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Everything posted by skizzosjt

  1. you do not have platform videos. download them from the link available on first page of this thread or from within LB via Tools > Download > Platform/Playlist/Category Theme Videos files need to be in \LaunchBox\Videos\Platforms or if you want them only theme specific and not global \LaunchBox\Themes\<THEME NAME>\Videos\Platforms
  2. if this is the case, then folks could use LaunchBox's Startup Application feature to run a script that would either pause or exit the cloud syncing service when the frontend boots. Further, resume/start the cloud syncing service upon the frontend's exit. I don't use any of those cloud syncing tools to test with, but it sounds easy enough.
  3. zip files, and 7-zip files are fine and you don't need to extract them I would make sure the .7z file even works if you load it directly from within Retroarch's UI. If it works, then we know you have a wrong setting in LB. If you have the checkbox enabled to extract archives for Retroarch then can try unchecking that
  4. it's called "Sort Title" in the edit window. If empty it's going to use the entries standard Title to sort it found on the main Metadata window. so if you wanted "Gears 5" to show up after "Gears of War 4" for ex, you would want to enter "Gears of War 5" here. The game title will still display as "Gears 5" if you left it as such in the Title field, but now it is going to be sorted by your Sort Title value
  5. Give it a try again. It does work. For example, I have a custom field called "Aspect Ratio" shown here in Auto Populate There is a quirk where you need to actually add a VALUE to the custom field. If you only added the "Name" but left "Value" empty then the Custom Field was never really created/saved and would not show up in another drop downs for use. If you opened the Edit > Custom Fields window up again for the game where only a Name was entered you would notice that whatever you entered into Name is no longer there due to no value was assigned At least one entry needs to have a value assigned to the custom field for the custom field to exist for use. Note those other three above it exist OK because there are other games that have values assigned to them
  6. You should be entering the intended platform like "Sega Dreamcast" in the "Platform" field instead of "All" If you have more entries setup like that, they would need the same edit
  7. yea the icon changing is bizarre. I think it would be worth looking in the icon images folder too in order to see if the files are being renamed or created with a different file name. for ex, did it take the Sega Dreamcast icon and rename it to All (in the end basically deletes having an icon named Sega Dreamcast), or did it create a new All file that happens to use the Sega Dreamcast icon image? (Sega Dreamcast icon still exists in this case, and it would look like there are two icon images for Sega Dreamcast, but one would be properly named Sega Dreamcast, and the other would be All)
  8. even weirded is that they both have a Nintendo Switch platform icon! wouldn't they have had to gone out of their way to duplicate and/or rename the specific image file to "all.png" (or whatever extension it is) for that to link up?
  9. skizzosjt

    Carnival King

    The greyed out lines are indicators that this line has changed from its default value(s) So, all the other ones not greyed out indicate they are default values It's normal behavior to help visualize what has been edited
  10. what kind of controller are you using? Xbox 360 controllers will be able to use hotkeys like that. All other xinput controllers lose this functionality unless one of the script's windows is the active window which def is not the case here. Additionally, you might not be using the right "XJoy" value. For ex, even if only a single controller is connected to your PC it could come up as a different number than you expect such as "3Joy". Have you checked and confirmed it is #1 with AHK's official controller script? I've never had any other dinput controllers to test/confirm this with, but, I think if the controller uses dinput it should have same behavior as a Xbox 360 controller. As in the hotkeys work even if a script window is not the active window. another way to test it to make some obvious action with the hotkey, like a msgbox. for ex 1Joy4:: MsgBox, check check is this mic on? Return You should see a message box prompt pop up. If you don't then the hotkey doesn't work for one of the above reasons. Assuming you have access to the controller mapping feature, I second that suggestion from Joe. It is the fastest and easiest way to implement your goal of closing an emulator, game or otherwise any window, using a controller.
