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horse's Achievements

16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

16-Bit Artificial Intelligence (4/7)



  1. thank you both
  2. hi guys some may remember i was trapped abroad and i created a bigbox theme that i realesed on the forums, i managed to make it back to the uk , but my launchbox collection roms, and themes that i was working on was on a external drive that was stolen/lost while in transit. can anyone please assist me in regards to obtaining my license and a build that its valid for? as i dont know exactly if its lost/stolen what would be the best plan of action? thank you
  3. horse

    sym links

    problem with the above its not really a portable option as i would have to create sym links on each system, im trying to find a script that i can edit and run from each game to create the symlinks and id adjust the script to link each games save location into its retrospective folder. for eg my documents\game saves\ quake 2 into quake 2\save\
  4. any fixes to Headhunter: Redemption, i cant play it with the horrible ghosting
  5. 4 player support please, couch coop with firends
  6. horse

    sym links

    hi is there any tools to allow me to make sym links to create game saves etc that are usually dumped in folders such as C\Users\(Current User Name)\AppData\local\ C\Users\(Current User Name)\savegames\ etc i want to create sym links so i have all my saves locally on my external harddrive so i can use on any computer? any one know of a tool that can achieve this easily?
  7. hi is it possible to to edit the xaml to put the spinning gif bottom center rather then top center?
  8. i found the issue Settings.ini in plugin folder changed [PCSX2_Configurator] GameConfigsDir = inis Pcsx2BuildTitle = PCSX2 1.6.0 CopyLogSettings = true CopyFolderSettings = false CopyFileSettings = true CopyWindowSettings = true UseIndependantMemCards = true ExposeAllConfigSettings = false CopyVmSettingsFile = true CopyGsdxSettingsFile = true CopySpu2XSettingsFile = false CopyLilyPadSettingsFile = false
  9. ive tried all versions olders versions showed greyed out latest versions no right click menu at all
  10. switch on your log in lb, i get this error plugin no longer working for me also 2020-05-09 01:18:40 AM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: The given path's format is not supported. at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath) 2020-05-09 01:18:42 AM FIRST CHANCE EXCEPTION: Value of 'null' is not valid for 'filePath'. at System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(String filePath, Int32 index) 2020-05-09 01:18:42 AM EXCEPTION IGNORED: Value of 'null' is not valid for 'filePath'. at System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(String filePath, Int32 index) at PCSX2_Configurator_Next.Plugins.GameMenuItemPlugin.get_IconImage() at (<>c__DisplayClass62_0 )
  11. hi zomb and fellow c64 enthusiasts, just a quick tip im using retroarch for my c64 emulation and using snaps created in vice standalone so my games boot directly in game no wait times no loading nothing. Untitled.mp4 towards the end of the video i boot international karate directly ingame. hope that it helps others who want to go directly in game with there fav c64 titles
  12. vewlix static View File hi every one i have had alot of free time on my hands in a foreign country as im stranded here with my laptop, i spent the best part of a week making this bigbox theme. but i have been learning y2gurus community edit for quite a while now huge thanks hugs and kisses goes out to the man himself. my fav arcade cab is the vewlix and my theme is inspired by it. i have updated and changed this quite alot trying things out seeing what works what does not etc. basically i have scaled things back to show very little info (community rating & date last played on launch screen) but make the interface as streamline as possible and hopefully not taxing on every ones systems. my laptop is 1080p i have not tried any other resolution but the few bits of artwork that i am using i tried to use a 4k res. also please note my bb license expired after 10.7 so i cannot test my theme on newer builds. this theme is heavily dependent on your own artwork , mainly clear logos, box art, device and platform logos. also it works best with no platform themes so a ramdom (system dependant) game video plays instead. theres 4 variations 2 straight verticle and 2 curved verticle games view and the same for platform views. no horizontal nor textbox view. i would update if someone could send me a highquality vewlix cab pic or vector in the future. hope you enjoy horse Untitled.mp4 vewlix staic v2.zip Submitter horse Submitted 04/21/2020 Category Big Box Custom Themes
  13. Version 1.0.0


    hi every one i have had alot of free time on my hands in a foreign country as im stranded here with my laptop, i spent the best part of a week making this bigbox theme. but i have been learning y2gurus community edit for quite a while now huge thanks hugs and kisses goes out to the man himself. my fav arcade cab is the vewlix and my theme is inspired by it. i have updated and changed this quite alot trying things out seeing what works what does not etc. basically i have scaled things back to show very little info (community rating & date last played on launch screen) but make the interface as streamline as possible and hopefully not taxing on every ones systems. my laptop is 1080p i have not tried any other resolution but the few bits of artwork that i am using i tried to use a 4k res. also please note my bb license expired after 10.7 so i cannot test my theme on newer builds. this theme is heavily dependent on your own artwork , mainly clear logos, box art, device and platform logos. also it works best with no platform themes so a ramdom (system dependant) game video plays instead. theres 4 variations 2 straight verticle and 2 curved verticle games view and the same for platform views. no horizontal nor textbox view. i would update if someone could send me a highquality vewlix cab pic or vector in the future. hope you enjoy horse Untitled.mp4 vewlix staic v2.zip
  14. hi every one i have had alot of free time on my hands in a foreign country as im stranded here with my laptop, i spent the best part of a week making this bigbox theme. but i have been learning y2gurus community edit for quite a while now huge thanks hugs and kisses goes out to the man himself. my fav arcade cab is the vewlix and my theme is inspired by it. i have updated and changed this quite alot trying things out seeing what works what does not etc. basically i have scaled things back to show very little info (community rating & date last played on launch screen) but make the interface as streamline as possible and hopefully not taxing on every ones systems. my laptop is 1080p i have not tried any other resolution but the few bits of artwork that i am using i tried to use a 4k res. also please note my bb license expired after 10.7 so i cannot test my theme on newer builds. this theme is heavily dependent on your own artwork , mainly clear logos, box art, device and platform logos. also it works best with no platform themes so a ramdom (system dependant) game video plays instead. theres 4 variations 2 straight verticle and 2 curved verticle games view and the same for platform views. no horizontal nor textbox view. i would update if someone could send me a highquality vewlix cab pic or vector in the future. hope you enjoy horse
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