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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Hi @samfisher5986, hmmm. You've pretty much tried everything I would suggest, so I'm at a loss. Do the transition effects work properly in Big Box?
  2. Hi @firecraft, there are a few things to try. Unfortunately I've noticed that sometimes the AHK doesn't work properly if you have multiple controllers connected, and set LaunchBox to use all controllers (instead of selecting a specific controller). So try selecting a specific controller and see if that helps. Also, take note that the settings are different between LaunchBox and Big Box. Also try rebooting your machine and/or making sure there aren't any existing AutoHotkey.exe processes running in the Task Manager before starting LaunchBox.
  3. Yeah, we get those all the time, unfortunately. Anti-Virus applications these days are a joke; unfortunately there's nothing I can do about the false positives. All the anti-virus programs do is scare people into spending more money on more anti-virus programs. http://malwaretips.com/blogs/win32evo-gen-susp-virus/ That Win32:Evo-gen is just a generic "we think this might be an issue, but really we have no idea" report.
  4. Hi @Talantyyr, welcome. I didn't realize that Hyperspin already did this; maybe I can look at how Hyperspin did it. There might be a way to do it that I didn't realize. I have said in the past that it's not likely to happen soon, but who knows; might be able to figure out a way to do it.
  5. And another new beta with the updated French translation. Planning to release the 5.2 official tomorrow. :)
  6. Thank you @Wattoo! Got your translations integrated; new beta will be out shortly. I plan to release the official tomorrow.
  7. New beta is out with an updated Brazilian Portuguese translation. :)
  8. No kidding...I keep having to add switches. No thanks, Google. Take your ugly new logo and go home. :P
  9. Wow, those are awesome photos Stimpy. I will say, I love California but Colorado competes pretty well. My brother's near Denver so I get to visit every once in a while. Sorry to everyone else, but I don't want to live in your states. I tried, and they suck. No lol, but really, I grew up in Illinois and I've lived in Ohio as well. That's just not a good idea. Don't live in Illinois or Ohio. You'll regret it. Trust me.
  10. @sagaopc, not sure if you'd be willing to help in this area, but long-term I want to come up with AutoHotkey scripts for most emulators that we can distribute with LaunchBox, that do a few helpful things: - Ensure that Escape works to close the game/emulator - Ensure that the game is immediately shown fullscreen without any windows showing up or any other distractions before the game is shown - Ensure that the game is closed without any windows showing up or any other distractions I know that HyperLaunch does this pretty well, but it's configuration is so convoluted; I'd like to be able to integrate these into LaunchBox so it all just works. It's an eventual goal. Just mentioning it because I see you're pretty knowledgeable with AutoHotkey-style scripting. :)
  11. Thanks @shinra358, I get it now. Sorry I was confused; I keep thinking people are talking about Big Box instead of LaunchBox or vice versa. It's definitely more confusing to discuss now. :) I'll add that arrow key fix to my list.
  12. tony971 said Any chance of folders being used as ROM destinations in 5.2? Or is that part of the "bigger changes/additions?" Hi @tony971, that unfortunately won't make it into 5.2. I've got a pretty long list of things to tackle, so sadly I can't make any promises as to when I can tackle that in particular.
  13. Yeah, definitely. Sounds like a great product if it really does its job well.
  14. Thank you @AFaustini! I'll have a new beta out tonight with the translations.
  15. Ha, thank you @j4syn. Great to hear.
  16. Hehehehe, that's hilarious.
  17. Hi Liam, you have to set the hold button and then the button to use to close out windows. Then you can hold the "hold" button down and press the other button at the same time to close out windows; that's how the AutoHotkey stuff works.
  18. Thanks @shinra358. Per custom filters, I can't reproduce; they seem to be working fine for me. Can you confirm 100%? Can anyone else confirm? Per the keyboard, I assume you mean I didn't make the response time faster like I did with the game controllers? Good point, I'll look into that. I'm surprised about the waiting cursor though; didn't know that was happening.
  19. Yup; no problem at all @AFaustini. Thanks!
  20. Whoops, thanks guys. Re-uploaded the setup, and downloaded it. Should be fine now.
  21. Hey guys, planning on putting out the 5.2 official release this weekend. There have been some minor changes/additions that ideally need translated. The following files have been changed: Strings.resx OptionsForm.resx AddEditForm.resx MainForm.resx BulkEditWizardForm.resx ImportGamesFromSteamWizardForm.resx EmulatorForm.resx Some of these may not have any real changes; I just know that the files have changed since the last official release. Also, if you can, here are the release notes that could use translating: New "Hide" field on games allows you to hide games from your collection Additional support for emulators that work only by file name without extension (Sega Model 2 Emulator for example) Big Box can now be filtered by fields other than platform Thank you guys very much. :)
  22. Put out a couple new betas today. Quite a few bug fixes, but no new features. I plan to release 5.2 official this weekend, barring any major bugs showing up. Then after the 5.2 release, hopefully we can make some bigger changes/additions.
  23. Glad to hear it @leocrv. Thanks much. I'll promise one thing, LaunchBox will never have that #$@#$#% in the installer.
  24. Looks like the command line options are detailed here: http://fms.komkon.org/ColEm/ColEm.html#LABI What command line options are you using? Should hopefully just be a matter of figuring those out.
  25. Hi @leocrv and @wraslor. Big Box uses the Windows built-in media player functionality, which supports the same formats as Windows Media Player. That means that if WMP plays it, Big Box will. By default, WMP will not play flv files but I believe if you install a codec it will. I've had good luck with codec packs in the past, such as this one: http://shark007.net/index.html I have not reviewed that download lately though, so be careful about adware, etc.
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