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Everything posted by Kiinkyfoxx

  1. Not sure if this will be any help or has already been tried by you or still works.
  2. Ok lets try this again now that I'm not at work and can write a better guide for you. Maybe you can do it via AHK scripts in the "Running AutoHotKey Script" and "Exit AutoHotKey Script" but that isn't the way I know how to do it and requires you to put it in twice and I could be wrong here, but I thought you wanted DS4W shut before the emulator started up and I don't know when the Running AHK script actually starts but at a guess it is when the emulator is running from the name. 1)Download the RPCS3 Launher bat file below- it is the same as the one above but premade and put it where ever you keep your bat files - just remember the path 2)Open LAUNCHBOX not BigBox 3)Add a new Emulator -Call it whatever you want I call mine Trial so I can use it for practising 4)Set up details page like mine-but with the pathway for the downloaded file as above and not as mine This is the "emulator" this bat file will close DS4W and open RPSC3 with game and then when that closes will restart DS4W (well it will if the bat file is correct) 5)Complete Associated Platforms tab-I don't do PS3 stuff so have no idea what you need to put in here but at a guess Sony Playstation 3?? or whatever you have called the platform 6)Close with OK button so it saves 7)Go to PS3 platform-pick a game-Edit the game so that it uses the "Trial" Emulator 8)Close with OK so it saves - if the game you pick has custom load up screens setting you need to remove those before closing out with ok 9)Load that game-The following should happen No load up screen----but instead a Windows cmd box that shuts down DS4Windows.exe and then pauses so you can check it has closed it down-if not and gives an error msg you should be able to troubleshoot-I may have got pathway wrong After pressing any key it should load RPSC3 and the game that you have picked as said before this is the bit that I have done differently for you to keep with your bat file design and without RPSC3 here I can not test it will work-It MIGHT open the game and then go back to cmd window but don't worry about this. Refocus RPSC3 and close it however you normally would. Cmd window should show a pause-press any key and DS4W should reload-check it has-if not then troubleshoot--press any key and then cmd window should close IF that has all worked then you can tidy up the bat by removing all the pauses and put @echo off at top. 10)IF the above has worked change the actual emulator you normally use for PS3 to be set up as this trial one, BUT you can turn on the start up screen and details screen look like this which should hide the cmd line window and let RPCS3 keep focus. Can you run bat files in the emulator settings "Running AutoHotKey Script" and "Exit AutoHotKey Script"? yes you can just direct the ahk to the bat file Hopefully all that makes more sense. RPCS3 Launcher.bat
  3. Try somthing like below -The RPCS3 line is a bit of a guess as I normally wouldn't do it this way but I am trying to keep with your layout. Bascially the %1 is my guess and it should be the full file path of the game within quotations taskkil /IM DS4Windows.exe /F Pause start/wait "RPCS3" /B "D:\Gaming\Emulators\RPCS3\rpcs3.exe" %1 Pause start "ds4windows" /B "D:\Program Files (Portable)\DS4Windows\DS4Windows.exe" Pause exit Make it into a bat file. Rest is from memory as at work but give it a try and look for the nearest name thing if I get a name wrong Make a new emulator-I have one called trial that I use for testing stuff out Set it up so that no boxes are ticked on emulator tab Set the pathway to the new bat file as emulator Add PS3 as a platform but don't make it default Turn OFF start up screen and shutdown screen for trial run Change one game only on PS3 to use this new emulator Load that game-as you can see it is made so that it shows each process and then pauses so you can check it is working. If it works great-just remove the pauses and add @echo off on the top and then go into emulator tab and tick hide the window box in bottom left hand corner. You can then put start up screens back on and it all should work-still using the trial one at this point. If that all works you then just need to set it up to be the correct PS3 emulator choice and maybe give it a nicer name than trial. Goodluck Ps if you see a better way or improve it then please let me know
  4. So if I'm correct you want the following 1)click on PS3 game in BB/LB 2)DS4W closes 3)PS3 game opens WITHOUT DS4W 4)PS3 game played and closed 5)DS4W opens 6)Back to BB/LB If wrong order can you please give correct order and then send in a text file the following and I will do you a batch file for it. Full path to DS4W including exe name Full path to PS3 emulator including exe name Any parameters used in default command line for PS3 emulator within LB The contents of your bat file that normally loads DS4W when switches to TV I think that will be easy then trying to do the commands via here. Cheers
