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Files posted by Baggio
YART (Yet Another Refried Theme)
By Baggio in Custom Themes
So basically i have recreated RetroHumanoid's amazing Unified Refried theme in CTC and made quite a few changes to hopefully make it even better. The most notable changes are that it has more info when viewing games and the new movable 3D model boxes. I’ve also added the abilty to choose if you want Fanart or the default images as the background images and having images or text as in the bottom infobar. Atm its only 16:9 but if there is interest I’ll try and add more aspect ratios.
To get the most out of this theme you need box - fronts, box - backs and box spines in your Launchbox setup. You can do without the box - backs if you dont paln on rotating the 3D models though.
So the views it has so far;
3 Platform views 1 with a full screen video and vertical wheel, one with a smaller video and one that has a selectable favourites and recently played list
3 Wall views to kind of mimic Launchbox (need some tweaking still though)
4 Vertical Wheel games views with 2 different background choices like Refried, one with a big console/handheld/TV and dynamically changing images for different platforms. The other 2 are smaller images of the platform in the corner, without the dynamically changing platform images.
2 of the Vertical Wheel games views (1 dynamic and 1 not as above) have a clear logos wheel and movable 3D model boxes (front, back and spines images needed for full effect for all wheel views) and spinning CD or cart images
2 of the Vertical wheel games views (1 dynamic and 1 not as above) have a vertical box cases wheel as well as 3D movable boxes and and spinning CD or cart images
1 Text view which is mainly for the game selection options (play, read manual ect) with gameplay, title and game select screenshots.
Dynamically changing platform images (like refried)
Dynamic Marquees for arcade games (like refried)
Dynamic Marquees/Backglass for Pinball games (Future Pinball, Pinball FX3 and Visual Pinball)
Moveable 3D model boxes
Controller images change in playmode for different platforms
Most badges shown
Publisher, genre, playmode and certification in infobar and game notes scrolling along the bottom
Fanart for the background if you wish.
To change/remove certain images;
Wheel Views
For the Fanart as a background delete or rename the folder; Themes>YART>Media>Background. If you want the any of the Publisher, Genre, Playmode and PEGI/ESRB* images to show as text instead of the images, delete or rename the folders; Publisher Logos, Icons Genres, Icons Play Modes and both the Icons PEGI and Icons ESRB folder (to remove the certification), all are in; Themes>YART>Media. *( When the game certification is shown as text I can’t find a way for it to show the PEGI certification so it will say, M-Mature instead of 18 for example)
To change the certification Image from the EU PEGI to the US ESRB ratings, rename or delete folder; Themes>YART>Media>Icons PEGI To change the PEGI text to read ESRB in the wheels views go to the folder; Themes>YART>Views and; Open WheelGamesView.xaml, Wheel2GamesView.xaml, Wheel3GamesView.xaml, Wheel4GamesView.xaml and the TextGamesView.xaml in a text editor (Notepad++ is a good option) and find Text="PEGI: and replace it with Text="ESRB: in all 5 of the above views or just the one you use.
To Stop all the Discs from Spinning Open WheelGamesView.xaml, Wheel2GamesView.xaml, Wheel3GamesView.xaml and Wheel4GamesView.xaml in a text editor and search for BeginTime="00:00:02.5" To="360" Duration="00:00:05" RepeatBehavior="Forever"> and replace with BeginTime="00:00:00.0" To="0" Duration="00:00:00" RepeatBehavior="Forever">
You need to do this twice (or replace all in Notepad++) as there are 2 entries you need to replace to stop them all spinning, one for the CDs and one for the Mini CDs
Wall Views
For Fanart to show for the Wall Views delete or rename the folder; Themes>YART>Media>WallViewBackground To change the certification Image from the EU PEGI to US ESRB overwrite the files in the folder; Themes>YART>Media>Icons PEGI Wall, with files in the Themes>YART>Media>Icons ESRB Wall folder. ----------------------
Text filter and Platform 3, recently played and favourites
For these to show you need to go to Options>Views in Bigbox and enable "show filters recent games" and "show filters favourite games"
Launchbox controls what images are shown in the recently played and favourites. To change what type of image is used go to image group and choose the type of image you want to use in the dropdown (shown below). This seems to be platform specific as well so you need to go through them all. (Boxes or 3D Boxes work best others don't work well)
Front and Back Images
To have more Front and Back boxes show on the 3D models (If the proper front and back ones arent available) i recommend setting these priorities in Launchbox.
@RetroHumanoid and his amazing Unified Refried on which this built on. Whilst i have made a lot of images myself most are from his theme (especially the video borders).
@faeran for his Unified CTC which i used as a template to start this (and it taught me how to use the Community Theme Creator)
@y2guru for the unbelievable Community Theme Creator
If I’m missing others I’m really sorry as i have been at this for a while off and on so may have used other people images somewhere a long the line.
Lastly, this is my first effort at theme creation so bear with me if things aren't as they should be. I'll fix any problems ASAP if you guys find any issues
P.S. Please give me suggestions on what to do with views that haven't been filled yet or changes that could me made to the current views.
Wheel 1, Wheel 2 Handhelds and Wheel 3 views showing the 3D boxes
Wheel1.mp4 wheel 1 handheld.mp4 wheel2.mp4 This is what it looks like with all the images removed (as detailed above) in the infobar
Platform Category Clear Logos
By Baggio in Platform Clear Logos
Just made this for Magazines to try and match the other default Platform Category Logos
Thanks to @GiantTitan for the original images
Edit: Added the rest i made as well
Mame (Arcade) Spines
These are taken from @Mr. RetroLust amazing 3D covers.
