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Everything posted by skizzosjt

  1. ahh bummer that simply doesn't resolve it. this is the setting I had to change in Radeon Settings. this is specifically only found in profiles.
  2. @Hamburglin this was an issue plaguing me for a couple years, the moment I started using a Samsung QN90A TV and I enable VRR which looks like you also have a recent Samsung TV based on that "Game Bar" I see in the video. I don't think the issue is related to TV settings though. I am not sure when the issue stopped happening to me, but I no longer have issues in Big Box with horrible stuttering (mostly). All animations looked atrocious when VRR was on....Like ~15 FPS territory. My work around was to make Big Box a "game" (profile) in Radeon Settings and toggle the VRR/Freesync to be OFF for this program. This still allowed VRR to engage when other games/apps could make use of it. However, after one time I updated GPU drivers (I always fully remove the current one before going to the new one I am installing) I completely forgot to redo my Big Box setup workaround. Because I did the uninstall it removed all my saved profiles. So I've been going for at least several months now without the issue. So, something changed between point A and B, I have no clue what though. I also was never able to turn on Radeon Image Sharpening as it would cause a boatload of artifacts within Big Box. But this was another option I could toggle off for just Big Box by using a profile in Radeon Settings. This issue no longer exists for me either! Though the problem is mostly gone for me now, I still notice the FPS counter in the Game Bar looks like it is going nuts all the time when Big Box is the active window, just like your video shows, but unlike what you share, animations look smooth like they should for me. Now the only time I have issues with this problem returning is sometimes exiting certain games and returning to Big Box. When I return to the frontend it starts the issue again, mostly happens with native Windows games, but I want to say every once in a while maybe when exiting some other emulators. I am using scripts with the Windows games so my workaround for this is adding a couple keystrokes, ALT+TAB when I return to the frontend. Even when Big Box is literally the only window existing on the system the problem can occur yet a super basic ALT+TAB fully resolves it.....so seems to have something to do focus in my experience. AHK sends the ALT+TAB so quick you don't usually even see the tab switching window appear. Can you make the issue go away with an ALT+TAB ? Alternatively if you have Steam running (just needs to be running, doesn't need to be the active window or anything like that), the default way to ALT+TAB with a controller is holding the Guide button and then press Start. That is assuming you also have the "Guide Button Chords" option enabled, it's Steam Input would need to be enabled for Guide Button Chords to work (check Steam Settings > Controller. option is last one at bottom of this screen)
  3. 7365 games? I take a sec to think about that, and that sounds like an absurdly high number! I kinda doubt you have 3000 ROM hacks and unreleased or prototype versions, etc that could pad the total games to double its size. I would bet they are mostly regional versions. I look at the no intro ROM set from the roms megathread, copy the list of games, paste into a spreadsheet to see how many cells it fills and it does indeed have 7300 entries, exactly. but that does not mean you will have 7300 entries in LB! multiple versions of the games will be combined. for example, all 5 versions of "Blood Stone" will be a single game entry in LB (assuming Combine Games is checked) You probably need to delete all the games and then reimport if you're determined on having 7300 separate entries. Make sure the Combine Games checkbox is unchecked when you do reimport.
  4. Under the impression there is not a way for a single press to do that. you can select browsing options through the Big Box menu and/or you can assign hotkeys to change to one of those browsing options. for ex, press some button to view by genre, or some other button to view by categories. but you will then still need to select which genre or category after that hotkey. so I would imagine you would want to make browsing by categories your default so Big Box boots into that. then users can select either vertical or horizontal and then play games. if they need to go from one category to the other they will need to hit a back button to go up one selection in the tree from games > categories to select whether vertical or horizontal. I suppose they could also use the hotkey to return to categories to select either category that way, but that is still two presses. I don't think it can be done with less than two.
