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Everything posted by C-Beats

  1. @Wally This feature will automatically create and send to your emulator a M3U file under ALL of the following conditions: 1. The application path launched is associated to an additional application of the game you are playing 2. The additional application associated has a disc number associated to it (found in the "Edit Addtional Application" form found in the "Edit Game" form of LaunchBox) 3. The application path launched is not already a M3U 4. The emulator is marked that is supports M3U If all the above is TRUE then the M3U is made with the application you selected to launch as first track, followed by all other additional applications under that game that also have a disc number, in disc order (numerical).
  2. They in the download section under "Platform Media" > "Platform Video". You can also do it in Launchbox by going to Tools > Download Platform Media.
  3. Believe I have found what may be causing the above issue. Should be resolved in the next beta push. Thanks again for the feedback @TheNewClassics
  4. Thanks for this. Will look into it and see what may be causing it.
  5. Currently this method will ONLY look for actual numerals like 1,2,3, etc. It will NOT look at roman numerals and convert them to numerals for sorting purposes. In the example given you would need to alter the title or sort title of MKII to Mortal Kombat 2 for it to order correctly.
  6. Still haven't gotten an answer to this. Also could some one having this issue tell me if you still see it in 10.9? I was able to replicate before but can't now, wanted to see if has been corrected for anyone else or not.
  7. That is how any application works. There is a very specific reason you are instructed to almost never use your power button to shut down the computer. You can cause far more issues than a few corrupted Launchbox XML files. Most of the time the XMLs ARE saved during run time but application close also does some clean up processes. If you hard booted your computer during either then yes it WILL screw things up and corrupt your files. There is literally nothing we can do to prevent that.
  8. Not sure, was under the impression it always worked like that. Will check with Jason though.
  9. Well in that circumstance the game you had selected is deselected and then removed from the list because it is hidden. Since you don't have anything selected to return you to it goes to the top of the list. To my knowledge that behavior is intended.
  10. Go to the zip file you are pointing at (would assume from the image it is simpsons.zip) open it up and look in the root. All the files listed in that error message should be in the root of that zip file. The errors are stating that MAME did not find them there. Sounds like a file corruption issue or you aren't pointing to the correct file (or the MAME ini file is set up incorrectly). Don't know of any other reasons you would see that message.
  11. Would say it probably is related to how it is interacting with the new default theme as wallmachine is hinting at. If the old theme didn't bother you you can change back. The thread wallmachine links has a link from Jason to a more performant version of the new theme as well.
  12. Yeah you are right, if doing it that way you would set up the upper level as a category, not a playlist. Only the bottom most level is a playlist.
  13. Could just make a Playlist under the platform (or above it) for the player count 1+, 2+, 3+, etc and then under that playlist the genre's. I agree it isn't real ideal but is an alternative for you since I'm not sure that filter being a drop down is something that is going to get tackled anytime soon.
  14. You can create a playlist for each genre under each platform and then in Big Box instead of using "View Platform" use "View Platform Category". You would then get a menu to select which genre playlist you want for that platform. Also allows you to set graphics for each genre to make it all look pretty. I do this for series in my set up.
  15. Very cool to see the community come together to make such awesome tools. Thanks for all you do @y2guru. Even I have issues with XAML some times so it's fun to see what all you can do with your tool and how approachable it makes theme creation for those with a lack of XAML knowledge.
  16. Could you post a screen shot of your leaderboard? Not sure I understand at this point why you wouldn't be able to draw all 10 on screen. Do you have any scaling turned on in windows?
  17. Sounds like that is the issue. In our testing of various screen ratios/resolutions we never had the leaderboard NOT display all 10 before. What screen ratio/resolution are you running?
  18. Yeah, some of the titles in your recent activity are quite long, I believe you saw it, isn't something some one would/could make up. Was curious if the aspect ratio or DPI was playing a factor in it or not, which is why I asked.
  19. What game were you seeing this for and what screen resolution are you running? I pulled up your profile on mine and saw you do have some long labels but can't get anything to cut off.
  20. Are you having issues where the 10 items aren't all appearing on the leaderboard at the same time?
  21. Go to Tools > Manage Emulators. Find Retroarch, go to the "Associated Platforms" tab and you can change the core there.
  22. LaunchBox uses string comparison to rank titles so as @neil9000 stated you WILL need to append a 0 for double digit sorting. We do not attempt to parse integers out of the file name for sorting purposes as it creates a lot of overhead that isn't really needed. If you want to keep the name displayed without the extra 0's you can enter the title with those in the sort title field of on the edit screen and they will then sort as desired.
  23. I'm confused, what is the end goal? What are we trying to do? Make the entire image bigger or smaller or something else?
  24. You need to run updates against the computer as well. Those should be installing and updating the file it is looking for or attempting to use. also is there anyway you can send me a screenshot of the error. Want to verify what system is throwing the exception.
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