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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hi @baatch, welcome. You can get videos from EmuMovies, that's probably your best bet. The latest beta makes this easier. Otherwise, you can download them from wherever and then put them in our Videos subfolder, like this: LaunchBox\Videos\Nintendo GameCube\My Game Title.mp4 Then they'll automatically show up in Big Box. :)
  2. It's very possible that it isn't powerful enough, but that probably isn't what's locking it up. It could be the animations though. What kind of GPU does it have in it? Anything? What version of Windows is it running? That said, it *is* probably worth upgrading.
  3. Thanks guys. Hit me up with feedback on the EmuMovies stuff. Looking for as much testing/feedback as I can get on that before the public release.
  4. The portability is more important when it comes to syncing between computers, which is one of the biggest points of it all. Imagine being able to manage your library on your desktop PC and have it automatically sync to Big Box on your game cabinet. That's the point. I see your point though on just allowing multiple databases, instead of typically open/save. I just assumed they went together. Ultimately, though, let me ask you this. What is the point of having completely separate databases when you can just group your games and filter them accordingly?
  5. The problem comes more into play when you start treating the XML files like documents, and allow users to move them around, load them from various places. It's obvious that you shouldn't move the current LaunchBox.xml file because it has to be right there in the LaunchBox folder. Once you start allowing users to open up files from anywhere, that's where it gets to be a problem.
  6. Good news! Simon got back to me over at MobyGames and it sounds like they could possibly be interested in me developing the API. We'll work through the details and hopefully it all works out. This is great, because there is no better database that I've found, so this could mean much better searches/metadata/images in LaunchBox.
  7. Yes, but it's complicated by the fact that the file paths in the XML file are all relative. In other words, if you set up your library a certain way, and then move the XML file somewhere else, but don't move the images along with it, suddenly you've lost all of your images. So that's a challenge; certainly not a deal breaker, but a challenge once we allow users to open different XML files.
  8. Hi Tracy, awesome, thanks. I just posted here: http://www.mobygames.com/forums/dga,2/dgb,10/dgm,216323/ I'm very interested if we can get the owners on board. :) Per how it should work, ideally it would be an XML or JSON-based web service. It's easiest if it's just a web service that responds to GET requests, so that something like this would work: http://www.mobygames.com/api/search?platform=NES&title=Mario We can definitely discuss further if we can get the owners on board.
  9. Thank you @Professionnel! Merry Christmas!
  10. Jason Carr

    Broken post

    Yeah, I noticed that. Thanks @DOS76. I'll see how I can fix it.
  11. Hehehehe, Merry Christmas @LJKO. Thanks for the lyrics anyways. ;)
  12. Not currently, but I can review that to see if we can integrate it or similar. Can you get me that XML file for review?
  13. Hi kedhrin, what ROM file have you specified in LaunchBox for the game? If btimem is the command that works, you'll need to change the ROM file in LaunchBox to be the btimem file instead of the btime file. That said, if nothing is working, then it sounds like there's something else going on. Hard to poinpoint that though without a deeper look at your setup. Feel free to screenshot us your configuration so we can review.
  14. Hard to say what happened, but I'm guessing there was a difference in the folder you selected between the different times you ran it. The MS-DOS import is particular about nested folders.
  15. Okay, I'll add an item to my list to put out a debug version. Get back to you soon.
  16. Hi @apacheark, welcome. I believe that bug has been fixed in the latest beta. Can you check the box to upgrade to beta releases in the Options and give it a try?
  17. Hi Tracy, that is good to know. That link doesn't work for me though, I get an empty page. I have a feeling that the stance on that has changed a couple of times over the years; they changed owners right? If development time is the issue, I'd even be willing to help them develop an API (or even develop it myself) if they were seriously interested. Who could I contact to get that rolling?
  18. Hi @NiGHTS, I believe we do have a ticket for this already on the issues list (click Report Issue / Feedback above). Feel free to search for it there and vote for it. :)
  19. Hi @Imgema, I have a feeling that the problems might be due to the version of DT that is used. I'm using Daemon Tools Lite, which I'm sure is old but it still works for me. I'm using a command line that looks like this: -mount dt, 0, "..\Games\Windows\Quake II\Quake2.cue"
  20. Hi all, the contest is already over unfortunately. The winners are here: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/monkeys/christmas-2015-launchbox-premium-giveaway/page-14#p8796 Thanks everyone, Merry Christmas. :)
  21. Thank you all; we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Since it is now officially the 26th, we went ahead and put together the winners! We used a simple random number generator to decide. And the winners are... @joshjones1980 @nicking44 @drgnslayers @Veilside @mmarcoux66 @mathflair @turbo @number78 @idocgreen @shadow1w2 Congratulations on being lucky, winners! ;) Of the ten winners, it looks like only @mathflair already has a license. We will send licenses out to everyone else very shortly. @mathflair, who would you like to gift your license to? :)
  22. Hi @Lmagnus87, the MS-DOS importer requires the game folders to be named with the proper name of the game, not the typical MS-DOS shorthand. I realize that this presents an issue for some people's libraries, but unfortunately I don't otherwise have a way to identify the game.
  23. Thank you everyone! Merry Christmas! If you'd rather not be bombarded with emails, feel free to hit the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the page. I'll make sure I contact the winners directly via email. :) Thanks again everyone; enjoy the time with your families and friends! :)
  24. Okay, interesting. Can you give me details on your sound card and such? That's a strange one for sure. I'll do my best to see if I can figure it out, but I might have to send you a debug version of LaunchBox or something.
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