  5. I think most ROM files end up combined. it will not make an entry for a USA, Japan, and Europe version of a ROM for example. It will combine them. So your three ROM files are a single entry into LB. whether or not a game is in the LB Database doesn't even matter. if you did import a game with no entry in the database then it doesn't fill in any metadata or download media automatically, but the entry will still exist in your LB library and its title will be the file's name since that's literally the only bit of info it can go off of
  6. @chinagreenelvis yes that would have been my suggestion too with find and replacing "Version...". easy fix there! now if that was my theme I'd still be wanting to avoid text wrap all together and go after the first fix idea, make it wider and or text smaller. as suggested by C-beats it is in the SelectedOptionPopupView.xaml view file. specifically is found on line 20 of the view file in the default theme. here is that line with the surrounding lines <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="2*"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='1000'}"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="2*"/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> change the value for ConverterParameter to change the overall width of the pop up window. for changing font size it is on line 118. here is that line with surrounding lines <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="80*" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Border x:Name="SelectedBorder" Grid.Column="0" CornerRadius="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='5.5'}" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0"/> <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}" Text="{Binding DisplayString}" Padding="{TemplateBinding Padding}" FontFamily="{TemplateBinding FontFamily}" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" TextWrapping="NoWrap" Foreground="White" FontSize="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='35'}" Margin="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='15,15,0,15'}"/> </Grid> change ConverterParameter value for the line that starts with FontSize
  7. if you made a theme with CTC it wouldn't have produced this file to my knowledge. your custom theme would instead use the default theme's version of the file since the custom one never produces it ........I think at least lol (could be wrong! not at PC to confirm) at the very least, even if a custom theme doesn't have it the default theme should. go into the default theme folder and snag the file from there. you can then edit it accordingly to your liking. as you likely know already, must be done by hand since CTC doesn't support that specific view file to be edited through it's GUI. if incorporated into a CTC theme it would go into the custom theme's views folder. but....I don't think this is what you're looking for now that you clarified that for me.... the text you see, for ex, "Play (USA) (Disc 1) Version..." is the default text that gets used by LaunchBox for "Versions". The "(USA) (Disc 1)" part is found in the file name so what is stuffed in there for this specific example. The format is like "Play <text found in parenthesis here> Version..." you need to edit the individual entries and change that text in the Additional Applications tab (additional versions are in here). I don't know of any good way to automate that. 10sec job for a single entry.....but if you want to do it on a large scale I'm not aware of a plugin that does this. I get the reasoning for this format as it would have been centered around ROM versions. USA, Japan, Europe, etc for example. So you would see "Play (USA) Version...." and then below that "Play (Japan) Version...." and so on. But I'm assuming you want to see the entire game name there, and therefore think text is getting cut off due to it not being there. The full filename will not appear here due to the nature of how LaunchBox fills in these fields by default, so a user would need to edit them after the fact. so to be clear the ellipses are literally part of the text string, nothing is actually being truncated. I think you instead need to edit those text strings.
  8. with the photo it doesn't look like text is truncated. is this just an example to clarify what pop up menu you were talking about? or is this in fact the bit you want to change? As in you want to change "Play (USA) (Disc 1) Version..." to something like "Play Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (USA) (Disc 1)" ?
  9. if the Steam game doesn't have it's Steam ID associated in the LaunchBox Database it's not going to successfully find that game. hence the workaround of temporarily removing the association it is a Steam game via removing the Steam specific launching URL issue is with the program, not the user games that have the Steam ID associated have an icon/button in their database webpage, for ex... it will also be on the search thumbnails too... so not seeing this present for a game like Dragon's Dogma 2 (or Cocoon). it then means it has this issue and requires the workaround.
