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Posts posted by JoeViking245

  1. Hi @dummy-account. Welcome to the forums.

    What controller issues specifically are you experiencing?  Do note that LaunchBox does not configure nor adjust controllers in and for the emulators themselves.  That is completely independent of controller configuration for navigating within LaunchBox.

    To answer @roofamilyh's question, yes, a Premium account is required to be able to navigate LaunchBox with a controller.  But this has no effect on using a controller within an emulator.  The caveat to the latter is with Steam when you have its' UI set controller configurations.  So I've heard as I've never set them in Steam itself.  Steam games, ya. Steam UI, no.

  2. 8 hours ago, Dexll said:

    The problem I am having is passing the game directory location to the "Application Command-Line Parameters" section.  Is it possible?

    In short, no.  You can't pass variables to Additional Apps.


    One possible solution is to create a new emulator in LaunchBox that points to a batch file.  Use this emulator as the default.

    The Application Path for your emulator would point to this .bat file.

    The Default Command-Line Parameters could/would be 


    This will send to the batch file parameter %1 = "C:\Path\To\Rom\" (aka %PathToGame%).   Parameter %2 will depend on the boxes you check (or don't check).  Remove quotes and also Remove file extension and folder path.  But you'll probably want to at least keep Remove Quotes un-checked.  %2 will be the ROM_file.  Either "full\path\to\ROM_file.ext" or "ROM_file" (without the path and file extension).

    In the batch file, start the ps1 script using a /w for "wait for exit" and use %1 in its parameters.

    set PathToGame=%1
    set ROM=%2
    start "" /w "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -file "%PathToGame%/Get-Game.ps1"

    On the next line, start the actual emulator with any of its parameters and %2 (actually %ROM%) for the ROM.  You should use /w here as well so the games Shutdown Screen will work correctly and also if you want to remove the downloaded game after it exits [on another line].


    Or if, unlike me, you're PowerShell savvy, you can do all this in a single ps1 script rather than a batch file calling a ps1 script.  


    If you do go this route, to make the scripts 'less visible' when executed... for the batch file, create a shortcut to it, right click the shortcut, select Properties, next to "Run", choose "Minimized" and click OK to save. Then point to the shortcut in LaunchBox.  For PowerShell, right before "-file", add in "-WindowStyle hidden" (without quotes).

  3. Look for and delete:  Path_to_your_emulator/MAME/ini/ptblank.ini

    Or it may be in MAME's root folder:  Path_to_your_emulator/MAME/ptblank.ini 

    If you're not using the parent ROM, look for ptblanka.ini 


    Edit:  Just reread that you said it was mirrored.  In that case look for and delete  Path_to_your_emulator/MAME/cfg/ptblank.cfg

  4. 12 hours ago, viajante said:

    I have exactly same issue and same screen here. Where can I place my arcade videos to run on Launchbox ? Just a printscreen from folders structure where it is located I think is enough. 

    If you have your own videos and assuming they're properly named (either same name as the games Title [in LaunchBox] or same name as the ROM [minus extension], you can place them in /LaunchBox/Videos/name_of_platform/.

    If your platform is named "Arcade" and LaunchBox is located on your G drive, you'd put them in G:\LaunchBox\Videos\Arcade\.

    That would be for [regular] game play videos.  If they're Theme videos, place them in G:\LaunchBox\Videos\Arcade\Theme\.

  5. 7 minutes ago, viajante said:

    What else I need to enable Metadata video options for download ?

    "For clarification you will need a Emumovies subscription to download videos, as well as a LaunchBox one."

    Once you have that and set it up in LaunchBox (Tools, Options, Integrations, EmuMovies), when you click Next [in your screenshot above], you'll see the options to select images, manuals, music and videos from EmuMovies.  Keep in mind, all those are not available for all games.

  6. 4 hours ago, Cnells2000 said:

    Using The MelonDS Emulator and i can't for the life of me get it to go in fullscreen

    Needs a SetKeyDelay.  Also, instead of guessing how long to pause for, simply wait for the executables window to become active.

    WinWaitActive ahk_exe melonDS.exe
    SetKeyDelay, -1, 110
    Send, {F11}



    A year and a half ago I had it in a loop waiting until the window is active.  This way (above) does the same thing, but a lot cleaner. ;) 


    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, JuanFrancisco said:

    Sorry, one other important note. It does launch through Mame 0.253 independently of launch box. 

    Copy/Move/Whatever "pegasus.zip" into the same folder as your pegasus_cart ROMs are located.  Edit your MAME emulator in LaunchBox and in the Associated Platforms section, for your Pegasus Platform set the Default Command-line Parameters to

    pegasus -rompath %romlocation%


  8. 5 hours ago, MCF said:

    Could this be failing becuase I configured SNES9X to be fullscreen by default?

    Just tried fullscreen. Still worked here (sending "7").



    Are you using v1.62.3?  You may try a [temp] fresh install of SNES9x.  Create a new folder next to the original install (/Emulators/SNES9xTEMP/).  Open "snes9x-1.62.3-win32-x64.zip" (that's the one I downloaded) with 7-Zip and drag/drop the files into the new TEMP folder.  Use 7-Zip so you don't have to mess with un-blocking any of the files.  Start it once and close (in case it needs to create any files on 1st run).  Don't change any settings at this point.  In LB, edit the emulator and change the app path to "snes9x-x64.exe" that's in the new temp folder.

