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C-Beats last won the day on June 25

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Community Answers

  1. We didn't change any of the dependencies, I'm unsure if our installer just checks for the latest release or not. It sounds like you have a suppressed UAC prompt though. UAC should ask you if you'd like to give permission to installed Direct X in which case you press yes and the installation happens.
  2. Product codes for those two I believe are just W1R and W2R
  3. Potentially so. If you could since the full release is out submit an official bug report so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, especially given that holidays are around the corner.
  4. In the options menu of Big Box there is an image cache section. Clear your logo cache (don't remember if we have a platform logo option or if it's all of em) and it should pick up the new images.
  5. @boylag You're being told that if the image you're seeing is of one of the image types Faeran listed then the theme displays them with priority and so what you're seeing is the theme working the way it was designed. If you don't like how that is handled you'd want to copy/paste the theme to a new folder and then rename it. Then go to \\LaunchBox\LbThemes\{Name of your theme}\Views\GameDetailsView.xaml and search for "FlowImage" you should come up with 3 references 2 of which have an "ImageType" property with several values. Make sure the only value in parens is the "Backgrounds" value and you'll have what you're looking for.
  6. You already have some one helping you in the appropriate theme support channel, there's no reason to start up another thread. Does this behavior happen on themes OTHER than Big Details?
  7. Have you tried doing what the error message is telling you? Go check that files properties and ensure there isn't a "unblock" button requiring clicking on the bottom of it. The release is new and Windows tends to do a mass approval type of thing where if it sees the DLL has access across a lot of it's user it deems it as more safe. Since this release is new some of the definitions haven't been auto-flagged as safe and so may require more manual effort than it would normally. I'm not sure I've seen it manifest itself in that way before which is a bit unsettling but we'll keep an eye out for it.
  8. Actually had the build done and was about to release it when we saw your message. We'll get it added in and rebuilt. Thanks for going the extra mile and getting it done while away, much appreciated!
  9. Save each platforms image folder into a zip and archive it somewhere. After the install use the image pack importer to then import all the images to your library at once. I'd try it once to ensure it'd work the way you were expected before stopping at this solution though.
  10. There are 3 levels we attempt to match games by in a manual playlist. Filename LaunchBox Games Database Id Platform/Title pair We go from top to bottom (first two steps may be in wrong order) and if a game matches it's considered the game in question
  11. \\LaunchBox\LBThemes\{YourTheme}\Views\ListContentView.xaml. There is a a datagrid in most of them that displays the items (often CALLED Items). In those columns you see add a Width by adding the following: Width="100" (set 100 to whatever you value you actually want)
  12. C-Beats

    MAME Dat files

    Yeah, not even sure at this point what the DAT is showing you that isn't already being displayed though. I still wouldn't get your hopes up as I just don't have time to invest into any huge undertaking but I'd be curious to understand what you DON'T have now that you want in those files.
  13. Short answer is yes. Long Answer: You may run into issues with some features if the SD card drive isn't plugged in and you attempt to do certain things in app since it'll attempt to look for or create a folder on a drive that isn't present. You also could potentially just save LB TO the SD card and run it from there on the Windows devices. It WILL run a lot worse that way since SD card read/write speeds aren't typically as good as SDD/HDD but it's technically possible.
  14. RAM usage (especially the usage displayed in Task Manager) isn't typically the greatest metric to use. Is there a reason you're caring about what that metric is? The OS will swap out what's in physical RAM as needed, even if we are sitting on that amount as displayed in Task Manager, some of that could be on disk (and will be should another process need it). If you're running out of physical memory you can look at increasing the page size on your boot drive. This is essentially part of your hard drive you're telling the OS it can use to shunt memory data into if it needs more space. Can help you in the interim. Typically Big Box uses less memory than LaunchBox since LaunchBox stores the local games DB definition in memory and I don't believe Big Box does. This is to make several actions in the app run quicker.
  15. C-Beats

    MAME Dat files

    Think the thing we should be congratulating @Joe35car on is their awesome taste in LaunchBox themes!
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