  10. @The Papaw that helps me, I forgot that the badge element even exists! I only realized it existed until after I was done making customization with badges lol. I never bothered fixing this after the fact because I got everything working, albeit with some manual tweaking after publishing. I know I tried them, but I must have never gave them their due diligence. They would display 24/7 in CTC. Now I see if I save/publish they work as intended. 🤦‍♂️ Which leads me to the benefit of not needing to mess with installed/uninstalled badge code if I just used the intended element from the get go. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ My issue is I used image elements to display the badges. I'll have to update at least the installed/uninstalled one because that is the only badge I use that doesn't have it's metadata available via other metadata drop downs which led me to my funny roundabout way of doing this. you help me no longer need to edit a handful of lines on a few views every time I publish now! however, I think the bigger issue for arcademode is the custom badge might not be available in a CTC drop down. If it's not in a metadata drop down (the UI Element/Metadata drop downs) and is not in the Badge drop down of a badge element then they might need a workaround. that is where the custom field recommendation comes into play. I'd be happy to be wrong here too, I always prefer the easier way if one exists! So if anyone has one, by all means please do correct me! If the custom badge doesn't automatically come up here I think this might be the issue @arcademode I took a sec to look closer at my setup and I forgot a step that would be required here if you do use custom fields. There's a catch....custom fields are readily available in CTC, but not for visibility conditions UI Element/Metadata drop down. They ARE available in other elements like a text box. You might think.....who cares? well, you can make a text box use this custom field metadata and then make its opacity 0% (or hide in one way or another to your preference). Then in your visibility condition for the custom badge image, call to the text in this text box, using its contents as the trigger/condition. For ex.... Setup a text box using the custom field metadata Then for visibility of the image refer to the UI ELEMENT you used to contain the custom field metadata if all this is bogus ass backwards way of doing things with a custom badge made with this tool, instead consider it a tutorial to use custom fields for other stuff besides just displaying text 😂
  11. so you must be referring to CTC it doesn't have what I would call full support for badges. for ex, installed (for if game is installed or not) is not available in the drop down. I must instead make it use some existing binding it does understand like "favorite" and then further edit the code after publishing. it will then work as I intended it to in Big Box. in this specific example, changing those "Favorite" binds to "Installed" and using true / false accordingly within CTC. I thought I could get around this by editing the CTC view file manually, but CTC will immediately crash when you load the theme since it doesn't know what to do with that option that isn't natively in the drop down...whomp whomp me talking out my rear because I apparently learned stuff the hard way. please see comments from the papaw and myself below if customized badge data is not available in CTC then you will need to do some similar shenanigans. "lie" in CTC and then edit with the intended code after publishing. assuming you know what the intended code is of course. if you're still stuck, this is certainly another workaround (maybe someone else knows a more straight forward approach!?) In LB you can assign a custom field to all the games that need the custom badge. For example. create a custom field called "Custom Badge" and then give it it an appropriate value. For sake of discussion, maybe you want a badge for what emulator is used. Lets use "Emulator MAME" for the value. In CTC create an image that is only visible when custom field Custom Badge value is Emulator MAME. Now that image only displays when a game has that custom field and said custom field has that exact value. this works because custom fields are available in CTC, so you can then use them to control other elements, like images of badges. For other badges those games get different custom field values. For ex "Emulator Retroarch" or you have a special badge for games that have no in game save option and only use password systems, "No onboard save" could be the value. Whatever your imagination can think up really.
  12. no, install "A" cannot control install "B" better to make a copy first instead of out right moving. rename the old folder to make sure the new folder works as intended (this makes sure the new folder isn't only working due to using paths that still call to the old folder). then once you're sure the new setup is OK, then you can nuke the old instance anything that doesn't use relative paths will need to be relinked if using a new drive letter. TP uses absolute paths by default. you can edit them manually by opening the game's user profile XML and making the path relative. for ex.. <GamePath>..\..\ROMS\TeknoParrot\The House of the Dead 4\disk0\elf\hod4M.elf</GamePath> if you had them setup like this, and assuming you keep same folder structure, the drive letter can change to anything and it continues to work. if you edit the paths from within TP's UI then it will continue to use absolute paths so if the folder ever moved again, the paths would again need to be updated.
  13. Step 1) Copy Step 2) Paste that's it. don't over think it then that means setting up paths again. keep everything the same if you want it to be a real simple copy and paste job. otherwise you have to spend time relinking all the paths that are broken. make it easy and use the same drive letter, and at the very least, same folder structure. if drive letter changes, anything not using a relative path will be broken and must be relinked. if you change the folder structure at all then basically everything falls apart and must be relinked.
  14. very nice! if you want to get into details then you should read up on the docs. here is the override page link https://docs.libretro.com/guides/overrides/ this is one of the main take aways you want to know. the order of precedence of the config and overrides you can even apply shaders at global, core, directory, or game level. it gets pretty deep in customizing options for almost every parameter available in Retroarch.