    I tried it with and without "-port1 mouse1" in the default command-line and both ways worked to send 7.  

    I never tested actual playing with a mouse (because that would be weird  ;)).  But at game startup, the screen text would appear briefly.


    • Like 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, MCF said:

    Unfortunately the suggested AHK did not work

    Download and tested a game and the following worked for me.

    WinWaitActive ahk_exe snes9x-x64.exe
    send 7


    This assumes your executable is "snes9x-x64.exe".  Didn't need the key delay (which some emulators do. i.e. MAME) and the WInWaitACtive alleviates any guessing games for the Sleep timer.  Be sure it's above any escape sequence.


    If that still doesn't work for you, then there's something else wonky going on.  It'd also mean it's time to move to BigBox and a proper controller. ;) 

  10. 1 hour ago, MCF said:

    Not sure if this was posted, but I couldn't find this in this topic

    I am having problems enabling mouse in SNES9X

    I have -port1 mouse1 added as a parameter to the emulator, but I find that it still requires my pressing 7 to actually enable it in SNES9X

    I tried the following AHKs in the Running Scripts section, to no avail

    • SendInput {vk47}

    • Send, 7

    • Send 7

    • Send {7}

    • SendInput, {7}

    • SendInput, {Raw}7

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I've never used SNES9x.  Does the Use Mouse not work?



    Regardless, if you find you still need to press 7 to switch controllers, you may try adding a SetKeyDelay.  You'll also need to add a delay/pause/wait because the running script executes right away.  You want to wait a little for the emulator to actually be running before "pressing 7".

    Sleep, 5000
    SetKeyDelay, 125, 50
    Send, 7

    "5000" = 5 seconds.  Adjust accordingly depending on how long it takes for the emulator to be fully loaded.

  11. 2 options:

    1. On the left sidebar, select Games Missing Media.  Then click Games missing Boxes.
    2. Select ToolsAudit and then select All games.
      • To select a single platform, on the left side bar, select Platforms, click the platform you want to audit, then select Tools, Audit and click that platform.


    1 hour ago, MiamiLamiW said:

    And is there a quick way to correct the names it searches for in the Box Art database in bulk rather than doing and fixing it one at a time?

    The image files are associated to the games Title or ROM name.  You can't really change that.  When you import images from the LaunchBox database (when initially importing games, using the bulk media updater or while editing an individual game), LaunchBox will save them using the games Title.  

  12. 23 minutes ago, RetroExecutioner said:

    I am using a merged set

    Two years ago you had a non-merged set.  The method I suggested won't work with a merged set without 'breaking' some (or a lot) of the games. 

    Merged sets never made sense to me, so I've never messed with them.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, latin625 said:

    What is the P for in the line below?  Is it a pause command?

    while (getkeystate("space","p"))

    "Press[ed]" I think.  As in While the {space bar} is pressed.

    Your 2nd 2 last line (for player 2) should be 

    send {2 up}

    I  believe.  I'm not at my main PC right now to test/confirm.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 10 hours ago, latin625 said:

    Thanks @JoeViking245.

      I tried both and they work, kinda... The pressing (pressing up and down) of the space key send the click, but does not detect just pressing down like you would with the keyboard UP key for gas.

    A double tap of the space or UP key does Turbo boost.  Single tap or press give acceleration / gas only.

    Trying to get the space key to act like the up arrow when pressed down only to give gas, the double tap seems to be 100% good.  Ill keep tinkering and see what I get. 

    I see AHk offers something called  Send longpress

    If it works without the setkeydelay, go ahead and leave that out.


    See if this does anything different for you.  You may need to adjust the Sleep timer.

    while (getkeystate("space","p"))
      send, {up down}
      sleep 100
    send {up up}


    Long press in AHK isn't a feature perse.  But when using KeyWait in your hotkey script, you can make a key essentially have dual purpose.

    Example: Press and hold (aka long press) b to type out "BigBox". Otherwise press (and release) b to type "b".

    $b::                ;$ is required for "Send, b"
      KeyWait, b, T1    ;T1 = 1 second
      if (ErrorLevel)
        Send, BigBox
        Sleep, 500      ;Sleep needed so it doesn't auto repeat
        Send, b



    • Unusual Gem 1
  15. 1 hour ago, REDNivars said:

    The games work when directly launched from Redream but was having issued loading redream into the game from Launchbox. I have a mixture of files so am going to do a little clean up and remove anything but CHD files

    Have you verified that the CHD's are able to launch from LaunchBox without issue?

  16. 1 hour ago, REDNivars said:


    I'm having the same issue as above where Redream loads into the emulator rather than the rom selected in LB. The rom files I have range from .cdi, .chd and .nrg

    Any advice on how I can get Redream to load directly into the game. 


    In the emulator Details section (in LaunchBox)  for your Demul emulator, do you have all the boxes UN-checked?  i.e. 'Don't use Quotes...' is un-checked?

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