They are missing the Sega Model 1 and 2 and the Sega Naomi 1 and 2 games as i had to remake them and will upload seperately.
They are also missing the Capcom Play games which i will aslo be uploading soon taken from @MadK9 3D boxes and Sammy Atomiswave as they have been brillintly made by @spycat
Sony PSP Spines
These are taken from 3D boxes and have been ran through a upscaler which makes them look quite a bit better imo.
1147 files here so almost all games should be covered but there also may be some duplicates in here that are named differently but i left them in.
Laserdisc Clear Logo
By Baggio in Platform Clear Logos
Made this to go with @CTRL-ALT-DEFEAT fantastic Laserdisk platform video as i didnt like the only logo i could find with arcade under it.
The video is here
Nintendo Gamecube Box front, back and spines
By Baggio in Nintendo GameCube
289 Games in here with 10 more alternate covers in mixed regions.
I dont have the Gamecube set up yet so can't post an image of the 3D models but you all know what they look like 😉
Sony Playstation 2 Box fronts, back and spines (US)
By Baggio in Sony Playstation 2
Over 1100 games in covered in this. These are from original scanned covers.
After seeing how bland the EU spines were i had to make these becuase they are waaay better
Sony Playstation 2 (EU) Box fronts, back and spines
By Baggio in Sony Playstation 2
Over 500 games covered here for the EU region. The Alt folder has Platinium covers for 40 odd games as well.
When doing these i have noticed how bland the EU spines are compared to the US conterparts so i'll get the US ones sorted later in the week
Nintendo Wii Box front, backs and spines
By Baggio in Nintendo Wii
500 games covered here for the Wii. This is a mixed pack with all different regions.
If anyone has pack of full scans for each region or every game hit me up and i'll convert them
Wii.mp4189 downloads
Xbox 360 Box front, back and spines (EU) from original scans
By Baggio in Microsoft Xbox 360
Over 600 games in here all taken from the original retail covers. They are in a high resolution so can easily be read fully in fullscreen (as seen below but lesser quality because of the compresion of the video).
I've also added an alternate folder with some GOTY, Special Edition and Classics boxes in it so have a look in there as well and see which you prefer.
2022-12-03 10-28-56.mp4
PS. Ill also be doing the Wii PS2 and more later in the week
Edit: If anyone has any full scans of the missing EU games let me know and i'll add them.
Capcom Play System 1, 2 and 3 (Front, back and spines)
These were sent to my by @MadK9 who saw that i was going to use his 3D boxes to make some spines so he sent me over the original files he used to make them (1, 2 and 3) so we have a hi-resolution pack instead.
I just cropped and packed them up so full credit to him.
Sega Dreamcast (Europe) Spines
By Baggio in Sega Dreamcast
New Spines for the Sega Dreamcast European boxes. The game ID at the bottom is the same for all images but i dont think that matters.
I've had a look on the net and saw that some boxes spines just have white text so if anyone wants just a text version of these let me know
These go with @Robin55 Dreamcast 2D Europe boxes
Sega Naomi 1 and 2 Spines
Sega Naomi 1 and 2 spines i created
Again they are better quality than the preview shows
Sega Model 2 and 3 Spines
Just some simple spines i created for the Sega Model 2 and 3
They are a better resolution that the preview shows as well
Nintendo DS Spines
By Baggio in Nintendo DS
I re-did all these because the ones that can be downloaded though Emumovies are a bit of a mess in some cases with text overlapping logos.
This means with these, there are no original scanned spines just generic ones with the games clear logo on them.
Philips CD-I Box front, back and spines
By Baggio in Philips CD-i
All the front and back covers are taken from original scans and 98% of the are the spines are as well.
Added the CDI art to the cover to make it look more realistic on the 3D model.
SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Box Front and Spines
By Baggio in SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
Re-made the box fronts to look like the original and also made some new spines to go with them.
For the best look imo, override the the default settings, select DVD case and set the force case background colour to 49.
Nintendo Game Boy Colour Spines
By Baggio in Nintendo Game Boy Color
Game boy Colour Spines converted from 3D boxes
Nintendo Gameboy Spines
By Baggio in Nintendo Game Boy
More spines this time for the Game Boy
I've noticed a few are off due to being mass converted but i'll sort them out in due course
Sega Master System Spines
By Baggio in Sega Master System
Spines for the Sega Mester System for the 3D models
Taken from the 3D boxes so credit where its due as i got these directly from the LB interface
Below is what they look like in LB/BB
Sony Playstation Spines (Europe) 1.0.0
By Baggio in Sony Playstation
Here are the spines (Europe) to go with the front covers i uploaded to make the new 3D models in Big Box look more realistic. (shown below in BB)
This should be the full collection of PS1 games
Credit to @phenix14000 for the origional 3D boxes i used to make the spines.
Sony Playstation Box Fronts for Bigbox 3D models (Europe)
By Baggio in Sony Playstation
Heres are some European (Pal) front boxes to make the new 3D models look more realistic for the Playstation (as shown below)
At the minutes there is only 287 as thats all i have in my collection but if someone has the full european box front colletion and can point me to them ill make all the rest.
The Spines for these i have also uploaded and that is the full collection.
Sega Game Gear Spines (Europe)
By Baggio in Sega Game Gear
Just quickly made some European spines for the Game Gear boxes i've already uploaded to work with the new 3D models.
Again not the best put good enough for now
Sega Game Gear 3D Boxes (Europe)
By Baggio in Sega Game Gear
Heres some Sega Game Gear European 3D boxes. I wanted all Euro boxes and could only find a set with really low quality or a mix with euro and US so decided to make my own.
Someone could make these a lot better than i did but they are a placeholder untill something better comes along.