  15. it's telling you the problem, you cannot save to the main config with an active override. so, turn off the override before saving! or make the save before loading any content, as in before making any override active! think about it. if you could save to the main config with an active override, then your overrides become part of the main config. and that's not an override anymore because it's now default settings. it was designed like this to stop users from turning overrides into default settings. you're clearly trying to save at the main config menu since you get that error message. which means you're trying to make vulcan used at a global level. not sure if you wanted it global or not so pointing that out. if you want it at whatever level your override is, then you just change the setting and then update the override. if you used core override then use save a core override again for ex.
  16. those links on page 1 have been broken for a long time on this main discussion thread. the links are available on the file page. go to post below for the CTC files @Light Sock if you do not have an old version of CTC you got a handful of work to do to make it look good. you can find a post from me on the previous page detailing the issue and solution. CTC 3.1.5 is def superior to 2.5.5 so I think it's worth doing it, assuming you want to keep all the animations and opacity fades etc type stuff.
  17. it seems that the nested name field is only available for categories or playlists. with that said, it could not be applied to a platform. so if you wanted to use a nested name on a platform you could instead create a playlist and give it the nested name you want, and then add that playlist to the appropriate spot in your tree.
  18. read this thread for the explanation and solution.
  19. oh in that case you could call to the command prompt in AHK with comspec variable (path to the command prompt) this way you can use the command prompt way of calling to Windows utilities. this way Windows still knows it's correct location despite just using "pnputil" to call to it. for ex, little test output for proof of concept Run, %comspec% /c pnputil > textout.txt or for elevated Admin privileges, note if you try this one as it will output to \Windows\system32 folder (I thought, why isn't the file showing up on the desktop for a sec when I tested it lol) Run, *RunAs %comspec% /c pnputil > textout.txt I know it is resolved, just wanted to point out you can make use of the command prompt through AHK to make that a little more straight forward, especially if you're more familiar with batch files
  20. there are ways. one is keep the files where they are supposed to be by default. instead, use a script to copy folder A to folder B at exit of emulator (or vise versa). for ex launch game with emulator A. play game, game creates/updates save files. exit game. script copies save data location from emulator A, to emulator B save data location, overwriting existing data. you can sync files across your systems through your network, rather than have them live on what I assume is acting like a NAS. I was gonna say prove that yourself by trying a local location, but then thought, I can try too in a few mins. I got it to work OK when not assigning a drive letter to the network share, just calling directly to the share like this it did not get changed from launching through LB/BB/command line I then made it with a drive letter like this still works fine I then disconnect the mapped network disk, so T: no longer exists. As expected it reverts back to the default location based on the location of the exe at time of launch I'm stumped to be honest, but I know beyond any reasonable doubt it's not related to a frontend or command line launching. Something is unique to your setup and causing it to occur. It is potentially related to a network issue, but take that with a dump truck full of salt because like I said, I'm stumped on what could be a root cause. Only good I've done is prove a few things aren't the problem. It's progress, but I'm not sure what to test next to narrow it further
  21. Yuzu works OK from LB/BB and/or command prompt I use LB/BB across two PCs and have done quite a bit to make it seamless between each system. that being I use controller "A" on PC "A" and controller "B" on PC "B". Yuzu remembers controllers by their GUID so if I setup PC "A" to work fine, and then launch it with PC "B", inputs will not work because it's still expecting controller "A". This means it uses the config file as it's supposed to, no bypassing occurs. The same GUID stays present in the config until I change it. no idea what you're doing to accomplish this issue but it's not the fault of a frontend or launching via command prompt. It does allude to that Yuzu sees no config file, due to the fact Yuzu will load all the default paths like that when it needs to generate a brand new config. the only way I got this path to change by simply launching Yuzu (double click launch at that) is if said path does not exist. same thing as above, if Yuzu cannot find this path (NAND or SD Card), it will instead use the defaults which means it will edit the existing config in this scenario.