  11. use the Additional Apps feature to launch a script, or anything, prior to launching the main app (the emulator/game) assuming you wrote the script properly, losing the Startup and Shutdown screens is a bunch of baloney. they work with use of scripts and scripts can used to get Startup/Shutdown Screens working when they otherwise would not work! for ex, with Steam games
  12. I do my best to try to teach someone to fish. I also try my best to not hand them a fish. no one learns anything that way. Using AlwaysOnTop requires different syntax. Use WinGet. If you want to find stuff on AHK their docs are very easy to navigate https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v1/lib/WinSet.htm#AlwaysOnTop omg you don't even have a clue what you're talking about. 🤦‍♂️ AlwaysOnTop has been there since the beginning. lol
  13. it's sound advice. just try google first. who wants wants to help people who aren't trying themselves? it's a forum faux pa
  14. here would be my approach to it. Run, CHRONOCROSS_LAUNCHER.exe WinWait, ahk_exe CHRONOCROSS_LAUNCHER.exe ControlSend, [control], {Enter}, ahk_exe CHRONOCROSS_LAUNCHER.exe WinWait, ahk_exe CHRONOCROSS_GAME.exe WinWaitClose, ahk_exe CHRONOCROSS_GAME.exe WinWait, ahk_exe CHRONOCROSS_LAUNCHER.exe WinClose, ahk_exe CHRONOCROSS_LAUNCHER.exe idk what the actual game exe is, so change out "CHRONOCROSS_GAME.exe" appropriately change the control parameter to the control (button) on the launcher, assuming said launcher actually has a name for the play control (button). you can get this info with WinSpy. if the controls have no name, then leave that parameter empty and it would work just the same as regular Send. If that is the case this plan would only work if you can prove it works though. That would mean you open the launcher and then press enter or even spacebar on your keyboard. Does it do what you want it to? that being close the launcher and launch the game? if so, this is automating that. mouse clicks is a bad way to go. only in a last resort would I do that. and you need more because it only would work if it's the top most window. you can put the window on top prior to the click. use AlwaysOnTop, not WinActivate if there are no name for the controls you might need to put the launcher AlwaysOnTop even for a Send command to work I think you're going at it wrong. the game already has native methods for exiting via keyboard and a controller! don't try and come up with some new method there. the only part that would need automation is hitting play on the launcher, and then closing the launcher at exit of the game. I will say, a launcher at the start of a game is very normal. A launcher popping back up after exiting, is very abnormal. That's on the game's devs.
  15. @Jayinem you should read up on what SetTitleMatchMode is. you put it into mode 2 for every thing you post, but nothing you post requires it. every time you have ended up referring to something through a WinTitle you are using ahk_criteria specifically ahk_exe the exe is not impacted by SetTitleMatchMode. an exe is not a window title! SetTitleMatchMode is only useful to adjust (and that is, if only needed to adjust from default mode 1) if you are referring to the window's window title! you cannot! make sure to try Google before posting questions because I found this out in 1 min after a single search on their Steam forum! devs designed the game/launcher to work like this.
  16. It might have been different in the past, but for as long as I have been paying attention they all get lumped into "Shooter". This drives me nuts because I think Shoot 'em up, Run 'n gun, First-Person Shooter, Light Gun, etc, are all too different to each other. It's too wide of net to only use just plain old shooter in my opinion. I eventually searched for "shooter" games in my library and re-categorized them to a more granular and appropriate genre. For a way to distinguish Light Gun games from others, if they actually have "light gun support" under "controller support" then that might be a way to filter them
  17. looks like this is the Default Startup Screen if so, as far as I know it uses Fanart Background image. if said game doesn't have such an image downloaded no image will be displayed. said game does have these images available, so makes me wonder if you actually downloaded the proper image(s).
  18. listed in the instructions
  19. I think it only downloads region appropriate images. ie if there are 4 different box art front images, and you prioritize USA/North America, it's not going to also download a Spain, Germany, and France version, etc. Based on the number of (region specific) images that are not USA/North America, only getting 16 images sounds on par. Maybe if you change your region priorities it would download them all.
  20. I'm sure it has some influence. They cited over 1 million illegal download of Tears of the Kingdom, maybe Ryujinx facilitated many illegal downloads of Echoes of Wisdom. Or just the general principle that said emulator exists. The array of arguments they could make is wide and varied. Sudachi is available to download. Like I said in initial post, it's a fork of Yuzu and it's operation is the same. I set it up in just mins since already being familiar with Yuzu. Yuzu can be found in some internet archive fashion Ryujinx likely can be found in same way The emulators themselves will never be fully removed from the internet. But their development has mostly been stifled, for the time being at least.
  21. glad you sorted it out. I was just making some pics to post before I saw your response so I'm posting it anyways for reference for others I think these are the important parts for the parent element. Apparently I used a dock rather than a grid for this one specifically. Fullscreen enabled Alignment properties are centered Update when is ONCE SELECTED I The parent element needs the animation properties that were once applied to the hardware overlay element (not going into specific values since nothing should be changed there) The hardware overlay element needs those animation properties removed once they were copied over to the new parent element. And the one other critical setting is update DURING SELECTION There is more that needs to be adjusted if you wanted it just like it was intended to be. For ex, the animations for the color conditioned rectangle that has some metadata around it. This one might only look messed up in certain conditions, like from switching from some other theme to Colorful, or switching from one view to another within Colorful. I think this discrepancy wouldn't be noticed in "normal" conditions, ie booting into Big Box with Colorful as the theme and you are booting into your intended view and not using the assignable hotkeys to change views etc. What you would find here is colors changing later than intended, ie, you see the color change rather than have the screenmask wipe away and the colors are already changed appropriately. And/or the animations for the color conditioned rectangle shapes happen at a different time (would be harder to notice since it's just a single object moving, unlike the hardware overlay which was meant to be aligned exactly with the main video and makes it super obvious when it's off). To fix this it's more of the same idea as above. Had to leave color conditions as update DURING SELECTION for colors to change at same quick pace, but needed to create a parent element to make the animations happen at the intended later time using update ONCE SELECTED This only fixed PlatformWheel1FiltersView. You would need to do same ideas to fix up PlatformWheel2FiltersView as well if you wanted that wheel looking as intended too I noticed you mentioned previously the CTC source files for Colorful are gone. Just the links on the main discussion thread are broke. They otherwise are still existing from the file download thread.
