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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. I believe Phase 1 lies pretty well outside of the laziness category. Phase 2 may be considered obsessive/compulsive. ;)
  2. New beta is out to fix an issue with the EmuMovies metadata downloading. I'll likely wait a couple days to see if any more bugs appear and then put out another quick official.
  3. Well, apologies if I overlooked it and/or got confused. The trick is that apparently the Steam Link has multiple "modes" with different features supported for each. Or something. Idk. It was all confused because it supposedly worked in LaunchBox but not in Big Box. Since they both used the same code...that didn't make any sense.
  4. Jason Carr


    WOOT! Thank you @AladdinSane, that's a huge help. I think I'll put a blog post up for this soon. :D
  5. There are indeed now. There's a thread around here somewhere to get it added to Bitbucket. :)
  6. Yeah, per the source code, that would be pretty great, agreed. Unfortunately I'm not convinced I could do that without dealing with enormous amounts of piracy. :/
  7. Hehehe, thanks Marc. Anyone who purchased a license any time before November 1st, 2015 already has a forever license. So I expect that you indeed already do have a forever license. :) Just wanted to give people plenty of notice and make 100% sure I wasn't going back on my word with anyone.
  8. NOOOOOOOO!!!! Y'all have ruined my DAY!!!! I just looked at that picture.
  9. That just...you just implied...that... Well now, I feel disgusting. Thanks for that. :P
  10. Lol, you were one of the "SEVERAL PEOPLE". Lols. :P
  11. Not that I know of, unfortunately. Believe it or not, very few people have attempted or asked about the mapper files, so I guess we haven't made any easier way to do it. Feel free to put in a ticket using the Report Issue / Feedback link above. :)
  12. Jason Carr


    Thanks for that @AladdinSane! Any chance you could screenshot the emulator settings for Rocket Launcher and post them here?
  13. Thank you @Viperstrike; I think we do have a ticket somewhere in the issues list about nested sidebar filter options.
  14. Not bad ideas at all. I've had several people mention merch recently. Think it'd be worth putting together some LaunchBox merch?
  15. Great idea, Clive! Sometimes the wackiest ideas turn out to be the greatest.
  16. Great backgrounds, too @alexis524. I'm hoping to get that feature in before the official next version.
  17. Nice! Those sure are pretty...I still need to implement a way to include/create different theme packages.
  18. Thank you guys! I do really like that idea. I haven't researched either feature; I assume it basically just shows random game videos as a screen saver? That's not difficult at all so sounds like a great feature to implement. If one of you wouldn't mind, would you create a ticket for it (click the Report Issue / Feedback link in the header)? Thanks!
  19. Hi @pjburnhill, it does seem that the Steam Link requires XInput. I'm in the process of seeing what it would to add XInput to LaunchBox.
  20. Believe it or not, @WhiteGoblin figured it out: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/troubleshooting/big-box-doesnt-see-controllers-connected-to-steam-link#p9215 Apparently it's simply DirectInput vs. XInput. Seems silly that the Steam Link would only support XInput for games, but that seems to be the issue. I'll look to see how difficult it would be to get XInput added.
  21. I get the impression that Moby changing hands is reason for some of the past drama there, but it's hard to trust what you hear on the Internet, so who knows. I'm in agreement that Moby combined with a good arcade database (that we can include) should be the first priorities. I did include a MAME database (which is used for the new MAME features) in the last couple versions, but it doesn't have everything and I'm guessing isn't as complete as the Arcade-History database. Hopefully going forward we can integrate that data instead, while we wait on the Moby API. I'm not overly familiar with GiantBomb, but I'll review it once we get to that point. :)
  22. Ah, that makes sense @Zombeaver, per the LaunchBox controller support. Per the controller code being different between LaunchBox and Big Box, both LaunchBox and Big Box use the exact same code, pulled from the exact same library. So there's literally nothing different. It's not even duplicated code, so there's zero chance anything *could* be different. The only thing I can figure is that something else in Big Box is interfering with the Steam Link's ability to use the controller. It's pretty odd. One thing to note is that LaunchBox uses traditional Windows Forms as the Windows technology behind it, while Big Box uses WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), which is a more modern technology than Windows Forms, but it's still been around for quite a few years, since Vista came out. So that could be it, but why the Steam Link wouldn't support WPF is beyond me. My only guess is that there are window focus issues when running Big Box over the Steam Link. Neither LaunchBox or Big Box will take game controller input when the window isn't focused, for obvious important reasons (otherwise Big Box would be doing things while you're playing games). Since Windows Forms and WPF are slightly different technologies, that could be it...maybe, idk.
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