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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Yeah, LaunchBox will use the command-line parameters for the particular platform of the game. This matches up to the command-line parameters in the Associated Platforms grid when editing the Retroarch emulator.
  2. WOOOTTTT!!!! I'm excited to see it all put together.
  3. That's pretty cool @phly95. Feel free to add a ticket to Bitbucket for the splash screens if you haven't already. :)
  4. Nice! That looks amazing, @dovella. Do you have the cabinet built? :) I'm at the airport so I haven't been able to listen to the audio in the video yet, so sorry if I missed any details there.
  5. kmoney2315 said I am not sure if this is a new bug or not that was introduced in the new beta or if this is how it is supposed to work but while I am in Big Box and I choose View Series,View Genre and etc. or anything in the view category in BB and then I hit the back button in Big Box it does not allow me to go back. For instance if I click on "View Genre" and then hit esc to get out of that screen and then click the Back button in Big Box it goes back to the View Genre screen instead of going back to the platform screen. Hitting ESC also does the same thing. Thanks for that @kmoney2315, I will research.
  6. Hi @johnmalloc, sadly I have noticed some controller bugs with AutoHotkey on Windows 10. I haven't found much information on it, but I've been having major troubles getting AutoHotkey to work at all with controllers on Windows 10. Hopefully a fix is coming soon, it's been a month or two since I researched it.
  7. Yes, LaunchBox will guess the match to the video files based on either the ROM file name or the game's title.
  8. That's pretty cool, @francis; glad it's at least partially working now. How is the game scrolling performance, etc.? I'll add an item to my list to review this and see what I can troubleshoot. It's hard to say how difficult it would be to fix those WINE bugs until I experiment a bit.
  9. Ah, I see your details on the first bug now.
  10. Hi @DOS76, that's interesting. If you look in Task Manager, how much RAM is LaunchBox using? How big is your library these days? It looks like those are two separate bugs. I'll review them both, but any more information you can give me on what you're doing when it happens that would help. :)
  11. Jason Carr


    Woot. Thanks for this @fromlostdays. I'm gonna give it a shot myself.
  12. SentaiBrad said I wouldn't call them morons in the slightest sense, they're smarter than Jason and I combined easily. There could be any number of reasons they removed it though. Speak for yourself. :P
  13. Sure, makes sense. Sounds like a good solution for Amiga then.
  14. Hi @dovella, I see no reason why not, but I have not tested it personally. But there's no reason that I can think of why it wouldn't work.
  15. Hi @Enverex, I'm guessing maybe you hit the EmuMovies daily limits. Are you working with the latest beta?
  16. Thank you guys, some good ideas in this thread. Thanks for the detailed explanation, @Short Fuse.
  17. Hi @dovella, sounds like an awesome project; I'll look forward to the updates. I will be putting in some more effort to improve the performance of the animations and such at some point here, though I'm not sure if that will help with your setup or not. I do have performance improvements on my list though. :)
  18. Thank you @arzoo, great to have you here. I'm the dev; I'll go ahead and email you shortly. :)
  19. Hi @CriticalCid, I agree that the Hyperspin XML would definitely be a good resource. My only gripe that I've noticed about their approach is that it seems to often be missing various regions, extra versions, etc., which I don't personally care about (because it tends to have the best versions), but I know we're gonna get people complaining about that eventually if we stick closely to the Hyperspin data. I'd really like to come up with our own, similar to the Hyperspin data with all the missing data added.
  20. Wow, great ideas everyone. My favorite two ideas are @jmdbcool's "You got LaunchBox" and @Cujo777's "Achievement unlocked" ideas, though they're fairly similar. The merch has been a bit of an experiment and has not really taken off at this point, but I agree with @jmdbcool; it might be more popular with a better approach, and it's certainly worth it at least with those two designs. @jmdbcool and @Cujo777, if you would please email me at jasondavidcarr@gmail.com and I can get you both a license, and hopefully move forward in making some shirts. Hopefully we can see how well the merch does with some better options and if there is interest then we can look into getting a designer to work with some of the other great ideas in the thread. :) Thanks again to everyone; I know I've certainly learned something with this and I've enjoyed all the great ideas.
  21. Cadet Stimpy said Okay, since people in Colorado sometimes think 'differently' (must be the thin air ), I was thinking on these lines (for my first pass): You're looking over the left shoulder (a few feet back and somewhat elevated) of a cartoonish looking person in front of a screen that has BigBox on it, and the top of the Gamer's skull is missing, and instead of a regular brain, it looks like a LaunchBox mini-Rubik's Cube is their brain. And, of course, this Gamer will be wearing a T-shirt with that picture on it, so in theory, you'll get the 'infinitely smaller picture' thing going. Ha, I missed this at first Stimpy. I really like this idea too. :) Anyone got any primarily text-based ideas? That could be another good option.
  22. Wow, I love both of those ideas. I wonder what we could replace the Pac-Man guy with to get around the legal issues. I think that's my favorite one.
  23. Yeah, the merch, to be honest, at this point, has not (yet) been a hit. I'm not against hiring a designer, that's for sure. But it's hard to go to a designer and say "I don't know what we need but make something cool." Lol. To be honest, I feel like there's more value in an idea than a design. So if we come up with an excellent idea or two, I'd be very happy to go have it designed. More than anything, though, I'd love to come up with some hilarious, unique t-shirt *ideas*.
  24. Very nice, @Despin! The badge looks really great. :)
  25. Yup, that's another good way to do it @fromlostdays, thanks. :)
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