  22. The "hardware overlay" element is definitely one of them that needs adjusting. The element itself, so the one you circled, needs to use the "update during selection" radio bubble. This way the hardware overlay image immediately changes each time you scroll to a new platform in your wheel. This keeps that part of the theme working as the original authors intended. Then it gets into the understandably confusing part. I know what needs to be done, but may struggle to explain it. So, don't be shy about asking for help, I'll do my best. If you leave the animation properties tied to that same hardware overlay element it's going to also do the transparency changes, and the position animation change at the same time. Meaning it's going to happen at a wrong time. We need the animation properties to start once selected which means we need to use the "update once selected" radio bubble. Problem here is we are already requiring this element to use update during selection for the image to change when intended. This hopefully explains the reasoning for the disconnect between animations of various elements. So, to get around this I made a GRID element that will be a PARENT element to the hardware overlay element. This makes the hardware overlay element now a child element to the grid element. I then copied the animation settings from the hardware overlay element, into the new grid element. You will then need to make sure the grid element is using update once selected radio bubble, as well as then remove the animations from the hardware overlay element since we don't want these animations on both elements, it would cause things to be misaligned still. Putting this together now means the hardware overlay will update during selections, meaning right away. But since we now put the hardware overlay into a parent element that has the animation properties, we can use update once selected for the parent element. This results is the opacity and position changes will happen at the right time. All together, it means it will work just like the authors originally intended. I'm going off my memory right now, so I could make some screen shots of my CTC settings to make sure I'm not misremembering details. Full screen background can be left as is I believe. Background color.....might need an update? If anything it should be "update during selection"....I assume. I think if it is on "update once selected" it still works "OK" but the colors are going to change a few moments later. Like if you are in a playlist that has games from many platforms/systems with different colors, you might see the "old" color for a split second before the selected bindings are read. I changed names of stuff to make more sense to me. So the "Background color" is not the same as what I called "LHS Rectangle Color". I think that specific element is only in the 1st wheel which is what you show in this image. But just to clarify, from your video you posted you were using the 2nd wheel there. The difference there is the 2nd wheel has the color coordinated background taking up the whole screen. The first wheel always has sort of a dark gray section on the left hand side and puts some of the info into a color conditioned rectangle. The wheels are a little different like that, so there are different adjustments needed for both wheels to animate correctly. I did do the fixes for both, but looking back at my previous posts I see I only really addressed this on wheel 1. Take note some issues also occur on the game selection view (whatever the views are called for selecting the actual game). I do not recall if TextListGameView (or whatever the text list view is called) has some problems too. There are at least 4 views that would need adjusting. Two platform views, and two game views, at least. Possible a 5th would be the TextList one. There is def more I changed, but don't remember all the details. So I'd have to look at my settings and post them, or something to give more specific details. I already feel like I'm rambling lol Give it a shot and let me know if you need some more help! I'm willing to share images of my settings or even the CTC files, whatever would help you out.
  23. read up on the theme's thread. I posted details on how to resolve the discrepancies. I discovered this I guess back in 3.1.3 per my previous post in the linked thread. Copy/paste the 2.5.5 theme source files into the CTC folder for 3.1.3 (or later/more recent versions) and it seemed all animations are out of sync in 3.1.3+ My experience suggests it is not their start time, or duration, etc parameter/values related to animations. It is the "update when selected" and "update during selection" radio bubble option that is messing with things. Per my post it seems I concluded they don't really operate the same anymore due to update during selection now occurring earlier when compared to previous versions of CTC. I'm talking about copy/paste of the same files that worked through 2.02 (or whatever version was used to initially make the CTC version of the theme) up to 2.5.5. After 2.5.5 is when I first started noticing the issues that Madhead is also referring to.
  24. I don't get why they didn't go after Ryujinx at the same time as Yuzu. I would believe people thought the difference was one was a more low key, and the other was acting like a rockstar, shinning the spotlight on themselves, doing it for profit. The result was one had a target on its back, the other was flying under the radar, or so it seemed. (or I should say, flying low enough that they, Nintendo, didn't care to react) But you're correct, they are going ham lately. Lots of stories surrounding ROM sites and youtubers/streamers getting shutdown or at least content removed. Seems like a disproportionate response they are taking.
  25. If I could physically eat my own shoe....I would. I didn't think this emulator was in their crosshairs. this leaves only sudachi that I am aware of. this one seems like an actual fork of Yuzu. It's GUI and general operation from a user perspective is basically the same. Literally set it up in the few mins it took me to write this post. I must have had a premonition that this was going to happen because I've always been happy with Yuzu. But last weekend I got Ryujinx setup just to see how much better/worse it is. Pretty glad I got the like 2nd to last release before this happened.
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