  22. good! that should be expected since you stayed in Windows the whole time. Even if in a VM, it's still Windows to the disk. The issue potentially occurs when macOS gets involved. I used to think it was when ever the contents got accessed by macOS these files are created, but that seems it's only part of the reason. As I now think about it, this only occurred on my external disks but I never really investigated further until now to check my theory. These pages explains why this all happens very clearly. It actually only occurs if you also copy contents to an external disk (doesn't really need to be external, just a non macOS formatted disk, which 99.9% of the time is going to be connected externally rather than internally), which is exactly what you did, and what I did in the past. all the dots are connected now, makes total sense to me. https://kb.synology.com/en-ro/DSM/tutorial/Why_are_dot_underscore_files_created https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/14980/why-are-dot-underscore-files-created-and-how-can-i-avoid-them
  23. ahh ok, I've been out of the modern macOS loop, since my Apple systems are kinda old at this point lol. I see there is a difference between the Intel and Apple chips based systems. Bummer it's not as straight forward as it used to be. So, the drive format isn't so much the direct issue. And the file name might not really be an issue. It's the fact there are additional files being created due to macOS accessing the disk, and their contents will be garbage data for Windows let alone LaunchBox. Lets pretend the exFAT drive is brand new formatted on a Windows system. Everything will work perfectly fine for LaunchBox at that point. The very second that macOS touches that disk, or at least specific folders/files, it will begin creating those duplicate files prepended with "._" and that is when you will start having issues. I'm not sure there is a good way around this situation. Maybe this doesn't occur if the exFAT disk is connected internally vs externally? I'd guess no, but would be worth doing a quick comparison. If your internal disk is HFS+ or APFS these duplicate files with "._" prepended on them are by default hidden in macOS. So, maybe that is why LaunchBox works from the internal disk, but not the external one. Internal disk is hiding these files so LaunchBox doesn't try to use them and works as expected. But eternal disk is making them visible to the OS so will create errors on boot of LaunchBox. It should work from the external disk if none of those ._ files existed. You would need to make sure those are removed every time you boot LaunchBox or it will keep trying to use them as a platform XML file. Maybe some scripting to check if the files exist and if so, delete them. But you would then likely want to launch LaunchBox or Big Box through this script to make things user friendly Here is a proof of concept on that idea I tested out. You would need to put in the proper path to your folder where the XML files are in the "XML_Directory" variable. Also, adjust the path to LaunchBox, or Big Box, in the Run command. What this does is delete any file that starts with ._ before launching the program, that way they are never attempted to be used by LaunchBox or Big Box. This my only idea on how to automate getting around this whole situation. Otherwise you're likely looking at figuring out another way to setup your system or would have to do this script work by hand manually deleting the files any time they are regenerated #SingleInstance, Force SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% XML_Directory := "D:\Frontends\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\" Loop, Files, %XML_Directory%._*.*, F FileDelete, % A_LoopFileFullPath Run, D:\Frontends\LaunchBox\Core\LaunchBox.exe Paste this script into a text file, and save it as something like "Launch LaunchBox.ahk" If the .ahk file does not run with a double click, you need to assign an AHK executable to the .ahk file extension, please do the following: Right click on the .ahk file Go to Open With > Choose Another App On the pop up window that appears, click on More Apps Scroll down to bottom of list and click on Look for another app on this PC Navigate to the AHK exe included with LaunchBox. It will be located in \LaunchBox\ThirdParty\AutoHotkey Select the AHK exe
  24. Hi @Whatscheiser v1.1 is now uploaded. I got all the issues fixed, including being able to scrape Modern Marvels in its entirety. I do notice I am getting errors from TVDB more often. That "whoops looks like something went wrong" and "502 bad gateway" web page response kinda stuff. When that is occurring and you try to scrape it will not work and the script will likely return a error stating it timed out. To be clear, this is not the script's fault, it's the website/servers not responding or being down. It can be deceptive too. It might be able to download say the first three seasons of some series, but then hang up on number four. Not only does the user provided URL need to be responding properly, but the specific season number for that season type as well for the script to fully work. For ex with Modern Marvels. This main page must be responding correctly https://thetvdb.com/series/modern-marvels/allseasons/official But also the season specific pages must respond correctly too, using Season 12 here https://thetvdb.com/series/modern-marvels/seasons/official/12 If the main page doesn't work right, nothing scrapes. If the main page works, but the season specific page doesn't work, it will not be able to download the season specific image and will eventually give you a time out error. You can keep trying, or would exit the script at that point. This likely explains why the official airing for Miami Vice gave you issues, but then the dvd order worked fine. One page was not responding properly, while the other was. All of this BS doesn't happen with TMDB and the API v2.0 of the script. So, I'll return my focus to that so users can stop having to deal with this seemingly random unreliability
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