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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Sigh, that figures. I didn't have much hope. I'll take a look at some point again and see if anything makes sense. @cejpe, LaunchBox works with a controller all by itself. It's not the best thing in the world, but it does work decently well.
  2. Agreed, yes, can't have too many APIs. Obviously that's a crucial part of LaunchBox, being able to easily import data on your games. That's probably one of the biggest selling points, and with the stability issues of TheGamesDB, we definitely need more.
  3. I'm guessing with a little bit of trial, error, and experimentation, you can probably open LaunchBox.xml directly in Excel. ;) Just don't save it back as it's likely to wreak enormous amounts of havoc.
  4. Hi @NefariousJoe, the AutoHotkey script does run before launching the game, so you could indeed use that to send a key stroke. @DOS76's suggestions might solve your issues though; I'm not sure.
  5. Hi Daniel, welcome indeed. I've definitely appreciated your help on Bitbucket; thanks for that. :) We've gotten a lot of traffic from Simply Austin's video recently, so yes, we absolutely have him to thank for some decent growth. He's a really great guy and it's been awesome getting to know him, even if only through emails and YouTube comments. ;) Also really looking forward to new LaunchBox videos of his; I know he plans to do more soon. Thanks for saying hi, and glad to have you @CriticalCid. :)
  6. Ha, very interesting. So those were the "better" ones. I've never even seen any FMV games that *didn't* require the 32X then.
  7. A new beta version is out that only changes one thing...it allows you to disable the Big Box startup splash screen. I added this mainly to hopefully fix issues with game controllers over Steam Link. Been getting quite a few people trying that out lately so I just snuck it in.
  8. Hehehe, @fromlostdays, I know that about Hyperspin and Rocket Launcher, guess I just didn't say it right. This is extra funny because I've had another project lying in limbo for over a year (LaunchBox takes priority and I've got plenty to do). It's voice recognition software that talks back to you... ;)
  9. Hehehehe, thanks Stimpy. Whether it ever works out or not, I do really appreciate it.
  10. Yeah, it makes sense because they were trying to do FMV through a medium that really wasn't big enough for it (CDs). That, and they had to do it with Genesis hardware. Pretty crazy; it's a wonder they were able to do it at all.
  11. Jason Carr


    bjwest, that's right. I almost forgot lol. The sooner we can get *something* going, the better, because there are a lot of Hyperspin users who are transferring over and need the Rocket Launcher functionality.
  12. Hi @jking3, welcome. Unfortunately LEDblinky support has not been added yet. I just added a ticket for it here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/337/add-ledblinky-support I'm not really sure the timeframe as to when it will be added, but it is planned. I am doing my best to implement the features with the most requests first. Feel free to vote up that ticket at that link.
  13. Hehehe, you beat me to it, Clive. :)
  14. Thank you @hellxpress. LaunchBox is admittedly more focused on the launcher aspects, but obviously cataloging and databasing is also an import aspect of it. We are looking at adding additional scrapers. First off, MobyGames is working with us to create an API that we can use; I'm hoping that happens relatively soon. In the future we'll look at others as well. I do have automatic adding of ROMs and stuff on the list, but I don't think I have that for Steam. Feel free to add a ticket for it here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox For duplicates, this is admittedly something that needs improved in a number of ways. You can use versions, or you can use one game and add additional applications to launch multiple versions, but there's currently no way to associate two games together.
  15. mrserv0n248, we're adding automatic decompression of zip archives soon for ROM files like Hyperspin does. As of current, if the emulator doesn't read the zips directly, then they won't work.
  16. Thanks, @master333. Good finds. Glad you've at least got it working with the Shield; I know there were several other people who were stuck on this as well. I don't have a Shield at this point in time so testing/fixing is difficult.
  17. We could set LaunchBox up as an emulator and the whole bit, but it'd be a lot of backtracking and such and ultimately mostly wasted effort compared to the myriad of useful features I'm hoping to add instead. So, agreed, in hindsight, it makes more sense for DOSBox and ScummVM to be emulators themselves, but as for now, I don't plan to waste time integrating them. Thanks magnus.
  18. Jason Carr


    I'd chime in but unfortunately I'm not an expert on Rocket Launcher. I wish I was, because then I'd do a video on the whole thing and make a ton of people happy. If anyone wants to tackle that, I'd be eternally grateful and link it all over the place.
  19. Welcome @fromlostdays. We're really happy to have Hyperspin users switching over; currently working on adding any missing features that Hyperspin users are used to/rely on. I think the only big one that keeps coming up that is left is a lack of automatic decompression of ROM archives (7-zip, zip, RAR). We're hoping to add that soon. Other than that, things should go smoothly for you. I'm always looking for feedback, testing, suggestions, etc. I'll look forward to seeing you around. :)
  20. Hi @Drybonz, welcome. Unfortunately there's not really a quick and easy way to do that in LaunchBox yet, but what you can do is open up your LaunchBox.xml file in a text editor (something like Notepad++) and do a search and replace in the file to change the paths. Just be sure to make a backup of the file in case you screw something up. This is one reason why it's recommended to keep everything in the LaunchBox folder, because then you don't have to worry about moving stuff around.
  21. DAMMIT GEORGE!!!! Oh man, what a guilty bastard. Just look at him. ;) Thankfully, yes, I have had that experience and have had success with it working with no issues afterwards (with water). If you're able to flip it upside down quickly and yank the power fast enough, there's less risk for anything to fry. You might have to worry about it being sticky from the tea, though; not sure. If you haven't already, you might want to take the battery out while it dries. Probably the most important thing though is to make 100% sure that it's dry all the way through before plugging it back in and turning it on. You can dry it out quicker by putting it in with rice or those moisture-absorbing silica gel packs.
  22. Hi @TracyPoff, got word back that you're going to be developing the API. Excited to see that happen and looking forward to working with you on it for LaunchBox. Hit me up when you're ready to jump in or discuss it. :)
  23. Hoping to put out the official version tomorrow, guys. Thanks as always. Let me know if I need to delay it for a day or two for translations.
  24. I'm seeing this as well now. I noticed though that after you've read everything you can click the little icon next to the list of unread items to "mark all as read" and then the problem will go away, until it happens again. ;) Seems to happen when I delete posts; it never decreases the number for those posts.
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