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gamesmame last won the day on July 19 2024

gamesmame had the most liked content!

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16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

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  1. I look the PM man, i hope you can make the options in menu with custom artwork (Manuals in pdf/cbr/etc.. videos jpgs etc...) working, its very amazing!!! i hope anyone master of programing help you to create a plugin there!!! and thanks again!!!
  2. works with attractmode? if yes where i find this "plugin"?
  3. Have news Cavey? please send more scans, lets GO to finish clean logos from Old japan computer set!!
  4. Congratulation @Jonny Severn, ever with BIG and AMAZING quality! Thanks.
  5. @JereBear and @seaview59 are big monsters artists, have impeccable talent and quality of work, bouth are wheel creator machines extremely talented πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Š
  6. Harlem Blade PC98 (Eroge game 🀭)
  7. Ryuuki Denshou Dragoon (η«œζ©ŸδΌζ‰Ώ ドラグーン)
  8. YES basing images on the Internet, i dont know if this right, just "for me" the colors have a better apareance, but if this wrong we got the original saturated with the characters very suntanned/orangey ^^ We prefer ORIGINAL ever πŸ˜‰ I don't know why these and other details were lost in your Scan: Perhaps it was some post-processing or some filter or editing in Photoshop that darkened the image, for me it's a mystery, but yours has a higher resolution and is certainly sharper. It was these "lost" details that made me think that the colors might not be correct but I don't have the original cover to be sure. Could someone who understands more about color and saturation solve the mystery?
  9. If helps, i have this one with maybe i think have "better colors" if anyone can make the corrections and fix, please use and send here with corrections ^^ because the scan from Cavey have a better quality and its more sharp!
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