  5. May I ask what might be a very stupid question. DS4Windows is to allow the PS4 controller to be used on Windows PC and let's it allowed to be seen as a Xbox controller-hopefully I understand that correctly. But why not have it so that it is seen as an actual real PS4 controller in Windows rather than faking it as a Xbox controller? Then surely you could just plug it in/turn it on when you needed it rather than messing around loading other programs and using ahk/bat files to open and close them when you want to use PS4 controller. I used to fake the PS3 controller through Windows as Xbox but it is much easier to use with Windows now able to see it as an actual PS3 controller. All I did was install the PS controller drivers from the PlayStation Now download, I don't use the rest of the download as I don't need it, and this way Windows sees the controllers as PS controllers. Hopefully the link is OK to put on here. https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/explore/playstation-now/ps-now-on-pc/ Of course it might mean having to change/reset key binding on other things so might be more hassle than worth. Anyway if this isn't any good to you then feel free to ignore it and apologies for wasting your time. The other options would be to make a "launcher" that assuming DS4Windows isn't running all the time, loads up DS4Windows before RPSC3, then passes the name of the game to RPSC3 so that it opens, waits for RPSC3 to close and on close then kills DS4Windows programme as returns to LB or BB. This could be done via a batch file, if you want to go down that road and need any help then just ask.
  6. @Andreas84 I could be wrong here but from memory somebody else was asking about this in this exact thread and came up with a way of it working and posted info-so might be worth a read of this thread for that. I would start from this page and work backwards as pretty sure it wasn't "recently"
  7. Just tried your version here (but with Left button and not middle) and it exiting TP game. A single click on left mouse didn't exit, but pressing and holding did. Doesn't close the UI but does close the game. If you direct load into the game it closes the game and no UI left over as never opened. Not sure why not working for you. Just checked that Escape on its own actually exits your TP games i am pretty sure it is a generic exit key. I did all my testing outside of LB as I didn't want to mess around with my set up so might be worth checking it outside LB first and seeing if it works there.
  8. I don't have one generic exit ahk for Tecknoparrot. I use different ones for different systems as they do different things. Some games are light gun based and some are joystick based and they use different closing routines and close other programmes as well so my script won't help you much. However I am happy to help you with a script for you. You say that previous one didn't work which is strange as worked when tested here. What key or keys are you wanting to use to close Tecknoparrot?
  9. There is one in this thread. Not sure where (but I would say nearer the end than the start so work backwards) but pretty sure I adapted someone's attempt/answered this question by someone else before. Unless you have already tried that one and it didn't work in which case apologies
  10. No idea why that would be happening. What is the name of the RAPJ64 exe that loads up please. Basically try replacing $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } With $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe ??????.exe } But you need to replace the ????? with the correct name eg if the name of the emulator exe is RAPJ64.exe then it becomes WinClose, ahk_exe RAPJ64.exe See if that helps
  11. Try this in the exitahk tab - untested I hasten to add, and you may have already tried something like it. Just wondering if maybe the resume screen key sends are interfering with sending the close keys so this way the sleep let's it resize and then closes but without sending key Inputs WinWaitActive , PPSSPP Sleep, 2000 WinClose, PPSSPP
  12. Try removing the Exitapp line. I think you are closing the ahk at that point so therefore the Escape part doesn't actually exist.... But i could be wrong. Also Process, Close isn't the best option for closing things as can cause issues with some emulators. WinClose ahk_exe {{{Startupexe}}} Might be a safer way but no promises.
  13. No idea if this will work..... But do an audit of the platform you are working on. That audit should give lots of info including game name and Rom name (I think) Copy the info into Excel and then use that as a basis to work from. How did you name all your files when you made them in photoshop? What naming convention did you chose at the very start of this? and obviously hindsight is a great thing but if you made 1400 images wouldn't it have been an idea to figure out naming at the start? You might then be able to go through changing your images one at a time or maybe make a bat/ahk file that will do it for you with the info from above.
