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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Fixed. Thankfully when it happens it's really easy to delete the user and everything they did. Unfortunately it's not so easy to prevent automatically. :/
  2. That is an important feature request; I don't think it's on the Bitbucket yet. Can you request it using Report Issue / Feedback in the header? :)
  3. Great to hear, thanks @djcarnage. :)
  4. It has been done, but yeah, it's not exactly going to be easy to do, as the format is fairly particular. LaunchBox will filter MAME ROMs out of the mix for duplicates and BIOS files, etc. But of course it should obey the options you specify in the wizard.
  5. Hi @mute64, if you're seeing an error or if the importer is disappearing, let me know. I had to fix an issue with the EmuMovies downloads where if you put double quotes in the title of the game, it chokes. Let me know if you're seeing that (could be more characters to look out for).
  6. We do need to check that it's on Bitbucket, now that we've moved over to that. But yes, it is something that I want to take care of, just proved more difficult than it should have been last time I attempted to make it happen.
  7. Sure, I ran a test before going live with the EmuMovies stuff with a free account. It's actually pretty hard to hit the limit. It takes a lot of images, at least. 100 manuals probably wouldn't make you hit the 1 GB limit.
  8. Also, if you have an FTP account you might find it quicker to download an entire system's videos that way, for example. That might get them to you quicker.
  9. But there *are* download limits for free members. It's relatively high since free members can't download videos; I think it's around 1 GB per day.
  10. Yeah, I'm a lifetime supporter myself and I've downloaded huge amounts in one sitting. So pretty sure it's completely unlimited. :)
  11. Actually you can change the locations of all the image files on a platform-by-platform basis. Go to Tools > Manage Platforms and you can move things around however you like. It may be a bit of work though due to all the options. Unfortunately though, just a fair warning, you may find performance to be unfortunate if you move images over to a network drive.
  12. mikepronin, I think Retroarch does support zip files for at least some cores, but I'm not sure that they're supported for everything. I'm also not sure about 7z. I'll add some better error handling so there's less confusion.
  13. Mute64, to be honest I have yet to see a situation where anyone truly needs to restart their library from scratch. Have you checked to make sure games aren't hidden, or without a platform, or similar? There are several different ways to hide games now. The only reason why games wouldn't re-import is if they're already there somehow, or if we have a glitch that I haven't heard about, but I doubt that at this point. If we do, we definitely need to research it and get it fixed.
  14. mikepronin, that should fix it if you don't care about EmuMovies. But if you'd be willing to work with me, I'd appreciate if you could help me figure out the error. Most likely EmuMovies is just choking on a particular game because of a certain character in the title. It's a pain to figure out which one though. Any way you could narrow it down? In the mean time I'll see if I can put out a beta release that shows better errors to help us figure it out.
  15. pjburnhill, not sure what you mean by "notifies about a new official version". The update checks don't do anything regarding DOSBox. Currently, there's no way to customize the DOSBox launch parameters outside of the DOSBox settings. I've noticed that Daum does have some different command line options than the standard DOSBox
  16. Bah. $65 does seem like a risk worth taking, if that's all it will cost. It does seem feasible that a new board would fix the issue.
  17. Yeah, Snes9x is a good choice. Have you tried downloading the latest DirectX and running the update?
  18. Just put out the official 5.7 release to fix that EmuMovies bug. Kept getting notifications about people running into the bug so felt the need to push it out. In better news...I'm currently working on videos in the sidebar in LaunchBox. I have them working, just ironing out the kinks, so you can expect a new beta with videos in the sidebar soon.
  19. I expect that's the emulator, but hard to know for sure without more info.
  20. Wow...that's a really strange error message for that...what the heck. Lol. I was sitting here puzzled. So odd.
  21. Hi @djcarnage, I discovered this bug and fixed it yesterday in a beta release. EmuMovies is choking on any games that have double quotes in the title. So updating to the beta should fix it. I'm hoping to put out an official release with the fix soon. :)
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