls:
    -This game has multiple button combinations, across 3 buttons, to pull of different attacks.
    -I have cleverly remapped this game so all the button combination moves are on individual buttons as well,

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Lives & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set. The game will ask to "insert credits" but you can just hit start. Sakura Taisen: Hanagumi Taisen Columns
    hanagumi Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Cab Type changed to VS.
    -Time & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Sega Bass Fishing
    seabass Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Shanghai: The Great Wall
    shanhigw Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Difficulty Lives .changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Sheinryu
    sheinryu Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Trigger Time set to 15s. This gives more autofire time. 4s is the default.
    -Time & Difficulty Lives .changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Sky Challenger
    skychal Game Info:
    -This was a medal game with a super simple and fast gameplay mechanic. Games take literally 10 seconds.
    -Essentially a gambling game so winning is a game of chance. I generally don't configure gambling games but this one is interesting enough to include.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Payout changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -No Free Play set Soreyuke Anpanman Crayon Kids Not Working at all in MAME as of making this (0.254) Soukyugurentai / Terra Diver
    sokyugrt Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Invincibility available.
    -Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -No Free Play set Sport Fishing 2
    sfish2 Not Working at all in MAME as of making this (0.254) Steep Slope Sliders
    sss Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Stress Busters NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Suiko Enbu / Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty
    suikoenb Game Info:
    -This game has an English language mode that only changes the character names, title and voices. However, it removes a sub boss and some other stuff.
    -This has been kept in Japanese to get the full game.

    Display Info:
    -This game had a native widescreen option, in 1996. Awesome.
    -This has been setup for widescreen.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time, Language & Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Super Major League
    smleague Game Info:
    -Not officially working as of 0.254. It boots but plays very janky.
    -This has still been configured for when it does work. Future proofing.

    -I hate, hate, hate configuring baseball games. Always multiple functions per button and nothing tagged in the input test. No pics of the control deck which had the inputs listed. So, laborious testing and boring trial and error it is.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Innings changed from 2 to 4.
    -Free Play set Taisen Tanto-R Sashissu!
    sasissu Game Info:
    -This game has a later clone revision under a different title. It is exactly the same game except for an additional character. Only configuring the parent original version.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Invincibility available.
    -Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Technical Bowling
    techbowl Game Info:
    -This was a medal game with a super simple and fast gameplay mechanic. Games take literally 10 seconds.
    -Essentially a gambling game so winning is a game of chance. I generally don't configure gambling games but this one is interesting enough to include.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Payout changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -No Free Play set Tecmo World Cup '98
    twcup98 Info:
    -This game is not marked as working as of 0.254. It does boot and play but is very janky. It has been configured for when it is working. Future Proofing.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time changed to MAX. Using 'normal' defaults otherwise.
    -Free Play set Virtua Fighter Kids
    vfkids Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Language changed to English.
    -Time & Life and a whole bunch of other options changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Virtua Fighter Remix
    vfremix Info:
    -This game is currently marked as not working 0.254. It still boots and plays fine IMO.

    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Language changed to English.
    -Time & Life and a whole bunch of other options changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Virtual Mahjong NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Mahjong game with a million inputs. Way too many to map to a controller. Virtual Mahjong 2: My Fair Lady
    myfairld Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Winter Heat
    winterht Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set Yatterman Plus Not working at all as of 0.254. I have no idea what this is as there is no info or images of this game on the tinterwebs. Zen Nippon Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua
    znpwfv Controls:
    -Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.

    Test/Service Menu:
    -Time & Life changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
    -Free Play set


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