  14. Using one of the nightly builds of Version V1.10.3 here and the following works for me as Default Command Line Parameters --escape-exit --fullscreen Also have full screen ticked in the settings within PPSSPP. This loads it full screen and then no need for the resume from pause script as it shouldn't be going windowed. As @Retro808 states having that script messes with the exiting from the Pause menu, so if you put it straight into full screen maybe that will help? I have no scripts at all in Pause Screen part or Exit AutoHotkey Script and I can exit from the pause menu cleanly Might be worth a try. If not is it worth just removing your resume ahk and then checking to see if it exits cleanly without it just to check if it actually is the resume from pause script causing your problem or something else?
  15. Here is how to do it for a specific game that wasn't the last played. I decided to put this up now so that if someone comes along in 6 months and asks I haven't got to try to remember Basically adjust the below ahk to get to the game you want and then save it as OnStartupCompletedBB.ahk and follow instructions in post above Again this assumes you have keyboard settings so that arrow keys are move around and Enter/Return is select This requires the following in Options It works if you skip or show the game details screen, you just need to un-comment two lines out if you use the game details screen as I don't If you have a massive amount of platforms and games then this is going to be a nightmare, plus if you want something in the second half of the alphabet it might make more sense to go backwards rather than forwards. There is most likely a better way of doing this and if anyone finds it then please feel free to improve this, but I have seen this asked before and normally the answer is no it cannot be done so this is a current work around-I understand that if you have 200 platforms and decide you want a game from Platform 99 that this is a long winded and awkward way....but it is better than nothing Obviously sleeps can be changed for your computer, I used sleep as the windows all have the same name and exe so couldn't figure out any other way of doing it, if somewone else can then please improve on this. SetKeyDelay , 200, ;you might need to change this delay depending on your computer #SingleInstance Force Sleep, 500 ;a little wait so platforms ready Send {Down 8} ;the number of turns needed until the platform you want-change the number to suit Sleep, 1000 Send {Enter} ;select that platform Sleep, 1500 Send {Right} ;gets search bar up Send {Left} Sleep, 200 Send {Enter} ;selects search bar Sleep, 3000 ;waits for search option to load Send, Bomberman ;types in the name of your selected game-change to suit Sleep,1000 Send {Enter} ;Sleep, 2000 ;uncomment this line if using game details screen ;Send {Enter} ;uncomment this line if using game details screen Sleep, 2000 ;gives time for BB to find game Send {Enter} ;loads the game ExitApp
  16. So there are two ways to do this-and I am going to take the easy and lazy way of doing it Download the two files below Place the LaunchScript.dll in the Plugins folder inside the LaunchBox folder-you might need to unblock this file in properties to make it work Place the other one in AutoHotKey folder inside ThirdParty folder. Then load BigBox and it should work. It will let any load up video you have play and then when it gets to platform selection screen it will wait 1 second and then enter that platform, it will then wait 1.5 seconds and then load which ever game is showing-Now this works here on the theme I have so hopefully it will work for you as well !!IMPORTANT!! This assumes you have keyboard mappings set up so that Enter/Return is select. If not then you will need to open the ahk file in a text editor and change the {Enter} to whatever key you have it set to. List of keys per ahk can be found here https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/Send.htm If you are struggling just let me know what key you have for select If you want to know more about the plugin then read this The plugin was made by @jayjay and not me, so major thanks to them for it. That should all work, but depending on your computer you may need to adjust the sleep part, mine is an old computer and it works well here so hopefully should be fine. Cheers Edit: The ahk was set up to work when no game details screen is shown in theme, but I have now updated the ahk below so that it can be edited to work if you have the game details screen showing, also commented the ahk. If not showing game details screen should work as is, if showing game details screen then uncomment the lines in ahk as stated. LaunchScript.dll OnStartupCompletedBB.ahk
  17. So do you want to pick a specific game for it to auto load into or will the last game played on that machine be acceptable? I have just had a play with mine and got the following two options both with AHK 1) Auto loads the first game in the first platform 2) Auto load Bomberman on the NES platform 5 out of 5 times on a trial run.-That is the 8th platform on my system and I just picked a game on that Platform. Would either of these work for you? When you have BigBox automatically starting on Windows startup have you done that by setting BigBox as a replacement for Explorer in the shell or by using a shortcut in the Start up folder? Cheers
  18. Don't take this the wrong way but I put about how you weren't exiting your scripts in your other ahk problem post and linked you to the pages and commands that you needed. It didn't exactly take me long to do, but having spent the time to do it for you, because of a problem you were having, and then to see you asking how to do it, makes me think that you didn't bother looking at that info. Which of course then makes people less inclined to help again in the future. If any mods thinks this is unfair or unjust then please feel free to remove it.
