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C-Beats last won the day on June 25 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Unless I'm misunderstanding you this is exactly what is done. When you select a game we poll the drive for the box image (in cache if possible) as well as any artwork needed to display in the details panel of the app in question. The only time the DB is used is when attempting to see what images are available to download for a game in question and the filename of those images so we can then download it.
  2. Note that if you use my metadata Series and Franchise are two separate fields with distinct meanings. Franchise is all games under a specific IP. For example Mario Bros is a franchise that houses all Mario games. Series is specific games that are designed to be played in a series (or are labeled as such). For example the SMB trilogy for NES is labeled "Super Mario Bros. (NES)". The data I have will give a baseline for what you're asking but it sounds like the field you'd want to utilize more is Franchise in my data dump and not series.
  3. Neither of those are error logs, they are information logs. Error logs have the red icon and say error.
  4. You can always press F5 to refresh the grid image and see if that corrects. Given that the art isn't showing in the 3D box either though leads me to wonder if your image group priorities haven't been altered to not show EGS Posters. If you go to Tools > Options and look for Box Front Priorities, in that list is Epic Games Poster checked? If not that would explain why it's not being used for that purpose.
  5. If you have two games with the same name in the same platform the game ID in GUID format is added to the end of the image so we know which image goes to which game. If the names didn't match previously the files aren't then renamed so it could be catching up and noticing that now the images need it and so it gets appended.
  6. There should be two error logs in the Event Viewer. The one you posted and then one above it that's listed as a .NET Runtime error. We'd need that one, the one you posted just tells us that's the application that crashed, not why it crashed.
  7. You can't view categories in platform view. If you want your category at the root and not under anything just set the parent to "Root" and it'll appear there. You can make almost anything you can think of in this view. One thing to remember though is Big Box only shows games at the bottom most levels of your tree. You can't hit a button to view all games in a category for example, you have to select enter and then pick from one of the platforms/playlists that children of it. If you post up an example of what you want your tree to look like we can maybe help better. Doesn't need to be an image something like: Consoles > Nintendo > NES > Genres > {List of Genre playlists} (where each '>' means step down a level)
  8. Last I knew Ares N64 core is considered the most accurate N64 emulator atm. That being said I've never used it to really be able to justify that claim myself. I usually just use RetroArch.
  9. Are you pressing favorite in Game Details and then quickly changing games selected? I see the call that stack is pointing to but it look's fairly safe. I do see how it's possible to get that, but from what I briefly saw you'd have to be changing games immediately after pressing the fav button.
  10. Sounds like the font load we do is potentially failing on startup. You can manually go to \\LaunchBox\LBThemes\Default\Fonts and then right click the Gilroy fonts and select "Install for all users" in the context menu that appears to install the font in your system permanently and it should correct what you're seeing.
  11. I don't believe our scan looks for platform alt names. To correct in your library though go to the platforms with the abbreviations as names. Then change the platform in all those games to the correct one (you can bulk edit this). Then when done with all of those go to Tools > Manage > Platforms. Delete the abbreviation platforms. Then go to the correctly named platform and set the game folder to the folder you want scanned (this one you'll need to do manually for each of the platforms that had the abbreviation versions). Everything should return to normal after that.
  12. Can you confirm what you're doing when you get this error?
  13. You need to be in Platform Category view to do what you're doing. You can't add categories to Platform view like you can playlists. That being said like @Retro808 has stated once you're in that view you can arrange things however you want. That view is extremely powerful in how all you can organize your library. You can nest multiple levels as well. Here's a screenshot of some of mine.
  14. What do you mean by "proper"? You can alter the rotation of anything in a FlowControl so I'd assume the answer is yes. That being said CTC is a third party app and not one I use so I'm not sure if you'd be able to from there. You referring to something like we have in the unified themes, or you mean more akin to Hyperspin where each logo is also rotated instead of strait?
  15. Not sure how hard it is to correct but you have a translation/spelling error in your video. During the bits where it's displaying the song's lyrics you have the word "through" spelled as "trought". Stands out even more so with that specific word being highlighted. You are consistent in the incorrect spelling I believe I saw the word and this spelling in both places it appears.
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