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Everything posted by rdscarlisle

  1. Try out these ones
  2. IF I'm understanding you correctly then what you do is right click on the game, scroll to edit then select edit metadata Click on additional apps and you should see a list of versions. Click on the one you want to use and on the bottom right click make default
  3. Maybe read the other posts before trying to oversimplify things that aren't as simple as you think?
  4. finds all databases in this version although seems to hang and lock up launchbox for a long time when searching for metadata file
  5. I leave mine in the platforms category. I like mine set so my dreamcast are together my arcade are together my mega drive and so on
  6. I loved the street fighter 30th collection on console. Loved all the artwork and facts that were added as a bonus
  7. The secret was elbow the enemy then turn the other way and elbow him as he gets up and repeat till he died. can be used on every enemy
  8. It was the first arcade game i could finish using one credit. I loved it so much i would often play it couple of times a day when i went to the arcade. Gotta love the spamming of the elbow move to defeat everyone lol
  9. To be a successful remaster i think these are the key things that should be done 1. keep the story the same 2. give the graphics a full overhaul not just upscaled 3. remove any known bugs glitches etc 4. fix the awkward camera angles if any 5. overhaul the music and make it more modern without changing it to something different
  10. 1. Super Mario World (SNES) 2. Wonder Boy (Arcade) 3. Double Dragon (Arcade) 4. Punch Out (NES) 5. Sonic 2 (Mega Drive)
  11. Naughty Dog would be my choice for the amazing story telling and addictive gameplay of their games
  12. This one is an easy one for me. Being a man child along with my circle of friends, we love singstar and rockband 4 while we have a drink or ten so these are my favourite party games
  13. So many of my favourites have been picked already, I would love a Point Blank Collection for pc lightguns or on ps5 through psvr2. That would get my cash straight away
  14. as usual excellent work, and thank you for sharing with us
  15. ok thanks for the reply. I just got photoshop so will tinker around a bit cause I still want to use your bezels as they are the best for 4k screen
  16. I wasn't asking for a clean version I was asking if there was an easy way for ME to remove the scratches
  17. As you know already, I'm a huge fan of all your work and use it all in my build. I do have a question though.... Is there an easy way for my to remove the scratches?
  18. You realise he does this in his free time for free? Personally I think you are being cheeky and harassing poor retrolust. He does more than enough for the community as it is. Much love Mr Retrolust
  19. Its probably straight forward but I don't have the skillset or my limited old man knowledge to be able make one myself but I would love to be able to display MAME High Scores on a seperate screen on my cab. Could anyone make one? Or is there already one and I missed it?
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  20. rdscarlisle

    high scores

    Hi there everyone I'm wondering if there is a way to display high scores on a second screen? I've searched everywhere and don't know if there is a solution or if I've just overlooked it. Any help would be grateful
  21. looks really good, hope to see more from you
  22. wow yours looks amazing, i have seen some people using mame in portrait view. I was bored and had a lok around and there wasn't much in the way of vertical overlays, just dead projects mainly so figured i'd rotate my screen and see what i could do with some software so at least the popular mame games were covered. I'm cuurrently building my first cab so what hair I have left I'm gradually pulling it all out lol. Absolutely love your work though, looks really good
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