  19. I don't think that pop up has got anything to do with Demulshooter, but is to do with the ahk/exe you made--but that depends on which pop up you are getting, from the wording you have used I assume (always a dangerous thing to do) that it is image 2. You can get this popup from Demulshooter But this pop up only occurs when the scenario above has happened, which is normally caused by user error. If you mean a pop up like this (Disclaimer-I don't normally get this pop up I had to change my ahk to make it happen) Then that is caused be the ahk/exe. As it states use #SingleInstance-link to how to use it is below (good old Google) https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/_SingleInstance.htm Basically-pick which option you want and stick it in the autoexec part of the ahk (the top) - see below for more info (again good old Google) https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Scripts.htm#auto Having just tested your ahk/exe from above (without #SingleInstance added) the reason you get that pop up if you run the same ahk/exe again is because it contains a hotkey and you don't close it at any point. The two links below will help with that (again good old Google) https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/Exit.htm https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ExitApp.htm In theory doing SingleInstance or closing the ahk/exe wlll work for you, I have no idea if there is a "best practice" in ahk, but i imagine you would normally want to close ahk/exe when finished with them rather than leaving open. However there might be times you want it to stay open but I think that is when #Persistent is used-see link https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/_Persistent.htm I hasten to add I only started using all this recently and therefore this is all learned from lots and lots and lots of Google searches, and even more trial and error-so it might be one of the ahk grown ups (Viking246 or JayJay) will be able to explain it better.
  20. Before we go any further is the need for an OK button a deal breaker? as using the splash image route will just give an image that tells you to do something and then that image will go away after however long you decide to leave it up for Basically it will look like my image below which stays up for the loading screen duration-however I use method 4 from above as that was the learning curve that I took. If you want a ok button it would be easier with the message box as that has an ok button on it and can stop the game loading until that is pressed-It imagine it would also be possible to do by making a GUI in ahk and having it set with a background that looks nice and a button that acts as ok to continue the loading
  21. Could be that you have all controllers ticked in the BigBox options-Maybe try having it set so that only the regular xbox controller controls things-not ideal but a work around-Basically I don't have anything connected in this pic, but the Device bit you can pick which controller is the main one when things are connected. I would guess that even though no button is stuck down the xbox guitar controller is making BB think the analog stick is held in a position to make the scroll, or there might even be a ghost controller. Go to Game Controllers in Windows and check the properties of the xbox guitar controller and see if the stick, and everything else, is calibrated correctly and also allows you to check for any ghost controllers-worth doing this when LB is having the scrolling issue happening. Just guess work but might help.
  22. Not sure if you have seen this thread Programme in there still works and has some extra info.
  23. Depends how pretty you want it to look and how much effort you want to put in. Ugly way Could use autohotkey to make a message box that pops up over the start up screen for a short while to tell you what to do and add as an additional app to run before main application. Or could use splash text in autohotkey which is slightly less ugly. Nicer way Could make a nice png or jpg image and then use autohotkey to splash image up on the start up screen for a short while to tell you what to do and add as an additional app again. Or Could make the above image, name it per game and then adapt the start up theme xml file for the platform to include the extra image in some position.
  24. The start /wait means that the command window stays open in the backgorund waiting for the game to close, before moving onto next command (which in this case is exit-well it would be but i am lazy and didn't bother putting it in so it auto exits) this is handy if you then want to close another programme, move any files etc after the game closes-I think it also helps with the exit screen being there when you exit the game. Some of the launchers I have cobbled together will open other programmes before/move a config file around etc before loading the actual game (Lightgun games/Demul Emulator/Some others) and I need to put them back or close them afterwards, which is why I use the same style for all my bat files, and then when that specific game that needs something closes, it will run the next commands I have added to return things to how it was before-because it's not broke so I won't fix it. the /b basically means that no new command window opens when the command is passed-just keeps it all nice and tidy if like me you are OCD and don't like having other windows, boxes etc gettting in the way and stopping LB/BB looking good.
  25. Because the %game% is in "" you might need to try the line below- there is a space between each bit-eg start{space}/wait{space}/b{space}""{space}"%game%" I think that because of the use of "" around %game% it takes that as a window title, and then doesn't actually load anything start /wait /b "" "%game%"
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