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Everything posted by Jdzspace

  1. Nothing for a freshly minted business major with a focus on accounting and a decade of experience in marketing?...darn
  2. Yes, retroarch for the emulator and the appropriate platform set as well. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong
  3. I added some new roms and when I tried to launch them from launch box using retroarch it does nothing. No error, no anything. I tried it from big box and it went from "now loading" back to the game page. But if I load it directly through retroarch it works fine. I checked the path to make sure It wasn't loading up a previous version, and it isn't. Not sure how to fix this.
  4. fair enough. I just thought that since the black screen is a different issue than this one maybe that's why people weren't answering. But now I know. I apologize. It was set to VLC both in BB and as my default player, so I tried making it play through WMP and it still didn't work. I don't understand why. But when i tried another video it was more like the video frozen at the first frame (or first second or two) while the audio plays. should I change it in bb to wmp maybe since it being set up in VLC doesn't seem to work? This is what happened when I tried to use the gamecube style opening video. The audio was fine, but this is all i got of the video
  5. i just tested it with another video and basically the audio works fine, but the video pauses almost immediately and I can't get it to play. any thoughts on what i should do? does adding mp4 to the file name help? or is it best to use vlc over anything else? i just can't seem to make it work, it is very frustrating
  6. so I created a startup folder in launchbox/video and put the video in it, and the screen goes dark and the audio plays but that's it. what am I doing wrong?
  7. oh, that is a good one. I didn't know I could do that. Thanks
  8. I've been watching tutorials and videos on this for 20 minutes and it just refuses to work for me. what i've done is gone into launchbox/videos first i just put the video in the root file (per the first tutorial from 2019 i watched), that didn't work. then i watched another that told me to rename it starup.mp4, and that didn't work. Then I came here and read that you have to put it in the Startup folder.....but there is no startup folder in my launchbox, and when i created one....well.... it didn't work. I know i'm missing a step in there somewhere. I just have no idea where.
  9. Sometimes when I click around or flip windows, or drag on it the log in screen will populate (like 1 out of 20 attempts...And no, I'm not exaggerating), but I can't click on it or enter info. It's just static and the links don't respond to clicks
  10. Turned off all 3 firewalls, and I don't have any service running called nahimic. No change. Still a blank screen. I've done everything possible on my end. I'm lost
  11. I have tried reinstalling launch box, I have backed up and restored my system to factory to see if that's the cause, I even formatted and did a fresh windows install to make sure the glitch wasn't on my end. Literally nothing works, how can I fix this?
  12. This is extremely frustrating. It does the same thing with Epic, but if I click around for a while I'm able to make it work with Epic, but I've been trying to import Microsoft games for 30 minutes with no luck, just a blank screen. What am I supposed to do here? Can someone help me please?
  13. Explorer still opens first, but if i leave it on the log in screen long enough when i open it big box is running. and normally I have to wait a minute or so for it to open up. It's not perfect, but i don't want to mess with the other stuff. at least for now
  14. I was adding some steam games last night and one of them kept giving me the error "Could not import game "": An item with the same key has already been added. " The game was Nights of Azure 2, and I did have the previous game, but I didn't have the game already synced. I'm not sure what is causing it, or what to do to fix it. I found kind of a work around by just adding it manually and directing it to the link in the steam file, but that is not a very clean solution as the steam menu pops up and then the game screen is tiny unlike the others that open full screen, and the screen that pops up asks me if i want to start the game, as in start the booting into the game process, this is very clunky and annoying, but it's the best I could do. I'm hoping that someone can help me fix this problem and get it working correctly, or if i will just keep getting this era every time i sync a new steam game, unless i scroll through and uncheck it. any help would be very much appreciated. ?
  15. i couldn't, i think it's because i moved the entire launch box folder onto my SD card, and I think that messed everything up as far as how the shorcuts worked after that, even when i deleted the old ones. so i just ran the installer again and it fixed the problem. now it opens on startup. Not as fast as i would like, but given my skill level it's fine.
  16. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I did just like you said but I restarted my system and it's been sitting here and it won't open. It is probably worth saying that the only way I can usually get big box to open is from inside launch box, maybe I should uninstall and reinstall? But then wrong I lose everything I put in there? Is there a way to back up launch box so I can try to fix this?
  17. yes, the video is where I got the shell:startup strategy from, but the program refuses to start. Plus it feels like the only way I can get big box to start is if i go through launch box first. it is very frustrating, but thanks again for your help
  18. Thank you, but i don't have the skill or understanding to pull off what they did there. I was hoping there was a tool i could download or something i didn't understand about the shell startup method or something like that. Maybe I just won't get it done after all.....sucks, but i'm not sure what else to do.
  19. Same thing just happened to me for Nights of Azure 2. If it matters the first game is imported in too
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