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  1. Same problem here. My gamepads are working but always getting the same configuration file from autoconfig folder. I’ve realized that when trying to connect more than one controller from different brands, Steam/SteamLink recognizes them with the same vendor_id and product_id: input_vendor_id = "10462" input_product_id = "4607" I think Steam Input has something to do with this, but I don’t know how to fix it. Even if I disable Steam Input, my controllers are still detected as if they were the same (getting the same configuration file). I suppose this is because Steam Input can be disabled for all controllers except those of the "Steam Controller" and "Remote Play" type, which are marked as "Enabled. Always required." I think I'll give Moonlight/Sunshine a try.
  2. Just looking for something like this!! Thank you!! Can someone explain to me why launchbox doesn't give to the media files the same name as the roms files?
  3. Thanks for sharing your project, It's a joy to be able to enjoy each update and I can't imagine a better way to pay tribute to C64
  4. WOW!! awesome! Completely beautiful to see them fully integrated into your project! I think this covers everyone's tastes and also opens a door to personal customizations. Thank you very much!! Can't wait to try the new release!
  5. Thank you very much!!! It's working like a charm. I recommend to made all the changes over your "C64 Dreams+Launchbox pack" before doing the migration process explained at the OP. I would like to inform about an interesting pack of bezels and presets for Retroarch, I think It would be nice to include them at your project (I'm using them atm). Search for "HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets" and "TheNamec Mega Bezel Commodore pack". It would be a nice addition! And they're easy to use!
  6. Hi all! In first place, thanks to Zombeaver for sharing his impressive work with all of us!! Is It possible to include the C64 Dreams into a previously existing Launchbox installation but having all the games on external device without losing C64 Dreams functionalities? I've got all my ROMs on a NAS and all the rest (images, videos, Launchbox config, etc ...) at a local PC. I know maybe It can be done with symlinks but I prefer to not use them and leave my emulation files structure as it is. I think It can be possible by changing some (or a lot) of paths on C64 Dreams configuration files but I don't know where to find those files. Thank you all in advance!!
  7. Finally found the reason for the malfunction. I've got romsets with brackets "[USA], [Europe], [Japan]" separators instead of parentheses "(USA), (Europe), (Japan)" so Launchbox doesn't interpret correctly the brackets and doesn't apply the region order. That's why I was asking for a way to force it after import. Solved! Thank you!!!
  8. I think now I understand the meaning of the region priorities. The message says: "prioritize for imports and images", but in my case I want to import all the roms from all regions and just be able to select the region order and default at "Play version dropdown". i.e.: I want to import USA, Japan, EUR roms for NES platform. Once imported I can change the default rom region at "EDIT -> ASSOCIATED APPS -> USA" to always Play USA rom for a single game at a time. It would be amazing if I could select the region order for the entire NES platform too, the same way we can prioritize the roms at the time of import from the "Data region priorities" menu. Game: 8 Eyes - Default rom region to play when click the rom: USA - Dropdown menu order on "Play Version..": USA, EUR, Japan, Canada, Germany Maybe It's not a feature included with Launchbox? Thanks a lot!
  9. Thanks, Uhmm... not working here. I got USA version above the Japan version at "Data -> Region Priorities" and Launchbox prioritize the Japan version at "Play Version..." (Japan appears above USA at dropdown) and plays the Japan version when loading the rom directly from "Play" button. 🤔
  10. Hi, I know this can be changed per rom by going to EDIT->ASSOCIATED APPS--> selecting for example the USA rom and clicking the "Make Default" button, but It would be awesome to change te default roms region to an entire specific platform or to all the platforms at once in the same way that can be done for media (options -> data -> region priority). Can this be done somehow? Thanks a lot,
  11. Thank you @lajaro, problem solved on my side and I still don't now why... maybe an update (Steam? Launchbox/Bigbox? Windows10? all at once?) solved the issue. Before it started working I installed the Steam Beta client, problem disappeared but then another problem with the BigBox brightness showed up. After downgrade to the Steam official client both problems disappeared. Good luck!!!
  12. Thank you very much for your solution @jayjay I've not tried it yet but it seems like it can fix my problem with focus and gamepad not waking up after sleep mode. Using Steam to launch BigBox If I turn off my gamepad and then on or if the gamepad entered in sleep mode and I turn it on, I need to press Alt+tab to select the BigBox window to make BB to recognize it. I'm watching the BigBox screen all the time, so it was difficult to come to the conclusion that BB was losing the focus. It's weird because the keyboard never gets unresponsive. The problem is only with the gamepad. I swear this didn't happen before? Maybe Windows 10 issues?. @Jason Carr EDIT: I think I'm starting to know what's going on... seems like gamepad works for a few seconds when I wake it up and then it stops working when the Steam "XBOX Gamepad: Using JuRaSSiCBoY's settings" pop-up appears. So I think its a Steam bug. 🙈 This is not happening with the rest of Steam pop-ups... It doesn't even happen with the initial gamepad setup pop-up (just after loading BigBox).
  13. Well... After some checking seems like is not a gamepad problem. Big Box is losing focus when I turned gamepad off and then on. Simply pressing alt+tab and selecting the BigBox window to bring focus back, the gamepad works as expected. I'm using Steam to launch BigBox as non-Steam application (just like ETA-Prime video on Youtube) so I think Steam gets the focus in background when reconfiguring the gamepad in some way (keyboard is not losing focus, only the gamepad).
  14. Hi, I just realized that Big Box loses the gamepad functionality if I turn it off and then on or after entering sleep mode and then wake it up. Gamepad works as it should inside emulators and I don't remember failing like this in Big Box before. Anyone having the same problem? I've used the keyboard to see if its possible to map the gamepad buttons when this happens and the only button that worked is the "start" button, but maps it as something like "unknown". The rest of the buttons are like if they were not pressed. Thank you in advance!
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